I would like to thank each and everyone of the great people that have taken the time to view my site and award me these awards.
I would Like to thank Peaches for this award.
Thank you Bryan for this wonderful award.
This award can not be applied for Dan and Cheryl hand out this award to sites they feel deserve it. And for that I want to give them an extra big *Thank You Both*.
This award is given out by Dan and Cheryl as well, This one you can apply for at thier web site. So stop by and say hi to them.
I would like to thank Ann and Brendon for this award and the great things they had to say about my site, Please swing on over and take a look at the great work they have done on thier site.
I would like to thank Kara for this award.
I picked this award up from the Cyber-Junkie's web site, a site that is very much worth the time to go and check out.
I am very proud of this award. Thank you Vicki.