On this page you will see the awards my site has won. I am very proud of each and everyone of them. If you click on any or even better all of them you can visit the web site of the wonderful people that gave me my awards.
You might be asking yourself why the Scorpian set? Well I will tell you lol. I was born in November, and I am a very true to form Scorp. But I promise my sting in not always as bad as they say.
This award I am very proud of, it is the DEGE'S Award of Excellent Memorials or
Tributes. All of DEGE'S AWARDS were created from the original artwork of Michele's son,
Anthony, and given in his loving memory. I hope in your web travels you will stop by and view Michele's site.

I am HAPPY to say I got my first award from The REALM
OF REDHEADS., it is the RARAAVIS award. Thanks
Candi. =) For my second award I want to say "Thank you Don". I
just recieved my third award, which was my goal for this yr., for
that I want to say "Thank You John". Ok so I love awards I was just blessed with my fourth award this yr. I would like to say "Thank you" to Silvana for my great site award. And now my fifth award I would like to thank Linda ( Chandra's Web Page's) not only for the award but for the nice things she also had to say about my site. Thank you all =)
You can visit any or all of their sites by clicking on the award.
ALL Awards added after 11/25/99
This award I am also proud of, not only do I love white roses but I feel my hard work has paid off with this award, as well as the others.
This award was given to me by one of my "online" sisters, one of my very best friends to hang out with online, Heather is also the person that started teaching me HTML. Thank you sis
I would like to thank Cindy for this award, I am so very proud of this one.
I would like to thank Beth for this very cute award, and for the great things she had to say about my site
For this award I would like to say a thank you to Bernadette
yes I want to see page 2 of the awards you won