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Max Gallitron

Social Properties

Name: Maximellian Gallitron
Birthday: 03-13
Actual Age: 501 years
Physical Age: 25 years
Height: 6'5"
Sign: Pisces
Bloodtype: A
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Hobbies: Swordsmanship, Music
Favorite Food: Any kind of Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Spicy Foods
Favorite Subject: N/A
Least Favorite Subject: N/A
Weak Point: Jealousy
Strong Point: Good Manners
Dream: To be a Golden Knight
Favorite Gemstone: Ruby
Occupation: Golden Warrior
Martial Status: Single (Dating)
I.Q.: 224

Statistics (1 lowest - 20 highest)

Strength = 19
Dexterity = 15
Constitution = 20
Intelligence = 20
Wisdom = 18
Charisma = 19


Piloting = Advanced
Marksmanship = Mastered
Melee Combat = Mastered
Acrobatics/Gymnastics = Mastered
Thievery = Basic
Gift Of Proficism = N/A
Telekinesis = Mastered
Energy Combat = Mastered
Magical Combat = Advanced


Max was a high council member of a great force known as the Golden Warriors, that is now extinct save it him and a few others. They were destroyed in the Platinum war that occured 384 years before the current timeline. Max and the others escaped to Earth to train to defeat the last Platinum Warrior. A year ago, he fell in love with a beautiful princess whos name was Kali Kajobe. They've had good times and bad times, but they still care for eachother. Max's parents are currently unknown, but he had two sisters named Kristine and Maxima. He lives in Crystal Tokyo, near Kali's palace.

Special Powers

Karidon/Neo-Karidon = This sword is Max's side-arm 110%. The sword is a bastard sword forged out of solid Starrien Xentronium, a now extinct metal that is far superior to Adamantium (Ex. Wolverine's Claws from XMen). Special gems are imbedded into the hilt. One is Dreamstone, a red gem in the center of the hilt. The other is an Adegan Crystal, formerly used in Energy Blades (Lightsabers). These combinations make this sword the perfect weapon, and it will stay in Max's posession until he dies.

Golden Form = A special transformation that increases his powers between 20%-50% of his base power, and it makes his hair turn gold. Sometimes he can go as far as 75% of his powers.

Chaotic Order = An ability that conflicts with itself, causing inevitable damage to whatever it hits... even GODS are injured. An orb of blue (representing Good) and a red orb (representing Evil) are formed; one in each hand. the two are merged together, making a self-conflicting energy source that is red and blue (NOT purple). It is formed into a two-handed beam launched from both palms. The powers of both good and/or evil in the attack can inflict damage on anything... even immortals and gods. If it misses, it has an affect similar to an A-Bomb.