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Hi.  I know I have no updated like months and months ago.  I have been busy as always.  And yes indeed I have lost many visitors.  But that is alright.  But anyways it is a Saturday night and I don't usually write something at this time... It's 10:21 at night and I got home from work not too long ago.  Just thought perhaps I should drop a line.  As a matter of fact, I should be in bed by now.  I have a cold and I am exhausted!  I'm just really really sick.  I feel really really sick.  I think I am going to die.... Long story.  There is much to tell you, but I do not know where to begin.  I do not know how much to share either.  There is personal stuff that I wish to keep to myself, yet there is much that I want others to know.  It feels good to let someone know about you life at times.... If you know what I mean.  I am just feeling really horrible right now.  I am going to go right o bed as soon as Steve gets out of the shower.  Bu anyways I seem to be coping with my job at King Wah and the library pretty well.  I am dealing with school and a tons of other things also pretty well too.  The bad thing about it, though is that I am not getting my sleep that I need to lead a healthy life... I am somewhat watching "It's A Wonderful Life."  So I would like to end this entry for today.  Until Next Time.... (This phrase is from Adnaan... where ever you are .... I am still wondering....)
Thoughts posted on the 7th of December 2002 @ 10:46pm

Happy Halloween!  Sorry I have not updated for a while... Just been busy lately... Just wishing all of you guys a Happy Halloween!  Be safe! :-p

Hi.  I feel so tired. lol.  I have the PSAT's tomorrow.  Pray for me.. wish me luck!  LOL.. even though I know I won't do good on it or whatever.  But anyways...  I had a long weekend.  This perhaps will explain why I am indeed so tired.  Wednesday night, I stayed up till nearly one doing my debate paper for morality class.  Amy showed up Thursday night.. lol.. and we hung around for a little bit.  Had nothing to do, so went to see Tony at St. Ignatius, since they had there open house thing  going on.  He was surprised I guess. lol.... Shopped at the Ignatius bookstore....-- Amy bought $50 worth of stuff. lol.  (WOW)  Of course me.. .  I didn't see anything I wanted, so didn't buy anything.  Friday, had to wake up at 6.  Amy decided to go to Columbus, and visit Ohio State University.  Nice two hour drive there....   The school is big... yes we did indeed got lost.  lol.  The dorms are small though. :-/  And the requirements to get into the school is EASY.  Yes it's easy... it's less than what Beaumont required of us.  So I don't know if I will be going there or not... but that is a choice if there is no other places.  If I don't see anywhere else I want to go or if things just change....  Definitely not my first choice. lol... The tour was at 9 and we made it just five minutes before the tour started. lol.  Afterwards, we went down to Downtown Columbus.  Nice city...  Shopped at City Center... lol... Amy bought $132.18 worth of clothes at XXI... Whew!! lol..  I did see something that I wanted, but they had small  or large.  Therefore they did not have the size I needed, which was a medium.   I saw two cute shirts.. one of them Amy found it... the colors were so pretty... but yeah they didn't have the size so i didn't get anything.  The store is really nice.. has some really good clothes.   And of course Amy heard of this store from her online friends... Kevin or Andy or Jim or whoever.  LOL.. so she's pretty excited.  Afterwards, went to pick up Roger and of course we got lost. lol.  But eventually found our way back.  Left Columbus at about 2:30 and got back to Cleveland around 5.  WOW... of course I didn't make it to work... so I didn't work and made up the hours on Saturday.  Also making up another hour next Saturday... so it's all good. :-d  Thank God, the boss is really nice. :)  Roger spent a few hours over here.  It was nice to see him.   I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!   And then Saturday, I had to wake up at 8... for work... Got out at 4:30 coz I had to make up hours. lol.  Roger picked me up so I can get a lift to Bryers Field, for the Ignatius-Ed game.  ( I think I spelled the field's name wrong).  Later ended up finding out that the guys didn't go out to dinner before hand and that Ying couldn't make it... lol oh thanks he should of called me earlier, so Roger didn't have to come and get me... But it's alright.. I got to spend about an hour with him... just sitting in the car. lol.  Well he got me lunch.. coz I was hungry also. lol. :) so that's cool.  The he dropped me off and I met up with Steve... well he dropped me off at Parma town... where Steve was.  Met up with him and then walked to the field.  I was on the Ignatius side, so I was with Tony and Steve.  The rest was with Ed's. LOL.  Mike and Rix couldn't make it because of work.  Manny was on the team, Ed's side of course.. So it left Tony, and I on the Ignatius side... (Amy showed up way later... when the game was almost over... also on Ignatius's side)  And then with John, Jen, Sandy (Jen's friend), and Simon on the other side.  Azema, John's cousin was around on the Ignatius side... so I hear but she did not sit around us.   Ignatius won the game!  It was 29-2!  I think it was 29... lol coz i am also thinking it might of have been 22.  I was so tired... of standing, shouting and cheering especially after a day's of work.  After wards... haha the funny part... we left the fields and decided to go to Friday's for dinner.   We were supposed to make a right turn but instead we made a right and walked all the way around the mall. LOL!  And then I started to jog... which made everyone jog. lol.  Yes and we finally made it to Friday's, but that place was so packed, we left and went to Perkins in Brooklyn right across from Sam's Club.  There was the six of us coz Jen and Sandy didn't come... and Manny went home.  So it was Tony, Simon, John, Steve, Amy and I... I got to talk to Kevin, one of Amy's online friends on the way to Perkins. LOL... one thing i gotta say about him is that he sure does say alot of "WOW's" lol... we (me and Amy ) were telling him about the game and I was telling him a little about me.. and he was like WOW. lol.  Amy had two fones with her.  She had no more minutes on hers, so she used one of her cousin's or whatever... and haha her phone kept on ringing... while she was talking to Kevin.. lol... It was funny coz the waitress was like yeah would u like the phone up front also and add in a fax machine? lol... so yes we had dinner... left and then went home.  The game ended about 9:30.  Got to Perkin's about 10:15.  Didn't get home till about 12.  This was  a fun night.  The guys are really sweet buddies. :-D  That was Saturday night... I was so tired... i was dead!!!  I got home, showered really quick, checked my Email... etc.. and then hit the sack... man i didn't wake up till like 11! lol.. and I still felt so tired... Roger stopped by ... I wanted to give him a big bear hug before he left for Columbus. lol  So yes I got to work on my paper and got it to about three pages and two lines... I needed four pages and I wanted it to be at the end of four pages...but that didn't happened and so I ended up staying till about one in the morning working on it last night... trying to type stuff... I absolutely did not know what to say in the paper... so I had trouble with it.  And then I had to work the night shift... I did not get home till about 9pm last night, from work that is.  lol  Kent is such a sweet guy... I had my jacket on and I do have to admit ... it was quite chilly out.  He asked if I was cold.. and I said a little bit.. and so he turned on the heat (in the car) for me... even though I told him he didn't have to.  So there ... that pretty much sums up my long weekend.. I absolutely did not do any HW.... lol... except for that English thing, of course.  Well I am going to get going now... PSAT's tomorrow.. so I am gonna try and get some HW done and also get some sleep... My fingers are cold too! lol... see you guys. 
Thoughts posted on the 14th of October 2002 @ 7:33pm

Hi. I feel so free... well actually free from school work. My debate research paper was turned in, so I do not have to work on that over the three day weekend! Yes three day weekend! Tomorrow is teacher professional work day or whatever, so I have a free day, which is really awesome! :-D I actually have alot to tell you. It's Thursday. lol. Okay Last week, I guess is where I should start. Saturday was Fall Fling... And yes I went. I had a good time. :) I met Joey during Lunch break. Went home after work (3) to shower and then got ready well sort of. Joey offered to give me a ride to Maria's. That's very nice of him. So okay I went to meet him at the station. He went to his place first so he can get changed and then we went over to Maria's I was so nervous!! LOL. I mean I do not know what I am doing. But anyways, just to sum it all up it was a wonderful night. :-D THANKS to especially Mrs Iannucci, Maria, and Joey. Thanks for making Fall Fling a great night for me! That was Saturday. Maria, I loved the dress... Your mom did a great job!! :-D THANKS THANKS THANKS. And then Sunday was a normal day again. Roger is well. :) Our relationship is better now.... wish he would just tell me stuff instead of getting pissed or upset at random things. Well not random things, but just things in general. Again- Communication is needed. :) So hope you do realize that. Monday-normal day. Tuesday was the Volleyball home game, so I offered to help Lindsay and Maria take pictures for Yearbook, since I was staying till 4:30 anyways. I hope those pictures turned out well, because I do know what I would do if they didn't. :( I'll feel so helpless and not useful. Something horrible happened Tuesday night. I have been having problems with my locker for a while. Well I gave up and decided to put paper in the lock, so that it would not lock up. And I only had that since the Powder Puff football game, which was Friday before the dance. Well it's less than a week, and someone has already gotten a hold on my locker! I am a bit pissed and yet I do not know what I am supposed to feel. I am speechless.... well this is what happened. I left school at 4:30 pm and left the candy in my locker and the next morning at 7:40am, the money and half of the candy was missing. Hell people are scandelous at Beaumont. I got to say no matter how rich or poor, or how good a school is, people are still scandelous. PEOPLE go buy your own candy. Go work. What's wrong with you? So darn lazy. No wonder Americans are known to be "lazy" by other countries. It's a shame.... Well I told Maria about it and I dunno why I did this, but I just started to cry.:( I practically cried like the whole day. My eyeballs were so tired out by 6 in the evening...which normally does not happen. I dunno why I cried... I cry at the stupidest reasons sometimes... I wish i was stronger inside... but somehow I turned out not to be that strong. Remember Stephanie Jones from last year? She went to VASJ? I think. I am not even sure.. well I talked to her and forgot what she told me. I talked to her just once during this whole junior year. Well I know why she moved. Beaumont people are just not the kindest people around in this world. I wish she was still around. At least I would have someone to chit chat with. I feel lost and confused. I do not know what I am doing. No I feel as though people do not accept me in their groups. I don't feel like the welcome me into their group of friends. I have absolutely no friends at Beaumont. No wonder I have more guy friends than gal pals. Seems that I get along better with them than the girls. On the brighter side... Tony got me tickets to the St Ed. And Iggy game this coming Saturday. As of now I do know if i can go or not. However I will definetly know by tonight. :) I have to work on Saturday night. Evidently Saturday night is also the night of Lakewood's homecoming. Guy and Shane goes to Lakewood school and thus they will not be able to work for me. Lisa, Ed's daughter has plans that night and so therefore that leaves Vicki to work alone. I do not want her to work alone, but yet I still want to go. Well I want to go and at the same time I would like to help her out. But anyways, I will not know until tonight. I called King Wah last night and Ed said to call him back and he will see what he can do. Pray that I will be able to get a day off. I really want to go. :-/ It'll be fun. Ying is coming. Mike and Rix might not be able to because they have to work. We are going out to dinner before the game, so that will be kind of cool. hmmm, like I said I have tomorrow off. I do not know what I am doing tho. Sunday I am working. Saturday hopefully I get the night shift off and then go to the game. I am however working at the library. I have to call the Cleveland Food Bank tonight and schedule to meet with Nancy Newman so I can do service at the Cleveland Food Bank. It is required for Junior year. So that's another thing on my things to do list. That's all I can remember that happened over the past week or few days... (don't remember the last time that I posted) Sorry for not posting. I have been so busy. Junior year is a busy year! I sort of do believe it now. Oh one more thing before I leave: Tristan, Hi. Thanks for signing my guestbook. It is nice to have you as a friend. I feel that we do much in common... and be more positive- it'll help me... and of course help you more. :-p Thanks for your friendship and accepting me as your friend. :) Okay bye guys! Time to go home! (I'm at school) Enjoy the days to come!!!
Thoughts posted on the 10th of October 2002 @ 3:56pm

One day... I probably will die of depression and loneliness....   
On the Brighter note... I am going to Fall Fling....  Very nervous.  I do not know what I am doing.  I am also taking  my driving test tomorrow... Very nervous. Overall I  feel nervous, alone, and depressed.  Upset... Just upset I do not know why.... I just feel sad...  I just want to CRY... even though I am listening to this upbeat music.... I feel so sad ... I don't know why... that sometimes i just can't handle it anymore .... one day I'll collapse and fall......
Thoughts posted on the 4th of October 2002 @ 8:30pm

Hi... There has been much that occured over the past 2 weeks? lol.  I know i haven't updated much.. and that's because I have been doing other stuff... work, school, updating this page. (as you can see, the new layout)  A big THANKs to Kaela..... I appreciate what you have done for me. :)  Well just a little hi.. i will try to let you know what is going on another time, for i have to go now b/c i am going out  tomorrow to get some stuff at the stores.. and then after that I have to go to work ... so therefore I need my beauty sleep and HW done...  I know people have been visiting..... Mysterious ones... please feel free to leave a comment or just drop me a line to say hi. :)  Cya around! 
Thoughts posted on the 29th of September 2002 @ 10:18pm

Another week has passed.  I can barely believe that the first quarter of the school year ends in about a month.  Well anyways... I thought I would update the page since I have not done so in a while.  I have only English and History HW to do... so basically it gives me a little time update.  Not much have been going on lately.  I have not yet decided if I am going to Homecoming/Fall Fling or not.  I think I should, but then again, I don't think I should... or well let me say it this way... I should go b/c I'll have the time of my life.. (yeah right)  and I should not go b/c I haven't gotten my dress yet.... no ride and so on and so forth..  Maria wants me to go. :-D  I don't know yet... if I go... of course I'll let you know... and I told her who I might ask this year. ;)  So if I do go, it'll be kind of cool. :)   Will explain when I get things figured out.   As of now you're left to wonder. :-p  I am listening to Avril Lavigne and Pink while writing to you... Well I'll write more later I guess... Talk to you soon! 
Thoughts posted on the 17th of September 2002 @ 7:29pm

Hey. It's Freaky Friday the 13th! lol. This morning I found white powder that smelled like soap on my folder. :-/ Hope it's not anthrax.... LOL i was scared for a while until I have realized that it was freaky friday the 13th. (duh) lol. I am currently at school right now. Lunch time. lol. I'm extremely tired out. I can't wait to get home.. lol. yeah right i gotta go to work right afterwards(i wish). Then finally I get to go home by 6:10! Yeah. Roger offered to pick me up: Thanks. :) Okie doke, I have a quiz in Hns American History. Wish me luck! :-p
Thoughts posted on the 13th of September 2002 @ 1:19pm

Today is the first year anniversary of September 11th.  I feel lucky to be alive, because one of the airplanes...flight 83?  (Do no remember which one it was.)  did in fact fly by Cleveland, but ended up in Penn.  We are on high alert, which is a orange code, one code below a red code, which is the "dangerous" kind of thing.  It is kind of scary.   Well as of now... my prayers are for the victims, the dead who died this day, and everyone that was affected by this tragic event.  God Bless America.....  Well, back to normal life... today went smoothly.  It is quite amazing ... .it does not feel that a year has passed since the events of 911.  The library, of course was open, so I had to go in today. hehe... just means more money I guess.  There was a prayer service at school today, which went well. :)  The only bad thing about today ... I lost my pencil  (sadly again).  I must of dropped it on my way out of HR, b/c  I remember having it in homeroom, and left it my books.  Then I remember seeing it on my way back (so I think).  We did not have class in English.  Well we had some reflections and group conversations on the events that was going on... (911)   So that was the day.  I am currently listening to music as of now... going to work on HW soon.  I hope they don't have stuff going on like more terrorist attacks and hi jackings, so I hear.  This world is turning into something unknown.  One day it is going to collapse if things continue the way the y are (war). 
Thoughts posted on the 11th of September 2002 @ 8:19pm

Hi. I am on ILT right now... Independant Study Time... It's really basically a study hall. I have Morality HW to do...but I actually do not feel like working on it. lol. Well I started, but stopped. Things are going alright. I will be putting up a new layout design as soon as I can work on it. lol. (duh) School is taking up a whole bunch of my time. Kaela, if you are intereseted, you can help me. I have already collected the pictures, so that is that good part about that. I sort of really wanted a design that I did myself, but I do not think that is going to work out unil summer vacation comes again... or I can work on it during the course of the school year and have the layout up by summer or spring. lol. No guarantees though. I decided that the theme will be "Time." Okie doke. Going back to work. :/  
Thoughts posted on the 10th of September 2002 @ 10:18pm

I am still at school as of right now. As of now the clock reads 4:17pm. My mom will be here in about 15 minutes and I should be out of here! Yeah. :) Not much as of now. I thought I would update since I have nothing else better to do. I have already checked my email and Utopia. No one wrote me back yet... meaning Scott ( pal) and Luan (that guy that was in town a few weeks ago. So I had no one to respond to. I have already finished my math HW! That's one HW out of my way! Yeah! lol. I still have others though, but hopefully they won't take up my whole night, so I can upload pictures for Kaela to see. :) I think I am going to make a "school section" and start taking pictures of school projects? lol... or posting papers? OH BY THE WAY: PLEASE NOTE: The tag board is not the guestbook! The guestbook is on the left hand side of the page, right under the picture of the tree! Please take note of that. I have asked someone to sign my guestbook, but they signed the tagboard first. lol. But, other wise yes, that is something to look out for. :) Thanks!  
Thoughts posted on the 3rd of September 2002 @ 4:22pm

I am depressed... So much have been going on.. personal and non-personal.  Maria, where are you?  Couple of days ago Luan told me that I was probably stressed.  In fact maybe I am.  HW, work-school, King Wah and library ... and the boyfriend stuff.  As of now I am just really upset ... about to cry ....  Where are you?  When I need you the most, you're not there, but when I don't necessary need you, you are there.  Goodnite to the world RIP. 
Thoughts posted on the 31st of August 2002 @ 11:52pm

Hi.  It's been a few days since  I have been updating.  Not much to tell you as of now.  Same as usual-BUSY.  However I want to say thanks to Kaela for helping me with a few things!!  Your help was greatly appreciated!!  Second, just wanna say sorry about not being able to meet up with Luan.  I just talked to him online and thus far, he is well safe and sound back in Louisiana again.  Hope you come back to visit soon!! It was really nice to see ya. :)  And third just a big shout out to all those who I have not gotten a chance to talk to b/c of my busy schedule.  I have been hitting the sack quite early these few days because I was just so tired.... you don't even know.  I was like dead.  I usually stay up till about 12/1.  But these past few days I have been going to bed at like 11. lol.  "WOW", eh? lol  I get my first paycheck this friday! Yeah I am a bit excited to see how much I will be getting paid! MUCH I hope!   Update on website: as of now everything is on hold until I get some time on my hands to fix up a few things every now and then, hopefully. lol.   So if you visit, you will probably see the same stuff over and over again except this journal section, of course.  The first thing I would probably work with would be the "Random,"  the fact that there is nothing there as of now.  Well That's about it.  I probably will be doing Race For the Cure... so if you wanna meet me, come!  It's for a great cause, so it's worth it!  That's the latest as of now.  Thank God for the Labor day weekend!! I defiantly need it! 
Thoughts posted on the 28th of August 2002 @ 7:26pm

Another week has gone by and I already started school two days ago.  It is alright.  I am still in my "summer" kind of a mood, if you know what I mean.  I have Morality first block, American Lit second block, Math III third block and then finally Honors American History fourth block.  That honors class is taking up a whole bunch of my time b/c I have to read about what a chapter every other day and then do some guidebook work?  Yuck.  And work is keep me busy now a days.  I get my first pay check next week!!! FRIDAY!! yes a bit excited!!  This is going to be awesome!!  Busy busy busy with a whole bunch of stuff.  One of my friends that is in town is going back... so I do not really know what to do coz .. I have school now and can not meet up with people anymore.  Well that's it for now.  Shout out to all of my friends!!!!!
Thoughts posted on the 23rd of August 2002 @ 9:56pm

Well I have about hmmm three days for me to get my summer reading and paper done!  Lol.  Sorry I could not update often due to my busy schedule now a days.  I will even be more busier than before since school will be starting shortly.  Not much tonite.  Just talking to people and resting since I got back from work not to long ago.  Also listening to music. :)  Nothing really much to say currently.  Oh BTW I met a few people this week that I haven't seen for a while.  First there's Patty.  I saw her on my way to work.  Kent had to stop by Li Wah and she was there.  Boy does she look different! She dyed her hair.  It looks pretty.  :)  And then there's Vuong Vo and Luan who I haven't seen ever since fourth grade but the sad thing is that I missed them when they stopped by over at a friend's house.  So don't know what's up with them, but as far as I am concerned they are around. lol.  I found out from a friend about this one.  Other wise everything else is the same as usual.   I still can't believe I start so darn early!! But then again maybe i ought not feel so bad coz Iggy starts on the 21st, which is a Wednesday.
Thoughts posted on the 18th of August 2002 @ 10:35pm

Hi. I can't believe that school will start in about a 15 days!!! I have so much to do! Books to read! Papers to write!! Pages to update and fixed! ARGH. School ahhhh Too much work in school!!! Also I recently got a call from the library. They said I can start on the 12th of Monday!! Yeah now I can actaully start making some dough!!!! Isn't that great or what!!?? Haha. Well I might also be getting a domain or hosted else where. But as of right now I haven't decided on that yet because of many reasons. Who doesn't love angelfire!? =p lol... well i am not getting that much hits right now because i have been changing layouts after layouts. When school begins again I can only update when I have time.... now that I have a part-time job... i wil be BUSY BUSY BUSY! Well This is all i got to say for now. I might not be able to update on this journal often due to my busy schedule, but i'll update when i can!! See ya guys around!! :) Also Thanks to all those who have signed the guestbook and tag board for me!!! Really appreciate it!
Thoughts posted on the 6th of August 2002 @ 4:58pm

Well, I got the tag board up and running. I also have the link graphic if you would like to use that to link me. My webcam doens't work though b/c it only works in Windows 98, ME, 2000. There are two new photos in the photo section. Still working on the graphics and my photo album. Well I think that's the latest updates thus far. Nothing new over here. Tomorrow, i'm going to the gravity games! =D Wow a week has flew by so quick!!!!
Thoughts posted on the 2nd of August 2002 @ 10:47am

hi.  It's Thursday!!!  Okay not much going on here.   I took out that flash-enter thing on the main page coz there were some problems.   So now the page loads faster and smoothly.  Going to the Gravity Games this coming Saturday!  Yeah.  And thanks Kali, for linking me. :)  That's about it for now.   Just been adding and changing alot of stuff around on my site.  Please sign the guestbook, i don't have a tag board yet, but might get one. :)  Just coz everyone else has one lol. =p.  Adios.
Thoughts posted on the 1st of August 2002 @ 11:55am

hey again.. School starts again on August 22nd. :-/ I started my summer reading last nite. Haha I did not get very far either. Not much to say right except, I am learning on how to work with html and graphic designing programs. It's nifty. I love them. :) Alrighy I'll catch up with you guys later.
Thoughts posted on the 23th of July 2002 @ 4:11pm

I am crying. I have been crying for the past two days, well maybe except yesterday. I am hurt....
Thoughts posted on the 6th of July 2002

Well today if Friday the 28th.  I feel bad that Rog. had cancelled work to go see Scooby Doo with me.  But now I can't go see it b/c doing stuff with bro. :(    Not much right now.  Just waiting for him to come pick me up.  Lol.  He said he was going to at 1:30.  But called and said D. wasn't home yet from the grocery store.  So he's waiting for her to get home before he can leave her house or something like that.  Well he said it'll prolly be about an hour and 15 minutes, which would be about 3.  But he called again and said that D. still wasn't home and did not know what was taking her.  So he said he'll now have to pick Steve up first since he told Steve that he'll pick him up around 3 or 4. lol.  And yes here i am waiting.  And he said he'll be late.  Rog.  is taking his nap, so I can't bother him.   I am getting a little bored.  I hate the way things don't work out the way I want them too. Argh.
Thoughts posted on the 28th of June 2002 @ 4:14pm

Hi Everyone,  Here's the new format for this journal page.  :)  Not much right for now.  My brother is in town this weekend + fourth of July weekend.   Family lunch on Sunday.  Friday-going to see Scooby Doo.  Well I might.  I do not know what is going on just yet, besides that I will be working in the morning from 9-noon.  Well catch ya later.
Thoughts posted on the 27th of June 2002 @ 8:19pm

I finally got more stuff put up on my webpage and I think it's looking good! :) Enjoy! Yesterday the 15th I went to Six Flags and it was raining. Yuck. But the day was nice. It could've been better without the rain. Alrighty I gotta jet for now. Cya guys!
Thoughts posted on the 16th June 2002

Welcome to my new Website!
Thoughts posted on the 7th of June 2000