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~The Hidden Meaning
of D'Angelo's Birthdate~


AQUARIUS*The Sign of the Son of Man

January 21 at 3:00 A.M. to February 19 at 5:00 P.M.



GEM: Sapphire—This gem may help you find forgiveness from those you have wronged.
FLOWER: Cypress Vine—You are happiest when facing new beginnings.
ASTRAL COLOR, COLOR NEED, APPAREL COLOR: Your Astral Color is Blue, creating calm,bringing promise. Blue in your environment helps stabilize your mood. In your wardrobe, Purple reflects your giving personality and brings luck.
FRAGRANCE:Put together a collection of orange blossoms and jasmine with touches of greenry. Always pick scents that are straight from nature instead of manufactured or processed when searching for a scent. This will keep you as unique as you wish to be.
TREE:Maple—You have both great stability and flashes of intuition.
INSTRUMENTS:Pipe organ, cymbal, drum
COMPOSERS: Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach
BIRD: Stork—Turkish bird, held in high esteem the world over. This bird is intelligent but may have strange tendencies.
SYMBOL:Cross—The symbol of self-sacrifice and reconciliation.


HEALTH SCENT:Apple—You are creative, full of joy, and nearly magical. You bring happiness.
FAVORABLE FOODS:Beets, apples, honey, chicken, eggs


BEST MONTHS:April and August
BEST DAYS OF THE WEEK:Wednesday, Saturday
BEST MONTH DAYS:2,11,20,29 LUCKY CHARMS:Two 50-cent pieces. Give someone else one of them.
HARMONIOUS SIGNS FOR RELATIONSHIPS AND PARTNERSHIPS: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, and anyone born from July 30 to August 31.


STAR: Sa’ad al Su’ud—This star is the harbinger of the outpouring of hopes.
ANGEL:Gambiel—This angel governs health issues. He teaches us the mystery of life, both on earth and in the heavens.
GUARDIAN ANGEL: St. John—This angel simplifies that which is complicated.
SPIRITUAL STONE: Sardius (Ruby)—This stone may drive you to make positive changes in your life.


Some may see you as strong and ambitious, others as gentle and imaginative. You have all these qualities, depending on the situation. One may be your home personality, the other your work side. In relationships, you can fickle, or drawn to the underdog—but you know better! Depending on where you are in life, you could be the late bloomer or the early riser. Either way, mates are strong and loyal; it just may take awhile to find the right fit. Don’t allow friends and family to overburden you—they will— though you place your share of burdens upon them.

Partnerships in business work well for you. You may work with your significant other or just meet that person at work. You do things better in teams than most and may have more than one career before you find the right one. Listen to the good advice of others. As a partner in a law firm, you do well. As an actor, you could have both a partnership and relationship with the producer. Think partnership!

Team leader or teammate, you’ll find your way to the top in life. It infuriaties you to be seen as the bad guy—you’re not. You’re very strong and capable, and this creates a lot of pressure. You make it your own way in life. Others may not always see it that way---they only see what you have, not what it took for you to get it. Your spiritual side will get you through.

The following book provided the information used on this webpage. All rights reserved.

The Hidden World of Birthdays by Judith Turner, is a beautifully packaged book containing 336 entries that reveal the significance and meanings behind birthdates. The book combines astrology, psychology, and the author's extrasensory insight. Copyright © 1999 by Judith Turner