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Light's Embrace

I close my eyes to the darkness that
seems to circle and swirl
Seeming to surround without a sound
Binding in its silence of blindness
That has a goal of directness
With its seemingness of directionless
straight to the heart
leaving us in emptiness
I close my eyes to the emptiness of darkness
to focus inward with directness
to see the brightness
that comes from within
A lightness that shines
with beckoning

Light is reflected off the world of stars
All calling out in countless voices
An ocean of suns without count
A ray of light departs before my sight
Allowing me the view of a pathway
that spirals up into the heavens

The Light
All Warm and Beckoning
There to guide one on the Path
Of Righteousness
Without a hints of Judgement
The Golden hue
Always seems to hold true
Whether one is blue
Sick with the ague
Stuck like glue
in the elements of Life
The Light is there Shining Waiting,
for one to take the Important step

The Light, washes over me
Bathing me in its Glory
Burdens of the past are washed away
There are no scores to be settled
There is no anger or hurt
There are no words of curtness

Freely floating
A being of Light
have I become
at this exact moment
I spread my large wings of Light
and glorify in my freedom
Knowing that I am no longer bound
That there is no one to hound
That there is no burden to hold me down
There is nothing to hold me to the ground
Freedom is glorious
I sing aloud
in praises

Far off
Far away
There is a persistent
noise that attempts to persuade
that tugs with insistence
that will not be denied
I hear a persistent sound
coming from a certain town
I see a dimming in the light
as each star begins to wink
and I am no longer at a certain height
As I feel a heaviness in my wings
as they begin to shrink
as I become material
to be limited in existence
I try to resistence

I know that in spirit
I will never be limited
for my spirit will never be inhibited
Therefore I am forever alive
In the Light forever to thrive
Feeling its embracing Love
written by:
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