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my story links!

here are the 12 best stories on the web.I have read a lot of stories and I picked out the ones I thought were:

1.most creative 2.well written 3.have the best plot 4.keeps my interest 5.has HANSON in it duh!

My Favorite Links

Ike`s lady love-pretty cool
ups and downs-a really good one
zac drumroll please... this is the story of the year, Tulsa 74132
some changes are good, one of the first hanson stories ever put on the web
alexis`s hanson stories-really good
secrets from above-I love it!
the crossed lives of the rich and famous-a zac story
Moonbop-this is a really cool story! thanks kayla!
Diana`s hanson stories-chances are is a good story
something kinda funny,something else kinda funny, and not so sweet seventeen
the last time we said goodnight.
walls-a very very sad story, but very very good.
