~My Oath To You~
When you are sad,.............I will dry your tears.
When you are scared,..........I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried,.........I will give you hope.
When you are confused,........I will help you cope.
And when you are lost,........And can't see the light.
I shall be your beacon........Shining ever so bright.
This is my oath...............I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?..............Because you're my friend
*Thank God For Friends*
God sends us many blessings
from the heavens up above,
He gives us peace and gladness
and the dear ones that we love.
He cheers us with the shining sun
and He makes the flowers grow,
He gives us beautiful rainbows
and the special faith they show
He gives the gift of friendship
while He teaches us to share,
And He blesses us with special friends,
so we can show how much we care.
author unknown
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Background & Graphics bybonita*ladeebon*(2000-2001)