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Big O premiers on Toonami.
The brand new Anime on Toonami, (Cartoon Network) is premiering Monday, April 2nd at 5:30. IT will be replacing the Anime Batman (Thank God -__-; ).

Final Fantasy IX Rated Tops.
Final Fantasy IX, was rated the top selling game of the year. If sales continue to rise, then Final Fantasy IX is guarenteed the title, "Best PSX Game of 2001". Also, Final Fantasy VIII, was rated Best Seller of 2000. You can look forward to Final Fantasy X, which was press stated to be realeased November 10th.

Gundam Wing airs on Toonami.
The Anime Gundam Wing, which has aired on Toonami sence the creation of it, was recently taken off air. The show played a good five years, but workers at Toonami decited to replace it with the show, Batman. Due to public demand, Gundam Wing was once again released, and played it's first show on March the 9th.