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Selias Lorait

Name: Selias Lorait
Age: 21
Birthday: 07-02
Sign: Cancer
Occupation: Magiknight
Marital Status: Single
IQ = 217

Skill levels and Special Power

Piloting = MASTERED
Marksmanship = MASTERED
Hand-to-Hand Combat = ADVANCED
Acrobatics/Gymnastics = ADVANCED
Gift of Proficism = MASTERED
Sabstarian Abilities = ADVANCED

Attribute Ratings (1 being lowest, 20 being highest):

Strength: 17 *
Dexterity: 18 *
Intelligence: 20
Constitution: 18
Charisma: 19

Selias Lorait was born on Saerith on July 2nd into the Baron home of Celes and Locke Lorait. As a young child, he was very bright and athletic, with great potential and mentality. Selias essentially grew up on the battlefield, living in Baron, a disputed and oft raided town on the edge of the wastelands that were the Saerith Dires. Unfortunately, a local gang in his hometown ruined his life. The Saerith United Mafia broke into his home one night, hanging his parents in front of him, forced to watch them die as the gang beat them with baseball bats. Selias was lucky to survive the beating he got. Upon recovering, he was forced to the streets, to the life of a pickpocket. He stole enough money to get into a small, cheap school to the far northwest of Aviel, the dominant nation on Saerith, in the city of Sifon. He couldn't keep up with the fees though. Just when things couldn't get any worse, they did. A biological weapon escaped from an underground laboratory and infected the entire city. Selias, being one of the last of the Barons as they were known, escaped with his life before the instigators of the incident, Xantek, fusion-bombed the city. Being the only survivor of the incident, he was reputed at the instigator of the outbreak and Xantek put the blame on him. He ran across the continent, trying to escape mercenary groups bound and determined to claim the price on Selias's head. Selias made way for Aviel's capital, Vector. There, he assaulted the Xantek headquarters where he was killed after he found out Xantek order the Saerith United Mafia to murder him and his family. On the top floor of the 452 skyscraper, Selias was pushed out the window of the top floor office suite. During his fall, he was reborn and discovered what he was and why his family was attacked. He was a Sabstarian, and ancient forgotten race of psychokinetic beings hailing from a long forgotten and uncharted planet several quadrants up from Starria. Selias, in his new form, crushed the Xantek building into dust and fled. He then fell unconscious. Coming to, he was himself again, but he felt the beast inside of him. Selias then relocated to Gainsborough, where he made his last stand speech famous to all on Saerith; "I've been nothing all my life thanks to them (Xantek). Since then I've crawled my way through both silver halls and cesspools, fighting my way to the top. All my life, I've wanted to be at the top, and now that I am, I'm not giving up. I can't give up. You people can believe what you want, but Xantek is responsible for everything, Sifon, the bio-weapons... The destruction of Baron... The murder of my family. My revenge is here and if your want a piece of it, here it comes!" Hopelessly outnumbered and killing anyone that got in his way, Selias made his way onto a ship bound for Starria as a stowaway, hoping to eventually find a way to get to Sabstaria and get some answers. Upon arriving, he found a large amount of cash in a bag on the street. He used it to get into a decent school, where he hoped to get an aviation degree but instead met Damien Malic. They went through school together, and graduated. They then departed for Earth together, in search for new opportunities. There, Damien met Miko Hino, and Selias met Yukiki Kino, two girls who happened to both be Lost Senshi...

Selias has long forgotten his goals, tied up with his current life on Earth, but each day, he loses a piece of himself, never to regain it back. Being a Sabstarian is more than difficult, it's impossible. In a galaxy where the Sabstarian is considered the enemy of all thanks to Xantek, Selias has more work cut out for him than he can handle. Memories of his past haunt him in his dreams, the memories of killing people... The people of Sifon, the people of Xantek. The innocents of Gainsborough slaughtered by his hand. Selias cannot and will not forget what happened on Saerith, even though he hides it well. It's all bubbling up now, and it's about to explode...