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The following Awards were given to me for my Angelpage.
I have changed the name to
Whispers of Love as of October, 2004.
To everyone who was so kind to
present me with these wonderful Awards....

Thanks Susan~!

Special Thanks to Ambher aka Mounty Amiithist
aka Spirit Amiithist

Thank you Rosa!
Your kindness is much appreciated


Thanks Kat~!

Your web page has just won "The Great Site Award ",
a very prestigious award for extraordinary
effort in web page design.
Only a select few have had the honor of
receiving this award in the past
and you may now consider yourself
to be one of the honorary elite.

Presented to me from
SiberianTigerWoman on July 10th, 2000

Thank you Dawn for such a beautiful Award.

Bren thought I deserved two of her beautiful awards~!
A special thank you, to Bren.

~Have checked out your beautiful site,
and feel that you deserve my award!~
Thank you so much SweetHeartOnlys.

I loved your angel page!
You have done an excellent job.
Thanks Gail, this award is very special to me.

I have gone to your site and
have found my heart has been
truly warmed and blessed.
It is my pleasure to award you
with my heavenly site award.
~Cathy M'ericier/Island Princess~

I visited your web site today and I think you have done a FANTASTIC job!
Therefore, it gives me great pleasure presenting you with my award.
Congratulations and keep up your great work!

Congratulations! We have reviewed your site
and found it to be beautiful as well as loving.
Please accept this award on behalf of us at
Touch of Heaven for a great website.

Award presented by:

Please email me if you would like to honor me with your award

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All content/Graphics©2000 byFreebird56/Linda.
All rights reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.