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Banjo and Kazooie aren't limited to just simple moves like walking and jumping. Throughout their adventure, Bottles will teach them new moves that often will combine two button moves. Whenever you come across a molehill, press the B button to call on Bottles. When he rears his head, he'll most likely teach you a new Controller technique.

Basic Moves

- On-land Moves -

Jump - Mash A.
Double Jump - Mash A+A.
Rat-A-Tat-Rap - Mash A+B.

Duck - Mash Z.
Flap Flip Jump - Mash Z+A.
Beak Barge - Mash Z+B.

Walk - Push forward on control stick.
Forward Roll - Push forward on control stick + B.

Punch - Mash B.
Pan - Mash C< or C>.

- In-water Moves -

Dive - Mash B.
Bear Kick - Mash B+A.
Wing Stroke - Mash B+B.

- Near a Tree or Pole -

Jump and Climb - Mash A+Control stick.

- Special Moves -

Talon Trot - Mash Z+C<.

Beak Buster - Mash A+Z.

Firing Eggs Forward - Mash Z+C^.

Firing Eggs Backward - Mash Z+Cv.

Wonderwing - Mash Z+C>.

Shock Jump Pad - Mash A.

Flight Pad - Mash A.

Beak Bomb - Mash A+B.