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Banjo World
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Want to know all the items you can collect in the game? Or want to know every feature you can activate? Well here is a list of them all for you! ^_^

Honeycomb Energy - These tastey tidbits are full of honey-flavored goodness and will restore one block of energy on your health meter.

Red Feathers - Combined with a Flight Pad, these feathers will allow you to fly. Each high-powered flap of Kazooie's wings will use one feather. You can carry up to 100.

Start/Exit Pads - The Start/Exit Pads are the gateways between each world in Gruntilda's lair. You can enter and exit any world at any time.

Flight Pads - If you have Red Feathers in your inventory, then step on a Flight Pad to take off into the wild blue yonder.

Musical Notes - Each world contains 100 notes. If you exit a world before you collect them all, you'll have to start over when you return.

Jinjos - Five of these colorful crooners are in each world. Rescue all five to win a Jiggy. If you exit before all are rescued, then you'll lose them all.

Golden Banjos - Everyone's favorite hero has been immortalized in gold. Collect one Golden Banjo to gain one extra life.

Beehives - Break open beehives for one more piece of Honeycomb Energy. In later worlds, the bees will chase you.

Wading Boots - The Wading Boots will protect your tender tootsies as you plod through the toxic waters and slippery sand in some worlds.

Eggs - Bottles will show you how to use eggs to fight and to solve puzzles. You'll be able to shoot them and lay them, as needed.

Gold Feathers - Gold Feathers will make you invincible temporarily. Bottles must teach you how to use them first, however. You can carry up to 10 at a time.

Shock Jump Pads - Use these pads to jump higher and farther than normal. If you find a Shock Jump pad, it's usually required to complete a certain task.

Witch Switches - Use the Beak Buster to activate Witch Switches. They will usually cause Jiggys to appear somewhere in Gruntilda's Lair.

Jiggys - Jiggys are hidden thoughout the worlds and in Gruntilda's Lair. Collect them to complete the picture puzzles to open new worlds. You'll find 10 Jiggys per world.

Mumbo Tokens - Collect these tokens and give them to Mumbo. In return, he'll change your shape. Different spells will require different numbers of tokens.

Honeycomb Pieces - You'll find 2 Honeycomb Pieces in each world. Collect six of them to increase your health meter by one Honeycomb.

Molehills - Bottles has burrowed his way through the different worlds in Gruntilda's Lair. If you need advice or instructions on a new move, look for Bottles.

Running Shoes - If baby needs some new swoosh, then try these on for size. Once you slip into these sleek little numbers, you'll be able to run like the wind.