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Welcome to the Banjo-Kazooie Characer information page. Here I have a little something on each of the main characters from Banjo Kazooie. Enjoy!

- The Characters -

Banjo - A honey bear with a great passion for sleeping, swimming, and even a little dancing if the mood takes him. He's just a happy go lucky kind of bear. His continous struggle to keep his best friend Kazooie under control goes on throughout the game. Banjo's certainly never been afraid of haring off on an adventure, and has always lended a helping hand to a friend in need.

Kazooie - The best friend and main character of the honey bear, Banjo, Kazooie sure seems to keep everything a little high-strung! This breegull seems to always keep her loud-mouth in action. In fact, some of the battles in the game Banjo-Kazooie are started by Kazooie herself! Anyone who pushes Kazooie around had better be able to defend themselves, because not only can Kazooie reply back with a smart-ass comment, but she makes up most of the attacks in the game!

Tooty - Banjo's little sister, as cute, sweet and innocent as Kazooie is loud, brash and shameless. Looking after Tooty is a full-time job for Banjo, as she tends to wander off as soon as his back's turned. In fact, the whole plot line of Banjo-Kazooie is due to Tooty's mischief. She wanders from Banjo's house one morning, and is kidnapped by Gruntilda, ( Grunty wanted Tooty's youth to make herself young and beautiful again ). While Tooty was kidnapped, Banjo, her older brother, was asleep in the house. Although Tooty is not seen much in the game, she is one of the main characters.

Gruntilda - She's selfish, spiteful and nasty, and since the day she realised that only her sister, Brentilda had inherited the family's good looks. Gruntilda has been on a mission to make herself attractive by stealing the beauty of other people. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to realise that she'll always be ugly on the inside - or at least, if she does, she really could care less! Grunty is full of magic spells, and in the end, it's an all-out battle, to the death!

Bottles - This chirpy little mole has always been a good friend to Tooty, but until now has tended to avoid Banjo because of the unnecessarily loud company he keeps. With Tooty snatched from under his nose and swept off to Gruntilda's Lair, though, Bottles is prepared to do all he can to help, even if that means putting himself on the receiving end of Kazooie's raucous banter! Bottles provides in teaching the egg-spitting bear in bird a few of his moves. If fact, without bottles to teach his special moves, all Banjo and Kazooie could do would be to walk and jump!

Mumbo - Once upon a time this mysterious shaman was Gruntilda's teacher, although he wisely doesn't talk about it these days. Confronting his pupil when he began to suspect that she was putting his magic to bad use, he found that it was already too late: the witch's parting gift as she fled was to freeze Mumbo's face into a mask of horror, to remain that way until she's finally overthrown. Mumbo gladly helps Banjo and Kazooie along in the game, by transforming them into Animals, or objects, if needed. He has high-hopes to help them beat Grunty - so he can take off the mask that was put on his face!

Brentilda - Gruntilda's sister is the witch's opposite in every way, and a far better person for it. Brentilda is determined to put a stop to her sibling's selfishness, but even her fairy godmother powers aren't strong enough to get her through to the very top of the Lair. So she strives for the next best thing and sides with Banjo and Kazooie, determined to give them all the help she can - she tells Banjo and Kazooie secrets about Grunty and her past. It's best to listen to her too, because the only way you can beat Grunty in the end is to know all about her...