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- Stupid Stories

Ah, welcome to my stupid stories page. This is where I will let you read some of the stupid things I like to do, or write about. I hope you enjoy these odd things.. x.x...

- The Cheese Story -

I love my cheese! Lol .. It's this new thing with me.. I have to eat all these dairy products. And cheese is always at my house.. n.n

But now that I'm eating more cheese, my mom has to buy more.... And that means she spends more money..............

I can always eat the GOOD cheese.. It's nice and yellow and thick. And It's cut almost perfectly square,.. good old american cheese. So tastey in my mouth. n.n Nice thick cut pieces, not too oily and not too not, just it's perfectness within its self... yes.. e.e...

- The Good Cheese -

But becasue I was eating more cheese, my mom decited to buy this other kind of cheese, some generic off brand immation, cheaper crap. And I am being force to eat it now...

The pale.. soggy.. oily.. uneven.. nasty.....uhm.. cheap.. crap immatation for cheese. =( I mean.. what's a few spent cents for better cheese? Why do I have to eat the bad cheese now?

- The Bad Cheese -

I just spent my last piece of Good cheese by laying it on the scanner. Gosh...

I want some cheese ;-; ... I mean.. I dont even eat it now... te bad cheese.. it's so grose..

It tastes like plastic.. :: Sigh :: I need this cheese it important and we have no cheese and milk today it's gone ;-;

...And so concludes my story of cheese. I wish I have happy ending...

- The Breakable Chair -

I can remember from back in the 6th grade, having Mr. Morris for our Technology teacher. He was an okay teacher. He gave us boring work sometimes but all in all, after the first two weeks of his class, he didn’t teach anymore. But although through the years, we all changed, and so did Mr. Morris, there was one thing, one thing that would never change, and that was Mr. Morris’s chair.

Mr. Morris is a heavyset man. I’m guessing he weighs a good 400-lb. And as long as I can remember, he has always had this bright green, rolling chair. All through the middle school’s technology classes, I can remember watching Mr. Morris roll around in his chair. If someone needed help with a module, then Mr. Morris would roll over to the person from his chair.

We all knew the time would come. Someday, the chair would snap apart, as Mr. Morris would lean back in the chair. We would all watch him, thinking, “Oh my God.. The chair is going to break..” As he would kick is feet back a bit, and the neck of the computer chair would stretch backwards with Mr. Morris as he leaned back. Everyday we heard the squeaking of the chair, and as each day in Technology went by, we waited. Waited for Mr. Morris to break his so beloved chair.

Unfortunately, I graduated middle school without seeing the chair snap, but I was fortunate enough to have a little brother who witnessed the great event. The snapping of Mr. Morris’s chair.

I wish I could have been there, as his ass slammed against the ground. Through such torture I underwent waiting, each day; listening to the cracking of the chair, and just waiting for the chair to break. But I guess everything has a time and place. And I, was not lucky enough to witness the historical event, of when Mr. Morris broke his 10-year-old computer chair.