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undefined Freebird56's Angelpage Awards

Free Guestbook by Guestpage

The Following Awards Have Been Presented to Me
For My Angelpage (Name has been changed to "Whispers of Love")

This is my first award for my Angelpage
Thank You Jayme~!

Thank You Janis for this Beautiful Award

Thank You Lady Enoon
for leaving in my guestbook
such a lovely award ~*S*~

Thanks Lyn

Such Beauty~! Thanks Teresa *S*

Award Given from: Jessica Rothrock, aka Fairy PandaBear~
Thanks Jessica~! This award is so special to me. *S*

Thank you for your kindness!

Thank you Bruce!

Presented to me on May 18th, 2000
From: Bobbie, Rick & Rasky
Your new found friendship means so much to me!
Thank you so much!

May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings,
slow to make enemies, and quick to make friends.
But rich or poor, quick or slow,
may you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward.
~*~Thanks Tammy for this special saying.~*~

Special Thanks to Jackie Capps of.....
(Personality Creations and All

Congratulations! You have an exceptional website.
I am proud to present you my Heavenly Site Award.
Special Thanks to Eternity~!

All content/Graphics©2000 byFreebird56/Linda.
All rights reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.