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In the Midst of Fairies/Cicely Mary Barker Fairies

Cicely Mary Barker's Fairies

The Lilac Fairy

Cicely Mary Barker's Fairies

The SweetPea Fairy

...A beautiful Poem from the heart that speaks of Love......

I Hear a Little Fairy Whispering Inside of Me

I hear a little fairy whispering inside of me...
She tells me of the days gone by
and how it used to be.
Such magical things she knows of ...
for those times were truly great.
The world was filled with goodness
... and there was no such thing as hate.
She whispers it can happen again
...and for me not to be blue.
The magical thing is......
... that it all starts with me and you!

Fairy Truly, Joyce aka Tinker Bell

Cicely Mary Barker's Fairies
The Snowdrop Fairy

Cicely Mary Barker's Fairies
The White Bindweed Fairy

Garden Fairies
by L.Mikesell

Flowers blooming, aroma so sweet
Tiny wings touching petals......
Glistening wings take flight,
In the garden, gold & silver sun beams shine.
Fairies dancing among the blooms,
Such a beautiful site to see,
Only if you believe.


From a Web Dreamers friend

Fairy Set by:Visit Fairies & Fantasies

~*~Fairy photos by~*~ Cicely Mary Barker

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