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This site contains more of my friends and their gifts to me.


I believe in miracles and dreams that will come true.
I believe in tender moments
and friendship, through and through.
I believe in stardust
and moonbeams all aglow.
I believe there's magic
and more there than we know.

I believe in reaching out
and touching from the heart.
I believe that if we touch
a gift we can impart.

I believe that if you cry
your tears are not in vain.
And when you're sad and lonely,
others know your pain.

I believe that when we laugh
a sparkle starts to shine.
And I just know that spark will spread
from more hearts than just mine.

I believe that hidden
in the quiet of the night,
there's magic moths and gypsies
a fairy and a sprite.

I believe that if you dance
the dances of your heart,
that greater happiness will find
a brand new way to start.

I believe the gifts you have
are there for you to share
And when you give them from the heart,
the whole world knows you care.

I believe that if you give,
even just to one,
that gift will grow in magnitude
before the day is done.

I believe that comfort comes
from giving part of me.
And if I share with others,
there's more for all to see.

I believe that love is still
the greatest gift of all
and when it's given from the heart
the gift is never small.

~Author unknown~

Suddenly you feel the brush of angel wings...that's when you know you have been touched by an Angel,
The soft touch on your heart lets you know, that the Angel is your friend.

© 2000 Linda

A gift from Tina,a Lighthouse friend-(Thanks Tina~!)

Visit Annes Angel Place

A RAOK friend...Thanks Chilady for making this Beautiful Quilt button!

A gift from Gaby (A Yellow Rose Sister)

Special Thanks to my good friend DJ,
Without her help I could have never
made a website.....
Thank you my friend~!

I was turned into a Garden Rose by Lady Nickitta at the Garden Of Friendship. (July 2001)

Capture Date: 7/05/01
Captured by: Lavender Lady
Reason for capture:
Linda has been so wonderful at
making me feel at home
in the Garden, even when she has been
in need of some TLC herself!
I'm honored to call her a friend.

Given to me from Lady Golddust

From theJolly Rogers Pirates Team.January, 2002

brought to you by Freebird56's Friendships Site

Xmas Gifts 2000

Click on Ornament to view my Xmas Gifts

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