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1) Fish Snack

1 box of rectangular crackers (like Waverly or Captain's Wafers)

1 package of soft cream cheese

Blue food coloring

1 package of Goldfish crackers

Mix the blue food coloring with the soft cream cheese until the cream

cheese is the desired color.(resembling water) Spread cream cheese on

crackers, top with goldfish, and let the children eat the"aquarium"!

2) This frozen banana treat is great on a HOT summer day!


12 ripe bananas

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons honey

mixing bowl

fork or masher

air tight container

Place peeled bananas is bowl. Add lemon and honey. Mash everything

together until most of the lumps are gone. Put in air tight container and freeze for at least 4 hours. When ready to serve, scoop out with ice cream scoop and ENJOY!

3) Apple Fritters

8c. peanut or corn oil

12 oz. beer

1/4 c. sugar

4 medium Granny Smith or Braeburn apples (1 1/2 lbs.)

Garnish: powdered sugar

Heat oil in Dutch Ovenjor electric deep fryer to 380 degrees. A fat

thermometer is suggested, so oil is to temp. and fritters will fry

crispy w/o being greasy. Mix flour, beer and sugar. Core and peel apples. Cut crosswise into 1/2 inch thick rings. Pat dry with paper towels. Using a fork, dip rings in batter, let excess drip back into bowl. Carefully sip into hot oil. Fry 4 minutes - turning once, until golden brown. Remove with slotted spoon, drain well on paper towels. Dust with powdered sugar, serve immediately.

4) Summer Coolers


1/2 cup cantaloupe chuncks

1/8 cup apple juice concentrated

1/2 cup of milk

ice or small plastic cups and popsicle sticks

Measure and pour the liquids into a blender. Add the cantaloupe chuncks. Blend well. Serve over ice or pour into plastic cups, insert popsicle sticks and freeze.

5) Sand Cakes

2 TBS Cinnamon

2 TBS Sugar

Margarine, butter, &/or peanut butter

Bagels, toast or English muffins

Make "sand" by mixing the cinnamon and sugar together. Pour it into

salt/pepper type shakers. slice and toast the bagels or english muffins. Spread with margarine, butter or peanut butter. Sprinkle with "sand".

6) Apple finger cubes:

Pour 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin into a bowl. Add 2 cups boiling water. Stir until gelatin is dissolved. Add one 6 oz can apple juice concentrate. Pour mixture into a lightly greased 9"x13" pan and chill. Cut in squares to serve.

7) Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Apples

Apple, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chips, Rice Krispies, Raisins

Cut apple in half. Have kids spread peanut butter on apple half. On foil or wax paper have different piles for dipping apples in. A pile of chocolate chips. A Pile of rice crispies. A pile of raisins. Let the kids smash the peanut butter side of apple in each pile.

8) Earth Rocks

Graham crackers,2-3 Bananas, 3/4 cup Peanut Butter, 1T. Vegetable oil Slice bananas into 1 inch pieces. Melt peanut butter with the oil until

dipping consistency. Put graham crackers in a Ziploc baggie and push out air and seal the bag. Roll over top of bag with a rolling pin until crackers become fine crumbs. Use a fork to carefully dip one banana piece at a time into the peanut butter mixture. Immediately roll the peanut butter covered banana in graham cracker crumbs. Place on waxed paper and chill.

9) Tunasaurus

1 slice of bread, tuna salad, 1 Raisin

Spread one slice of bread with tuna salad. Use dinosaur cookie cutter to cut a dinosaur from the center of the bread. Press on a raisin to make the eye.

10) Weinsaurus

1 Weiner, preztel Sticks, 4-5 Doritos, 2 Cloves

Procedure: Slit one weiner lengthwise. Insert chips for dinosaur spikes. Stick pretzels underneath to form the legs. Press cloves in each side near the end for eyes.

11) Happy Face Sandwiches

Bread, Peanut butter, Raisins, Chocolate chips, Alfalfa or bean sprouts, Squeezable cheese, Other small food items

Spread peanut butter on one side of bread - openfaced. Have child make eyes, nose, mouth and hair from other items provided. Encourage kids to be creative and eat what they create.

12) Cracker Jacks Recipe

Pop 6 Cups popcorn (add no butter or salt) You can use an Air Popper Prepare the following Carmel Syrup Mixture:

Melt 1 1/2 Tablespoons Butter

Add 1 1/2 Cups Brown Sugar

6 Tablespoons Water

Stir these ingredients until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil. Cover & cook about 3 minutes.Uncover & cook, without stirring, to soft-ball stage. This is when a spoonful of the syrup, dropped in a glass of water, forms a soft ball...or you can use a candy thermometer. The children enjoy looking in the glass and then getting to feel the ball.Pour the liquid syrup over the popcorn in a large bowl. Stir the corn gently with a wooden spoon until well coated. Add honey coated peanuts. (choke hazzard for little ones...I substitute the by putting one big orange "circus peanut" candy in the baggie of cooled off cracker jacks for these kids). Spread the mixture on a Pam sprayed cookie sheet to cool. Put in baggies.

13) Banana Wrap:

1 8" flour tortilla, 2-3 tbsp peanut butter, 2-3 tbsp grape jelly, 1 small banana, peeled

Place tortilla on a paper towel. Microwave 10 to 20 seconds on high until the tortilla is soft and warm. Spread with peanut butter. Top with grape jelly. Place the banana near the right edge of the tortilla. Fold up the bottom fourth of the tortilla. Bring right edge over the banana and roll-up.

14) Banana Push-Ups

2 large bananas, cut up, 1/2 cup Instant Nonfat Dry Milk, 1 cup plain yogurt, 6 oz frozen orange juice - concentrate (1 can), 1 cup water

Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and whirl until foamy. Pour into paper cups and freeze. Push up from the bottom of the cup.

15) Cheerio Bars:

1/2 cup Peanut Butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup honey, 3 cups cheerios Bring sugar and honey to a boil in 2 qt saucepan. Remove from heat, stir in peanut butter until blended. Pour in cheerios and mix until well coated. Spread in buttered 9x13 pan and let cool. Cut in squares.

16) Peanut Butter Clay:

1 cup creamy peanut butter, 1 1/2 cups Instant powdered milk, 3 tbsp honey, peanuts, raisins, chocolate chips and coconut for decorating (optional)

Stir the peanut butter, powdered milk, honey together in a medium sized bowl until dough is smooth. If its dry add more honey, it its too moist add more powdered milk. Kids can form it into critters of their choice, then decorate their artwork with peanuts, etc Store unused dough in the fridge.

17) Peanut Butter Caterpillars:

Banana, 2 tbsp peanut butter, grape

Peel and slice a banana. Spread slices with peanut butter and connect the slices. Add a grape up front for the head ("gluing" with more peanut butter). If desired, make this a game with the child - what veggie can we add to make antenas? etc. (maybe a strip of celery).

18) Mini Corndogs

1 cup flour, 1/2 cup cornmeal, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp vegetable shortening, 1 egg, beaten slightly, 3/4 cup milk, oil, 8 frankfurters, cut into thirds. Combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl. With a pastry blender, cut vegetable shortening into flour mixture until there are fine curmbs. Add egg and milk and blend well. Pour vegetable oil into a 2 inch depth in a deep fryer or large saucepan. Heat to 375 degrees. Pat frankfurter dry with paper towels. Insert a toothpick into the center of each frankfurter. Dip each frankfurter into batter and then into hot oil until golden brown. Drain on paper.

19) Frozen Fruit Treat:

1 3/4 cups strawberries, 1 large can crushed pineapple, 5 bananas (cut in cubes)

12 oz frozen orange juice - concentrate, 1 1/2 curps water

Mix ingredients together. Freeze in small paper cups. Serve partially


20) Dirt Cups:

2 cups cold milk, 1pk Jello 0 chocolate pudding, 1pk Cool Whip topping,

thawed, 1pk Chocolate sandwich cookies, 10 7oz plastic cups

Suggested decorations: gummy worms, gummy frogs, candy flowers, chopped peanuts.

Crush cookies until they resemble dirt and set aside.Combine pudding mix and milk until well blended. Then fold in the whipped topping. Fill plastic cups with pudding mixture alternating with the cookie crumbs. Top with cookie crumbs. Refrigerate for a couple or hours, then decorate with gummy worms and other toppings.

21) Chocolate Peanut Butter Dip

3 oz pkg cream cheese, softened, 1/3 cup creamy peanut butter, 1 dash ground cinnamon, 1/4 cup chocolate syrup, 2 tbsp milk, assorted cut-up fruit, assorted cookies, pretzels

In a large bowl with electric mixer on medium, beat cream cheese, peanut butter, and cinnamon until smooth. Gradually beat in chocolate syrup and milk until well blended. Serve with fruit, cookies, pretzels, etc.

22) Chicken Pox Pancakes:

Strawberries, Pancake mix, Bananas, Powdered sugar

Chop the berries into small chunks, allowing one or two per pancake face. Set aside. Prepare the pancake mix according to package directions. When the pancakes are done, place each serving in a stack on a separate plate. For every two stacks of pancakes, you need to peel one banana. Carefully slice off the two ends and put one on top of each stack for a nose. Then cut two thin slices from each end for eyes. Then cut banana in half for a long curved mouth. Arrange the

strawberry chunks chicken pox all around each face. Drop a pinch of powdered sugar on each pox for a tasty bit of puss. Serves as many little polka dotted people as your heart desires.


"Sanitize a rubber stamp that has a simple design. Brush food coloring onto the stamp; then press the stamp onto a slice of cookie dough. When the cookie is baked, the colorful design will remain. Stamping is delicious!"


Cut celery in 2" sticks

Attach: 4 carrot slices for wheels with toothpicks

Eat and enjoy. (Be sure the children dispose of toothpicks first!)


Mix: 1/2 carton plain yogurt with 1 teaspoon honey

Put 1 slice pineapple in each dish

Put 1 Tablespoon yogurt mixture in the middle.

Eat the sunshine!


Mix: 1/2 cup peanut butter, 2 1/2 T. nonfat dry milk, 2 T. raisins, 2 T. honey,1/4 cup coconut

Form into balls. Roll in sesame seeds. Eat!!

27) Graham Yummies

1/2 c margarine

1 1/2 c grahams crushed

1 14oz sweetened condensed milk

6 oz chocolate chips (I added more than this)

6 oz butterscotch chips (this too <g>)

3 1/2 oz coconut

1 c nuts

In a 9 x 13 glass pan melt margarine and add gram cracker crumbs. Press into bottom of pan till firm. Add ingredients by layers in order listed. Press down and bake 25-30 minutes at 325 degrees.

28) Bear Biscuits

3 tube-style refrigerator biscuits for each child, cinnamon sugar, ungreased baking sheet, honey, butter

Shape 1 biscuit into the body. Take the second biscuit and divide it into four equal parts for the arms and legs. Take the third biscuit and use half for the head and divide the remain half into fourths for the two ears. Roll each piece in the cinnamon sugar. Put the pieces together. Bake at 425 for 8-10 minutes. Serve with honey butter: 1/2 cup of butter mixed with 4 tablespoons of honey.

29) Edible Jewelry

Use cereal with holes (Froot Loops, Cheerios,etc), gummies with holes,

pretzels and licorice "whips" to string up to make an edible necklace or bracelet. Be sure to attach one piece of cereal or pretzel to the end so the others don't slide off while they are being strung up. This is great for reinforcing fine motor, patterning, sequencing, eye-hand co-ordination, etc.

30) Dino Sandwiches

Ingredients For each student: 1 slice of bread, tuna salad, 1 raisin Spread one slice of bread with tuna salad. Use dinosaur cookie cutter to cut a dinosaur from the center of the bread. Press on a raisin to make the eye.

31) Activity Ghost Toast

Ingredients: loaf of bread, margarine, shredded coconut, raisins. chocolate chips

Each child makes ghost toast by spreading margarine to make faces on toast then sprinkling coconut on it. Put raisins or chocolate chips for eyes and mouth. Toast.

32) Watermelon "Zipper sippers"

Watermelon, Ziplock Bags, Dull knife, Straws

Give each child a slice of melon. Melon should be cut with a dull knife or side of fork into small cubes. Remove the seeds, and place the melon chunks into the bag. Place a straw into the corner of the bag, and close the zipper around the straw. The child then squishes the melon, making juice. Drink! Afterwards, the pulpy leftover can be eaten with a spoon.


Mix: 4 cups crunchy cereal (Cheerios, or Corn Chex, etc) 1 cup peanuts or mixed nuts 1 cup pretzel sticks, the smallest size 1 cup seasoned croutons

Combine: 1/2 cup salad oil or 6 tbsp melted butter 2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce 1/4 tsp garlic powder

In a shallow pan coat crunchy ingredients with the combined oil and

seasonings. Heat in oven at 250 for about 45 minutes, stirring every 15

minutes. Spread on absorbent paper to cool.

34) Golden Egg Baskets

1 pkg. refrigerated biscuit dough, 1 egg for each serving, Cheese, grated (your choice)

Place refrigerator dough biscuit in a muffin tin, pressing it into the sides and bottom to make a well. Pour 1 egg into each basket. When all the baskets have been completed, bake for 10 - 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Sprinkle with cheese. Serve when cheese has melted. Each basket is 1 serving. Counts as 1 meat and 1 bread.

35) Soft Pretzels

2 - 16 oz. loaves frozen bread dough, 1 egg white, slightly beaten, 1 teaspoon water, Coarse salt

Separate thawed bread into 24 - 1 1/2" balls. Roll each ball into a rope 14 1/2" long. Have children plan and design pretzel shapes (letters or numerals). Put pretzels one inch apart on greased cookie sheet. Let stand for 20 minutes and brush with combined egg white and water. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Place a shallow pan containing 1" of boiling water on bottom rack of oven; bake pretzels at 350 degrees on rack above water for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

36) Mice

1 slice toasted bread, 2 whole pitted olives, halved lengthwise or 2

cherry tomatoes quartered OR 6 whole almonds, 1 slice american cheese, Chow mein noodles

Place 1/2 slice toasted bread on a baking sheet. Place olives, tomatoes or almonds on the bread for mice. Place half slice of cheese atop mice on the toast. Broil about 4 inches from heat for 1 to 3 min. or til cheese melts. Insert a chow mein noodle under cheese near mouse for tails. Makes 2.

37) Jungle sandwich

Banana, peanut butter, coconut

Peel and slice banana. Fill the banana w/ peanut butter. sprinkle w/ coconut. Place banana halves together.

38) Snack Pizzas

1 pkg flaky refrigerator biscuits, 1/2 cup tomato sauce, 1 tsp oregano, sliced pepperoni, salami, cooked sausage or ground beef, Grated cheese ( mozzarella or cheddar)

Pat each bicuit into 4 inch circle. Put on a greased baking sheet. Mix tomato sauce and oregano. Spoon some onto each biscuit. Put some meat on top of the sauce. Sprinkle cheese. Bake at 400 degrees about 8 minutesor until crust is light brown.

39) Vegetable Bouquets

Culiflower, Broccoli, Carrots

Cut broccoli and cauliflower into flowerets. Cut carrots into strips. Arrange in pretty cup for bouquet. Serve with a dip for vegetables of your choice.


Give each child a graham cracker, honey and a brsh to spred the honey. Top with grated cheese, raisins, or coconut.


For each child: 4 round crackers, 1/2 hot dog, 1/2 piece cheese

Slice hot dogs and place on a cracker. Place cheese over the top. Place in oven at 350 for 3-5 min. Let cool and eat.


paper plates, napkins, 1 pkg hot dogs, 2 green peppers (cut up), cherry


Place 2 pieces of green pepper, 2 cherry tomatoes, and 2 hot dog pieces on each child's polate. Show the children how to thread the ingredients on skewers. Bake the kababs at 350 for 15 min.


For each child: 1 piece bread, 1 slice cheese, 1/2 hot dog (cut lengthwise)

Butter both sides of the bread, place the bread on a cookie sheet, place the hot dog flat side down on the bread, cover with a slice of cheese so that one end of the hot dog is sticking out. The cheese should look like a blanket. Bake at 350 until done. About 10-15 min.


For each child: lettuce leaf, canned pear half, orange, grated carrots, raisins, nuts, marashcino cherries

Put a leaf of lettuce down on a plate. Put one canned pear half with the cut side down on top of the lettuce leaf. Add secions of an oragne to represent the ears. Decorate the bunny face by adding grated carrots, raisins, nuts, or marashino cherries to make eyes, nose, mouth, and whiskers.


1/2 c butter, 1 c flour, 1 c shredded cheddar cheese, pinch salt, 1 c rice ceral bits

Cut the butter into 6 or 8 slices and mix together with the flour, cheese, and salt. Use fingers or fork to mix. Knead in the chearl

bits; then roll the dough into xmall balls or snakes. Press them down flat and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 325 for about 10 min. Cool and serve.


For each child: 1 lettuce leaf, 1 canned pear half, 1 lifesaver, 2 cherries, 1 raisin

Put the lettuce leaf down on a plate. Put the pear half with the cut side down on the lettuce. Use the cherries for eyes, raisin for nose, and the lifesaver for a mouth.


cheese chuncks, pretzel sticks

Cut cheese into small squares. Poke a pretzel into each cheese chunk.


1 8oz soft cream cheese, 1 stick butter (softened), 2 c grated cheddar cheese, 1/2 pkg of onion soup mix

Mix all together and shape into small balls. Roll the balls in chopped nuts if desired.


16oz can (2 cups) whole cranberry sauce, 8 oz can (1 cup) crushed pinapple (drained), 1 c sour cream or yogurt

In a med bowl, combine all ingred. and mix well. Pour the mixture into an 8x8 pan or an ice cube tray. Freeze 2 hours or until firm. To serve cut into square or pop out of the ice cube tray.


2 c raisins, 2 bananas, shredded coconut

Chop the banans and raisins in a blender. Then place them in a mixing bowl and refrigerate until mixture is cool enough to be handled. Roll the mixture into balls and into shredded coconut. Stack 3 balls and fasten with toothpicks.

51) Quickie Cookies

1 pkg. cake mix-any variety

1 stick of butter

1 egg

Lightly grease cookie sheets. Mix all ingredients until dough forms. Roll out dough and cut with cookie cutters to desired shape. Bake at 350 in preheated oven. Bake 10 minutes. Take out, cool and frost if wanted. Enjoy.

52) Mouse Cookies

Spread frosting on one side of an oatmeal cookie. Press 2 vanilla wafers into the frosting for ears. Add 2 M&Ms for eyes, and a marshmallow for a nose. For whiskers, use licorice.

53) Freeze-a-grahams

Take two whole graham crackers, yogurt ( or custard) place in between the graham crackers. Wrap with aluminum foil. Place in the freezer and freeze overnight. You can do a lot of variations with this snack. One of my favorites is to take strawberry cream cheese (fat free) with Cool Whip Free, one package of strawberries. Blend and place in between crackers and freeze. Delicious and nutritious.

54) Filled Apple

Whole apples, peanut butter, granola, wheat germ or graham crackers, assorted leftover snacks, dry fruit, cereal, cheese etc.

Wash chilled apples and let dry. Core out the center with apple corer and remove a small slice off the top of the apple(save). Set out assorted leftovers such as granola, raisins, cheese chunks, dry cereal, goldfish, coconut, marshmellows, chocolate chips etc. Let the kids mix their favorites into a dab of plain peanut butter(can be mixed with honey(if older kids), jelly, jam if you wish. Let the kids spoon their creation into the top in the apple and pack inside. Replace apple top or roll top of the apple in crushed graham cracker, wheat germ or granola. This is a great take along snack for those field trips or hikes outdoors and a good way to use up those little bits of food left over.



1 slice of bread, Peanut butter, Jelly

Roll a slice of bread flat with a rolling pin. Spread with peanut butter and jelly of your choice. Roll up like a jelly roll. Refrigerate. Cut into slices and serve.

56) HOT Worms

Use canned cinnamon biscuits- have children roll out worms and then

roll them in hot choco mix (dirt), bake and eat.

57) "Fried Worms"

You need: Tootsie Rolls, graham crackers, plastic sandwich bags

and napkins. Put a graham cracker in the plastic bag and crumble it. (You could also just give a bag with a few spoonfuls of graham cracker crumbs in it). Roll the Tootsie roll between your hands until it looks like a worm. Shake the "worm" in the graham cracker crumbs.

58) Under The Sea Snack

Need Pretzel Rods, Goldfish, Peanut Butter

During our under the sea theme our kids made the usual fish, magnet and paper clip game. We extended this to snack by giving each child a pretzel rod, paper plate with a dab of peanut butter and handful of goldfish crackers. Have the children dip the rod in the bait (peanut butter) and fish for goldfish. When all the fish are gone, eat the rod and bait.

59) Biscuit Creations

Canned biscuits, peanut butter

Give each child two raw biscuits. Let them create anything they want with their dough. Place their creation on a cookie sheet. Make sure for health reasons, you label each child's biscuit. Bake according to the instructions on the can of biscuits. When cool, talk about the different shapes, how they changed, etc. with the children then eat with peanut butter. Lots of fun and yummy too!!!

60) Banana Dogs

Ingredients: Bananas, Hot Dog Buns, Peanut Butter

Spread the peanut butter in the hotdog buns. Place the banana in the hot dog bun.

61) Peanut Butter Pinwheels

Ingredients: Four tortillas, Peanut Butter

Give each child a tortilla. Have them spread the peanut butter on the

tortilla. Show the children how to take one edge of the tortilla and roll it up into a tight cylinder. Have the children use a plastic knife to cut the rolled up tortilla into sections.

62) Anna Banana Snack

Ingredients: bananas, graham crackers, whipped cream

Have the children cut up the banana's in bite size pieces with plastic

knives. Place cut up bananas on graham crackers. Add a glob of whipped cream. Place another graham cracker on top and have child squish down. Messy yummy fun!!

63) Happy Face Sandwiches

Ingredients: Bread, Peanut butter, Raisins, Chocolate chips, Alfalfa or bean sprouts, Shredded carrot, Other small food items

Spread peanut butter on one side of bread - openfaced. Have child make eyes, nose, mouth and hair from other items provided. Encourage kids to be creative and eat what they create.

Variation: Use cheese spread & veggies for facial features, on an English muffin, for a pumpkin face!

64) Peanut Butter Muffins


350 Degrees for 15 min.

2 eggs

1 cup milk

1/4 cup mashed banana (about 1 banana)

1/4 cup peanut butter

1/3 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup frozen apple juice concentrate, thawed

1/4 cup nonfat dry milk

2 1/4 cups flour

1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

muffin/cupcake tin and paper muffin / cupcake liners

wire rack for cooling muffins


1.In a small bowl, break the eggs and use a fork to beat them a little bit.

2.In a large bowl, combine the milk, mashed banana, peanut butter, vegetable oil, apple juice, dry milk, and the eggs from the small bowl. Mix until the mixture is creamy.

3.Add the flour, baking powder, and baking soda into the large bowl. Mix again.

4.Put the muffin liners in muffin tins, and spoon in the muffin mix. Fill each cup about 2/3 of the way up.

5.Bake for about 15 minutes, take out and cool on wire rack.


65) Banana Bread


350 Degrees for 70 min.

2 eggs

1 3/4 cups sifted flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

1/3 cup vegetable shortening

2/3 cup sugar

1 cup mashed bananas (about 3 bananas)

½ cup walnuts and pecans (optional)

bread pan coated with shortening, margarine, or nonstick spray


1.Beat eggs well in a small bowl.

2.In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

3.In large bowl, beat vegetable shortening until creamy. Add sugar a little at a time, and continue beating until the mixture is fluffy.

4.Add the eggs to the mixture in the large bowl and beat well.

5.Add a bit of the flour mixture to large bowl and beat well. Add some of the bananas and beat more. Continue adding flour, then bananas, then flour, then bananas, until everything is mixed in. Then mix in the nuts.

6.Pour mixture into the baking pan and bake. Take your banana bread out of the pan and let it cool.



66) Berry Tasty MuffinsIngredients:

400 Degrees for 20 min. 12 muffins

1 cup flour

1 cup oatmeal

3 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt

4 teaspoons baking powder

1 cup blueberries, washed

1 egg

1 cup milk

1/4 cup vegetable oil

muffin/cupcake tin & paper muffin/cupcake liners

wire rack for cooling muffins


1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, oatmeal, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

2. Mix in blueberries.

3. In another bowl, break the egg and use a fork to beat it just a little bit. Then add the milk and vegetable oil, and mix.

4. Add this mixture to the first mixture in the large bowl.

5. Using a big wooden spoon, mix you want it to be nice and lumpy.

6. Line the tin with the paper liners, and spoon in the muffin mix. Fill each liner about 2/3 of the way up.

7. Bake for 20 min. When muffins are baked, cool on a wire rack.


67) Funky Frozen Yogurt Pops

You will need:

small paper cups

wooden popsicle sticks (available in craft stores)

plastic wrap

your favorite flavor of yogurt (I like blueberry, lemon, and strawberry banana)


1.Pour yogurt into paper cups. Fill them almost to the top.

2.Stretch a small piece of plastic wrap across the top of each cup.

3.Using the popsicle stick, poke a hole in the plastic wrap and stand the stick straight up in the center of the cup.

4.Put the cups in the freezer until the yogurt is frozen solid.

5.Remove the plastic wrap, peel away the paper cup, and enjoy your homemade pop!


For a cool-tasting and cool-looking treat, follow the directions above, but fill your cups only halfway with one flavor of yogurt. Freeze. Remove them from the freezer, take off the plastic wrap, and spoon in another flavor of yogurt. Put the plastic wrap back on and freeze once more. When they're complete, you'll have two-colored popsicle treats!

68) Perfect Peachy Freeze

3 servings

You will need:

½ cup milk

1 cup sliced peaches (they can be either fresh or canned)

1 teaspoon sugar


1.Pour the milk into an ice cube tray and freeze until solid.

2.Pop the "milk cubes" out of the tray and put them into the blender. Then put the peaches and sugar into the blender.

3.Put the lid on the blender and blend on high speed until everything is all mixed together and very smooth.

4.Pour your Perfect Peachy Freeze into serving dishes and serve right away.


69) Pineapple Pops

Makes 6-8 pops

You will need:

2 cups plain yogurt

½ cup canned pineapple (crushed)

1 can frozen pineapple or orange-pineapple juice concentrate, thawed

small paper cups

wooden popsicle sticks (available in craft stores)


1.Drain the can of pineapple.

2.Put all the ingredients in a medium-sized bowl and mix them together.

3.Spoon the mixture into the paper cups. Fill them almost to the top.

4.Stretch a small piece of plastic wrap across the top of each cup.

5.Using the popsicle stick, poke a hole in the plastic wrap and stand the stick straight up in the center of the cup.

6.Put the cups in the freezer until the mixture is frozen solid.

7.Remove the plastic wrap, peel away the paper cup, and you'll have pineapple pops to eat and share!


70) Ants on a Log

What you will need:

celery sticks

peanut butter



1.Wash the celery and cut it into pieces (about 5 inches long).

2.Spread peanut butter in u-shaped part of celery, from one end to the other.

3.Press raisins into peanut butter.


71) Crunchy Munchy Granola

325 Degrees for 15 min then 10 min.

What you will need:

2 cups oatmeal

½ cup peanuts

½ cup wheat germ

1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

½ cup raisins

Oiled baking sheet

Oven preheated to 325 degrees F


1.In a large bowl, use a spoon to mix the oatmeal, peanuts, and wheat germ.

2.In a small bowl, mix the honey, oil, and vanilla.

3.Work this mixture into the first mixture that's in the large bowl. This is where you can use your hands to make sure it's all mushed together really well. Or, if you like, you can use a large wooden spoon.

4.Spread the mix onto the oiled baking sheet. Bake for 15 min, then remove the baking sheet from the oven. Use a large wooden spoon to stir the mix a little on the baking sheet, then add the raisins. Put it back in the oven, and bake for another 10 minutes.

5.When the granola is baked, allow it to cool.


72) Tiny Pizzas

What you will need:

Bagel, cut in half

Tomato sauce

Shredded mozzarella cheese

Toppings like diced green pepper, chopped onion, or chopped tomato (whatever you like)

Seasonings like oregano, basil, and pepper

Baking sheet

Oven set to low heat


1.Spread tomato sauce on each bagel half.

2.Sprinkle the shredded cheese all over the tomato sauce on each half.

3.Add your favorite toppings.

4.Put a light sprinkling of seasonings on each half.

5.Put your bagel halves on the baking sheet, and bake in the oven on low heat for about 5 - 8 minutes. You'll know they're done when the cheese is bubbly.

6.Let cool for a minute, then enjoy your tiny pizzas!


73) Fun Fruit Kabobs

What you will need:

wooden skewer sticks (1 for each person)


apples (red, golden delicious, or your favorite kind!)

green grapes

red grapes

pineapple chunks (canned or fresh)

smooth-style yogurt (plain or fruit flavor)



1.Prepare the fruit: wash the grapes, wash the apples and cut them into small squares, peel the bananas and cut into chunks

2.Pour yogurt onto a large plate.

3.Spread coconut onto another large plate.

4.Now make your kabobs. Slide pieces of fruit onto the skewer and design your own kabob by putting as much or as little of whatever fruit you want! Do this until the stick is almost covered from end to end.

5.Hold your kabob at the ends and roll it in the yogurt, so the fruit gets covered. Then roll it in the coconut.

(If you like, you can roll the kabobs in something other than coconut - like granola, nuts, or raisins. Use your imagination!)


74) Happily Apple-y Applesauce

1 serving

What you will need:

1 small red apple

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon sugar

1 pinch (tiny bit) of cinnamon


1.Peel the apple and cut it into small pieces. Throw out the core.

2.Put the apple pieces and lemon juice into the blender. Put the lid on the blender and blend until the mixture is very smooth.

3.Pour the mixture into a small bowl and stir in the sugar and cinnamon.

75) Incredible Edible Veggie Bowls

What you will need:

A green, yellow, or red pepper (whichever is your favorite), washed

Celery, washed

Carrots, washed

Small broccoli pieces, washed

Your favorite creamy salad dressing


1.Cut the pepper in half (from side to side). Clean out the seeds and gunk from the inside. Now you have two pieces. One will be your pepper-shaped bowl.

2.Cut the other half of the pepper into skinny slices.

3.Peel the carrot and cut it into skinny sticks about 4" long.

4.Cut celery into skinny sticks so each one is about 4" long.

5.Put a little salad dressing in the bottom of your pepper bowl.

6.Put celery sticks, carrot sticks, pepper slices, and broccoli into the pepper bowl.

7.Now you've got a portable, totally edible veggie treat! You can pull out the veggies and eat them with a little dressing. Then when you're finished with the veggies - that's right - you can eat the bowl!


78) Homemade Peanut Butter

What you will need:

1 ½ cups roasted peanuts (unsalted)

1 tablespoon peanut oil


For smooth peanut butter:

1.Mix the peanuts with the peanut oil, and pour the mixture into the food processor.

2.Process the mixture until it's very smooth.

3.Store your smooth peanut butter in a sealed container in the fridge. It will be good for 2 weeks.

For chunky peanut butter:

1.Take about 1/4 cup out of your 1 ½ cups of peanuts and set aside.

2.Mix the rest of the peanuts with the oil, and pour the mixture into the food processor.

3.Process the mixture until it's very smooth, then stir in the peanuts that you had set aside.

4.Process a few seconds more to create the chunks in your chunky peanut butter.

5.Store your chunky peanut butter in a sealed container in the fridge. It will be good for 2 weeks.


79) Strawberry Rollup

140 Degrees for 3 hours

What you will need:

1 cup strawberries

2 teaspoons corn syrup

oven preheated to 140 degrees F (or on Low setting)


1.Wash and dry the strawberries. Cut them into pieces.

2.Put strawberries and corn syrup in blender. Put the lid on the blender and blend on high speed until mixture is smooth.

3.Pour the mixture into a jelly roll pan ( 15 " long x 10 " wide x 1" deep). Use a rubber scraper or spatula to spread the mixture evenly on the bottom of the pan. Make sure the bottom is completely covered!

4.Bake for 3 hours with the oven door slightly open. You may need to bake it a little longer if it's not totally dry after 3 hours.

5.Remove the pan from the oven, and let your rollup cool. You can tear it into smaller pieces to eat and share right away! Store what's left by rolling it in a piece of plastic wrap.


80) Train and Trail Mix

What you will need:




dried fruit

cereal rings


Mix everything in a small plastic baggie, and seal it tight.


81) Mucho Yummy Nachos

400 Degrees for 5 min.

What you will need:

tortilla chips


shredded cheddar cheese


a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil


1.Spread tortilla chips on baking sheet.

2.Using a spoon, spread salsa over tortilla chips.

3.Sprinkle cheese and olive pieces on top of tortilla chips.

4.Bake for about 5 minutes. Remove from oven and dig in.


82) Pretzels

325 Degrees fro 10 min.

What you will need:

1 tablespoon yeast

½ cup warm water

1 teaspoon honey

1 1/3 cups flour

1 teaspoon salt-baking sheet covered with nonstick spray

cutting board sprinkled with flour

oven preheated to 325 degrees F


1.Put the yeast in a small bowl with the water and honey. Stir a little, then let the mixture sit for 5 minutes.

2.Mix the flour and salt in a medium-sized bowl.

3.After the 5 minutes is up, check on the yeast mixture. It should be bigger than before, and a little bubbly. Add this mixture to the flour and salt mixture.

4.Stir everything together. Use a spoon to start then use your hands! The dough is ready when it's still crumbly and flaky.

5.Put dough on the cutting board and knead it like you are playing with clay. Knead it into one big ball.

6.Break off a piece of dough about the size of a big gum ball . Use your hands to roll it into a snake.

7.Twist the snake into a pretzel shape, and put it on the cookie sheet. Do this with all the dough.

8.Bake your pretzels for 10 minutes. Let them cool and enjoy.


83) Raspberry Fizz

What you will need:

1 ½ cups raspberry juice (you can also use cran-raspberry or apple-raspberry juice)

3 scoops raspberry sherbet

½ cup sparkling water


1.Pour all the ingredients into the blender.

2.Cover the blender and blend until the mixture is very smooth.

3.Pour your Raspberry Fizz into glasses and enjoy!

84) Easy Pretzels

375 Degrees for 8-10 min.


1 pkg. refrigerator biscuits (10 count)

cinnamon sugar

2 quart pot of boiling water


1. Open biscuit pkg and separate rolls.

2. Roll each one approximately 8-10" long. Form into pretzel shape, pinching together where it meets.

3. Drop pretzels into boiling water, just until the pretzel floats (3-6 seconds).

4. Lift pretzels out with a slotted spoon allowing excess water to drain off.

5. Set pretzels on a lightly greased cookie sheet.

6. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake in a 375 degree oven for 8-10 minutes or until browned.


85) Energy Chews

What you will need:

measuring spoons



peanut butter





1. Give each child a cup and mix the following together.

1 tablespoon peanut butter

½ teaspoon honey

1 tablespoon raisins

1 teaspoon chopped apple

1 tablespoon raw oatmeal

2. Have each child stir the mixture and roll it into balls.

3. The mixture may be chilled for a while or eaten immediately.


86) Valentine Muffins

400 Degrees for 20 - 25 min.

1 egg

1 cup milk

1/4 c. veg. oil

2 c. flour

1/4 sugar

1 Tbsp. baking powder

thawed strawberries or strawberry preserves

Beat egg, milk, and oil with fork until blended. Mix dry ingredients together. Add to egg mixture and stir until blended. Batter will be lumpy. Spoon in 12 lined muffin cups. (special Valentine ones would be cute) Fill 1/3 full. Place a strawberry into each cup and then top with more batter to fill each cup 2/3 full.


87) Apple Cider (4 servings)

2 cups 100% apple juice

1 Tbsp. cinnamon red hot candies

1 tsp. lemon juice

Combine ingredients in saucepan. Heat on low until red hots melt. Stirring often. Let cool a little before serving.

** ½ cup of juice counts as fruit for 3-5 yr. old at snack **

88) Easy Fruit Salad

1 small box of orange flav. Jello

1 small carton cottage cheese

2 cans mandarin oranges

1 20 oz. crushed pineapple

Drain fruit and put in med. bowl. Sprinkle Jello over fruit and stir. Add cottage cheese. Mix together and chill.

*Makes 9 ½ cup servings **


89) Creamy Caterpillar

Buy or make bread sticks, spread cream cheese or peanut butter on top, add raisins for the eyes, and enjoy


90) Pink Freeze

A great pink snack is ice-cream and Pink Lemonade concentrate melted mix it together then refreeze in a 9x13 and serv with a strawberry on top yummy.


91) Pizza Hearts

Cookie cut an English muffin... have the kids cover with spaghetti sauce and decorate with cheese, meat, veggies, etc.


92) Rice Krispie Treat Kisses

Make a batch of rice krispie treats following the directions on the box. Before they cool, press them into a small funnel to make a Hershey's kiss shape. (They pop in and out of funnel easily and quickly.) When cool, wrap each in aluminum foil; be sure to insert a long strip of white paper into the top of the kiss with a special message or the child's name!


93) Heart Shaped Mini Pizza's

Buy pre-made pizza dough (located in the refrigerated section of your grocery store) or make homemade pizza dough. Roll the dough out and use heart shaped cookie cutters to make hearts out of the dough. Top the mini pizza's with sauce and cheese. Bake according to the instructions on the dough can or your homemade recipe.

94) Roll-ups


Tortilla shells

Jam or jelley

Peanut Butter and / or

Cream Cheese

Have the children spread cream cheese and strawberry jam onto a tortilla. Have the children roll the tortilla up like a log. Let the children use their plastic knives that they used to spread the cream cheese and jam to cut the rolled up tortilla into sections.


95) Tropical Fruit Punch

Makes 28 (4-ounce) servings


1 carton (64-ounce) pine-orange banana juice

1 bottle (32-ounce) lemon-lime soda

1 can (6-ounce) frozen limeade concentrate, thawed

1 package (16-ounce) frozen peaches

1 package (12-ounce) frozen raspberries

2 firm, medium bananas, peeled and sliced

2 oranges, peeled and sliced

Method: Combine all ingredients in a punch bowl. Stir and serve.

Per Serving: 102 calories 1 g protein trace fat 24 g carbohydrate 10 mg sodium


96) Shimmering Tropical Fruit

Makes 6 to 8 servings


1 can (15 1/4 ounce) tropical fruit salad

1 package (4-serving size) lemon or peach gelatin

8 sprigs parsley, optional


1 Place strainer inside a mixing bowl. Pour tropical fruit salad into strainer, drain juice. Pour drained juice into a measuring cup. Add enough water to juice, making a total of 1 3/4 cups of liquid.

2 Heat liquid in a saucepan over medium high heat. When it boils, turn the heat off and carefully move pan to a heat proof surface. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Chill gelatin in refrigerator until it slightly thickens, about 45 minutes.

3 Stir in fruit and pour gelatin into either the mold or cups. Put into the refrigerator and chill until firm, about 2 1/4 hours.

4 To un mold, fill sink 3/4 full with warm water. Quickly dip mold into water (or remove muffin cup liners.) Turn the mold over onto a platter and let the salad slip out. Decorate with parsley.

ABC Vegetable Soup

Makes 6 servings


1 teaspoon vegetable oil

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 clove garlic, chopped

2 cans (14 1/2 ounces each) reduced salt chicken broth

1 can (28-ounces) crushed tomatoes

1/3 cup alphabet pasta

1/2 cup parsley leaves

1 cup chopped broccoli

1 cup chopped carrots

1 cup sliced celery

Salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, optional


1 Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook until the onion is soft, about 2 min. Stir occasionally

2 Add chicken broth, tomatoes, pasta, and parsley to the saucepan. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 10 min.

3 Add broccoli, carrots, and celery to soup; cook 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4 With adult help, ladle soup into serving bowl and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese before serving, if desired.


97) Thumbprint Cookies

325 Degrees for 12- 15 min.


1 C butter ½ C sugar

2 eggs separated 1 tsp vanilla

2 C flour Jam

Flaked coconut, finely chopped nuts or crushed cornflakes


- In a bowl cream together butter and sugar.

- Beat in egg yolks and vanilla.

- Blend in flour. -Shape into small balls.

-Dip into unbeaten egg whites and roll in coconut, nuts or crushed cornflakes.

- Place on lightly greased cookie sheet.

- Make a depression in centre of each using thumb.

- Bake until firm.

- Fill centre with jam.


98) Stone Age Shakes (Frosty banana milkshakes)


2 C milk

2 ripe bananas

1 Tbsp lemon juice

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 pt vanilla frozen low-fat yogurt

Mix all in blender and pour into paper cups. For that added touch, add green food coloring.


99) Dippy Diplodocus Dip


1 cup of plain yogurt

1 cup of sour cream

1/2 cup mayonnaise

2 tbls. chopped onion

2 tbls. parsley

1 tsp. dill weed

salt and pepper to taste

Mix everything together in a medium bowl. Chill for 1 hour. Cut up some fresh broccoli. Pretend you are a diplodocus munching on tree-tops as you dip the broccoli into the dip.

100) Thunder Roll-ups


1½ cups coconut

1 cup peanut butter

1/3 raisins

1 tsp. vanilla

Spread the coconut on a sheet of waxed paper Mix everything else together in a medium bowl. Roll a spoonful of the mixture into the coconut. Chill for 1 hour. Stomp around like a thunder - lizard while you eat them.

101) Swampy Salad


2 cups applesauce

½ cup peanuts

½ cup raisins

½ cup miniature marshmallows

Mix everything together in a medium bowl. Pretend you are a Brachiosaurous hiding in a swamp from a fierce meat-eating dinosaur.



You will need:

Round crackers

1 tub soft cream cheese

Gummy Dinosaurs

Goldfish crackers

Celery leaves

Help each child spread the cream cheese onto a cracker with a knife. Press any of the other items into the cheese then lift up to see the "fossil". All but the celery leaves are to be eaten.


103) Edible Volcanos


Sugar Ice Cream Cones

Red, Yellow, Orange Frosting

Chocolate Pudding

Gummy Dinosaurs

1) Buy a box of ice cream cones and have each child bite off the tip. 2) Let the children drizzle squeeze frosting in red, orange, and yellow for "lava" coming down the sides.

3) Set the volcano in chocolate pudding (for the land) and add gummy dinosaurs around the base.

104) Dinosaur Delight


1/4 C dirt (cocoa)

½ C swamp water (milk with green food coloring)

2 C crushed bones (sugar)

½ C dinosaur fat (butter)

2 C dead grass (uncooked oatmeal)

½ C squashed bugs (peanut butter)

Mix cocoa & milk. Add sugar and butter. Boil about 3 min. Add peanut butter and oatmeal and stir until melted. Remove from heat and stir until mixture begins to thicken, Drop by tablespoon full onto waxed paper cool, eat and enjoy.

105) Graham Cracker Aquariums


graham cracker squares (1 per child)

peanut butter



pepperidge farm Goldfish Crackers

Give each child a square of waxed paper to work on. Next, give each child a graham cracker square, about a tablespoon of peanut butter. Have the kids spread the peanut butter all over one side of the cracker. While they are doing this, have an adult use a sharp knife to cut the celery into about 3 in. lengths. Now, slice the celery long ways into very thin 3 in. pieces. This will be used for seaweed in the aquarium. After the kids have finished spreading the P.B. give each of them about 1/4 c. of cheerios. Have them crumble several cheerios and press the crumbles along the bottom of the cracker square so that they stick in the P.B. This will make the sand. Now give each child about 10 Pepperdige Farm goldfish crackers. Have the children stick the goldfish on their sides into the P.B. on the cracker. Add some extra P.B. to the goldfish if needed to make them stick. Now, take a few cheerios and stick them onto the P.B. above the goldfish to make air bubbles. Next give each child several thin sticks of celery to stick onto their aquarium to make seaweed.


106) Cone Sandwich


Ice cream cones

Tuna, egg, or chicken salad.

Teacher prep:

Either let the children help you make or make ahead you salad filler.


Have the children fill the ice cream cones with the lunch salad and eat it like ice cream.


107) Banana Wrap


1 8" flour tortilla

2-3 tbsp peanut butter

2-3 tbsp grape jelly

1 small banana, peeled

1) Place tortilla on a paper towel.

2) Microwave 10 to 20 seconds on high until the tortilla is soft and warm.

3) Spread with peanut butter and top with grape jelly.

4) Place the banana near the right edge of the tortilla.

5) Fold up the bottom fourth of the tortilla.

6) Bring right edge over the banana and roll-up.

108) Banana Push-Ups


2 large banana, cut up

½ cup Instant Nonfat Dry Milk

1 cup plain yogurt

6 oz frozen orange juice - concentrate (1 can)

1 cup water

1) Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and whirl until foamy. 2) Pour into paper cups and freeze.

3) Push up from the bottom of the cup.

109) Cheerio Bars


½ cup Peanut Butter

½ cup sugar

½ cup honey

3 cups cheerios

Salted peanuts

1) Bring sugar and honey to a boil in 2 qt saucepan.

2) Remove from heat, stir in peanut butter until blended.

3) Pour in cheerios and mix until well coated.

4) Spread in buttered 9x13 pan and let cool.

5) Cut in squares.

110) Peanut Butter Caterpillars



2 tbsp peanut butter


1) Peel and slice a banana.

2) Spread slices with peanut butter and connect the slices.

3) Add a grape up front for the head ("gluing" with more peanut butter). If desired, make this a game with the child - what veggie can we add to make antenas? etc. (maybe a strip of celery).


111) Mini Corndogs


1 cup flour

½ cup cornmeal

1 tbsp sugar

1 ½ tsp salt

2 tbsp vegetable shortening

1 egg, beaten slightly

3/4 cup milk


8 frankfurters, cut into thirds

1) Combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl.

2) With a pastry blender, cut vegetable shortening into flour mixture until there are fine curmbs.

3) Add egg and milk and blend well.

4) Pour vegetable oil into a 2 inch depth in a deep fryer or large saucepan.

5) Heat to 375 degrees.

6) Pat frankfurter dry with paper towels and insert a toothpick into the center of each frankfurter.

7) Dip each frankfurter into batter and then into hot oil until golden brown.

8) Drain on paper.


112) Gelatin Pizza

Ingredients: 10 - 12 servings

4 pk (4 serving size) or

2 pk (8 serving size) jello, any flavor

2 ½ cups boiling water

non-stick cooking spray

1 cup cool whip

2 cups cut up fruit

1) Pour gelatin into bowl and add 2 ½ cups boiling water to gelatin. 2) Stir until gelatin is completely dissolved, about 2 minutes.

3) Spray pizza pan with non-stick cooking spray.

4) Pour gelatin mixture into pizza pan.

5) Put pan into fridge to chill until firm, about 3 hours.

6) Remove pan from fridge when ready to serve.

7) Put about 1"of warm water in sink. Carefully dip just bottom of pan into warm water for 15 seconds.

8) Spread whipped topping over gelatin just before serving (leave 1" around edge for "crust")

9) Top pizza with fruit, arranging fruit in whatever design you like.

10) Cut pizza into wedges.

113) Frozen Fruit Treat


1 3/4 cups strawberries

1 large can crushed pineapple

5 bananas (cut in cubes)

12 oz frozen orange juice - concentrate

1 ½ cups water

1) Mix ingredients together.

2) Freeze in small paper cups.

3) Serve partially defrosted.

Children love this nutritous treat!

114) Dirt Cups


2 cups cold milk

1pk Jello 0 chocolate pudding

1pk Cool Whip topping, thawed

1pk Chocolate sandwich cookies

10 7oz plastic cups

Suggested decorations: gummy worms, gummy frogs, candy flowers

1) Crush cookies until they resemble dirt and set aside.

2) Combine pudding mix and milk until well blended.

3) Then fold in the whipped topping.

4) Fill plastic cups with pudding mixture alternating with the cookie crumbs.

5) Top with cookie crumbs.

6) Refrigerate for a couple or hours, then docorate with gummy worms and other toppings.


115) Chocolate Peanut Butter Dip


3 oz pkg cream cheese, softened

1/3 cup creamy peanut butter

1 dash ground cinnamon

1/4 cup chocolate syrup

2 tbsp milk

assorted cut-up fruit

assorted cookies


1) In a large bowl with electric mixer on medium, beat cream cheese, peanut butter, and cinnamon until smooth.

2) Gradually beat in chocolate syrup and milk until well blended.

3) Serve with fruit, cookies, pretzels, etc.

116) Chicken Pox Pancakes



Pancake mix


Powdered sugar

1) Chop the berries into small chunks, allowing one or two per pancake face. Set aside.

2) Prepare the pancake mix according to package directions.

3) When the pancakes are done, place each serving in a stack on a separate plate.

4) For every two stacks of pancakes, you need to peel one banana.

5) Carefully slice off the two ends and put one on top of each stack for a nose.

6) Then cut two thin slices from each end for eyes.

7) Then cut banana in half for a long curved mouth.

8) Arrange the strawberry chunks chicken pox all around each face.

9) Drop a pinch of powdered sugar on each pox for a tasty bit of puss. 10) Serves as many little polka dotted people as your heart desires.


117) Frozen Yogurt Pops


1 C frozen unsweetened strawberries

1 C plain yogurt

5 Tbsp. honey

7 3-1/2 oz. paper cups

7 wooden ice cream sticks

1) Put strawberries in blender, blend until smooth.

2) Pour into bowl and stir in honey and yogurt.

3) Fill cups 2/3 full with mixture.

4) Put stick in center.

5) Freeze 1-2 hours. Then remove from cup and serve.


118) Homemade Popsicles


1 pkg jello

1 pkg kool-aid

1 cup sugar

2 cups hot water

2 cups cold water

paper cups

popcicle sticks

1) Dissolve 1 package of jello, 1 package of kool-aid, and 1 cup of sugar in 2 cups of very hot water.

2) Stir in 2 cups of very cold water and mix.

3) Pour into paper cups and insert popsicle sticks, plastic spoons or use toothpicksin ice cube trays.

4) When frozen, eat and enjoy.

119) Fruit Float


cut up fruit

ginger ale or lemon line soda


1) Fill a glass with fruit

2) Pour in chilled ginger ale or lemon lime soda.

3) Top with a scoop of sherbert.

120) Juice Jellies


4 envelopes unflavored gelatain (or 4 tablespoons)

1 ½ cup cold water

1 6-ounce can frozen concentrated grape juice, thawed, undiluted (or orange juice)

1) Sprinkle gelatin over water in pan.

2) Stir over low heat five minutes until gelatin is completely dissolved.

3) Remove from heat and stir in juice.

4) Pour into eight-inch square pan and refrigerate at least 2 hours until firm.

5) Cut into 36 squares, keep refrigerated.

121) Frozen Bananas



chocolate syrup or honey

Rice Krispies or nuts

popcicle sticks

1) Cut bananas in half.

2) Place popsicle stick up, dip in chocolate syrup or honey, roll in nuts or Rice Krispies. Or slice bananas and use toothpicks for sticks. 3) Place in freezer for 1 to 2 hours.


122) Moon Balls


2 C. Peanut butter

1 1/3 Honey

2 C. Raisins

2 C. Dry milk

3 ½ Graham cracker crumbs (keep 1/2 c. separate)

1. Mix dry milk, raisins, and 3 c. graham cracker crumbs

2. Add honey and peanut butter, mix will (hands do best)

3. Roll into small balls

4. Place remaining 1/2 c. of graham cracker crumbs in a large baggie

5. Place several balls into the baggie and shake, then place on a cookie sheet.

6. Chill then eat

123) Stuffed Baked Apples

400 Degrees for 30 - 35 min.


Firm baking apples

Butter or marg


Hot water


raisins or walnuts or honey or banana slices or coconut or cinnamon, candies, nutmeg, brown sugar


ice cream or peanut butter or whipped cream or cheese or vanilla pudding or granola or custard or lemon sherbet or jelly

Core apples and sprinkle with 1 t. sugar. Set in baking dish. Stuff apple (combine several if you with). Pour hot water to cover bottom of dish. Bake 400 30-35 min. Spoon liquid over apples every 10 min. while cooking. Cool


124) Apple Cake

350 Degrees for 90 min


1 1/2 cups cooking oil

3 eggs

2 cups sugar

2 tsp. vanilla

3 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. salt

2 cup peeled and chopped apples

1 cup chopped walnuts (optional),

1) Peel and prepare apples.

2) Grease and flour loaf pans.

3) Measure flour into small mixing bowl.

4) Stir in baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.

5) In big mixing bowl, combine sugar, eggs, oil, and vanilla.

6) Add flour mixture an stir gently.

7) Add the apples and nuts and stir gently.

8) Pour whole mixture into loaf pans.

9) Bake for 90 minutes at 350.


125) Super Stew

350 Degrees for 2 hrs.


1 medium-sized pumpkin

1 pound beef, cut into cubes

1 package beef gravy mix

3 cups water

2 carrots, sliced

2 stalks celery, sliced

2 potatoes, cut into cubes

2 tomatoes, diced

1) Cut off the top of the pumpkin. Clean out all the seeds and pulp. Wash the pumpkin.

2) Brown the beef. Add the gravy mix and water to the pan and stir it well. Bring the mixture to a boil.

3) Pour the beef mixture into the pumpkin shell.

4) Add the other ingredients and mix them. Put the top on the pumpkin and wrap the stem with foil.

5) Place the pumpkin on a baking sheet in the oven. Bake it at 350 degrees for 2 hours, until the pumpkin is tender.

6) Place the pumpkin on a hot pad on the table for a fun centerpiece. When you serve the stew, scoop out part of the pumpkin.

126) Pumpkin Seedy Snacks

200 Degrees for 30 min.


Pumpkin Seeds


Non-stick cooking spray

1) Wash the seeds from a pumpkin.

2) Sprinkle them with salt.

3) Place them on a baking sheet coated with non-stick cooking spray.

4) Bake them at 200 degrees for 30 minutes to 1 hour until the seeds are dry and crisp

5) Enjoy

127) Making Butter


Baby food jars

Whipping Cream


Crackers, Bread, etc.

1) Fill baby food jars half full of whipping cream and screw the lids on tightly.

2) Let kids take turns shaking the jars.

3) After about 5 minutes the cream will be whipped, and after another min or so, lumps of yellow butter will form.

4) Rinse off the liquid whey and add a little salt, if desired.

5) Then spread on crakers to taste!

128) Apple Crunch Toast


a tub of butter

1 apple for every four children

1 slice of wheat bread per child

cinnamon sugar mixture in a shaker

toaster oven

1) Thinly slice and peel the apples.

2) Have the child spread the butter on the bread.

3) Have them place the apple slices on the bread.

4) Have them sprinkle the sugar mixture on the apples.

5) Place in the toaster oven, and toast.

6) Eat after it has cooled off a bit.


129) Hot Apple Cider


3 cups apple juice

1 cup cranberry juice

8 in. stick of cinnamon, broken

electric slow cooker, or saucepan

cup measure

1) Put all ingredients in the pot.

2) Cook on high till mixture boils. Reduce to low and simmer 5 minutes.

3) Serve warm or cooled. Talk to children about the smell and taste.


130) Cranberry Relish


1 quart cranberries

2 oranges, quartered and seeded

½ cup crushed pineapple

2 cups sugar

food processor

baby food jars - 1 per child

1) Have children take turns putting cranberries and oranges into the grinder.

2) Have some children cut oranges into smaller pieces before grinding.

3) Grind again.

4) Stir in sugar, and the pineapple.

5) When all mixed up, fill each jar with the relish.

6) If doing this for the families, you can decorate the jars with ribbon.

131) Walrus Salad


½ cup raisins

½ cup plain yogurt

2 apples

juice of 1 lemon

2 stalks of celery

apple corer

1) Help the child measure the raisins and yogurt.

2) Core the apple and slice in half.

3) Help the child to cut the apple halves into chunks - add to the bowl.

4) Stir in juice.

5) Cut the celery into small pieces.

6) Add the remaining ingredients into the bowl and mix. Enjoy!


132) Monster Munchies




shredded carrots or shredded cheese

peanut butter or cheese spread



round cookie cutter (an upside down glass)

1) Using the cookie cutter, cut out a circle from a slice of bread.

2) Spread peanut butter or cheese spread over the entire circle.

3) Cut two slices of bananas for eyes.

4) Place a few raisins for nose and mouth.

5) Cut celery pieces to use for eyebrows and/or ears.

6) Use shredded carrots or cheese for curly hair.

7) Let the children be as creative as they want.

You can add new ingredients and let the children experiment!

133) Cucumber Canoes




yogurt/ dip



lemon juice

1) Wash and peel cucumbers and cut in half lengthwise.

2) Hollow out the pulp from each half.

3) Wash the other veggies. Peel carrot, and trim greens from the radishes.

4) Chop the tomato, carrot, and radishes on a cutting board --as finely as possible.

5) Mix the chopped veggies with the yogurt add a little lemon juice and mix

6) Spoon the mixture into the canoe and away you go.


134) Sailboats



peanut butter

triangle of paper


1) Give each child a piece of celery.

2) Child spreads peanut butter on celery.

3) Give child a small triangle cut from a piece of construction paper. 4) Child tapes triangle onto a toothpick, child then sticks toothpick into celery to look like a sail.

5) Sail your boats, and then eat.


135) Sailboats


apple wedge

triangle of cheese


1) Use an apple wedge as the boat.

2) Attach a triangle of cheese as the sail with a toothpick

(almost) the whole sailboat is edible.

136) Chili Dip

1 PACKAGE (250g) Philadelphia light cream cheese

Enough Sweet Chilli Sauce to cover

Spread cream cheese in a dish, pour over enough sweet chilli sauce to cover all the white cheese.Serve with rice crackers.

137) Easy Pretzels

1 pkg. refridgerator biscuits (10 count)

cinnamon sugar

2 quart pot of boiling water

Open biscuit pkg and seperate rolls. Roll each one approximately 8-10 inches long. Form into a pretzel shape, pinching together where the dough meets. Drop pretzels into boiling water, just until the pretzel

floats (3-6 seconds). Lift pretzels out with a slotted spoon allowing excess water to drain off. Set pretzels on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake in a 375 degree oven for

8-10 minutes or until browned.

138) Goldfish Bowl

In a large bowl, combine 1 cup each of dry chow mein noodles, pretzel sticks, Cheddar Goldfish crackers, roasted peanuts, and Cheerios. To add sweetness, add 1 cup of raisins and 1/2 cup of dried pineapple

slices cut into bite-size wedges. Fold the ingredients to mix. Makes about 9 3/4-cup servings. (Store in an airtight container)

139) Grillers


Peanut butter

Peeled apple slices

Cheese Slices (cheddar tastes best, but I have used american and mozzerela)

Spread peanut butter on bread top with apple slices and cheese. Broil until cheese melts. Cut into triangles and serve!

I serve this with carrot sticks to complete the meal


140) Homemade Egg Nog

1/2 gallon milk

1 can sweetened condensed milk

2 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla

1 pint whipping creme, whipped

Mix 2 cups of milk and 2 eggs in a sauce pan and cook until mixture is hot. Cool. Mix Milk, milk egg mixture, vanilla and sweetened condensed milk. fold in Whipped creme.


vanilla milk shake. YUM!




Sunflower seeds

Choose a small sunny location in your backyard to plant sunflower seeds. Poke several 1/2 inch deep holes around the prepared area and put a couple of seeds in each hole. Water each day. When the plants are about 2 feet tall, tie them to stakes with twine.

When the back of the flowers turn yellow, they are ready to harvest. Cut off the flowers and let them dry out for a few days. Remove the seeds and soak them in salt water for about 10 hours. Drain, then spread them on a cookie sheet and bake for one hour at 200 degrees.

Store in airtight container. Serve on vegetables, salads...or as a snack for the children.


142) Italian Hoagie Pizza

store bought pizza dough or pizza shell

1/4 deli ham, cut into 1'' pieces

1 cup chopped plum tomatoes (2-3)

1/4 cup Italian dressing

one package (6oz) provolone cheese (I've used swiss, too)

1 tsp Italian seasoning

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. If using store bought dough, spread in pizza pan & bake for 7-9 minutes, just until golden. Remove from

oven and set aside. In medium bowl, combine the ham, salami, tomatoes, and dressing; mix well. Spoon the mixture evenly over the prepared crust and top with cheese. Sprinkle with italian seasoning, and bake 8-10 minutes, or until the crust is crisp and brown. Cut and serve. 6-8 slices.



8 oz. sour cream

8 oz. cream cheese

1 pkg taco seasoning mix

Mix together and spread in a the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan. Drizzle 2 T. of salsa over cheese mixture. Then layer on top the following: sliced green onions, diced tomatoes, finely chopped lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese. On top of the cheese add a few more onions, tomatoes, and sliced black olives for garnish. Serve with taco chips!!


144) Mexicali Dip

1 can (11 1/2 oz) Campbell's condensed Bean with Bacon Soup

1 tsp. Chili powder

1 c. shredded cheddar cheese (4 oz)

1 bag (about 10 oz) tortilla chips

1/2 c. salsa

Vlasic or Early California sliced pitted ripe olives

1/2 c. sour cream

sliced green onions

In small bowl, combine soup, sour cream, and chili powder. Spread

on 10-inch plate. Top with salsa, cheese, onions, and olives. Serve

with tortilla chips for dipping. If desired, garnish with pitted

ripe olives. Makes 1 1/2 c.



10 medium flour tortillas

5 ounces Monterey Jack cheese

5 ounces mild Cheddar cheese

Preheat over to 375 degrees. Place five tortillas on foil. Sprinkle each with Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheese. Cover each tortilla-cheese combination with an additional tortilla. Seal foil package. Bake for 15 minutes. Cut like pizzas and serve warm with salsa and sour cream.


146) Nacho Dip:

1 8 oz. package of cream cheese

1 cup of salsa (more or less to your liking)

Put together in a bowl. Beat on high until smooth. This is excellent with any type of chips.


147) Party Meatballs

1 can (11 1/8 oz) Campbell's condensed Italian Tomato Soup

1 lb. ground beef

1/2 c. water

1/4 c. dry bread crumbs

2 tbsp. vinegar

1 egg, beaten

2 tsp. Packed brown sugar

1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

In large bowl, mix thoroughly 1/4 c. soup, beef, bread crumbs, egg

and Wocestershire sauce. Shape firmly into 48 meatballs. Arrange

in 15" x 10" jelly roll pan. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until meatballs are no longer pink. In 3 qt. saucepan, combine remaining soup, water, vinegar, and sugar. Over medium heat, heat to boiling. Reduce heat to low. Cover, cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add meatballs, heat through, stirring occasionally. Makes 48 meatballs.


148) Pizza Bells

Ring in the new year with pizza bells -

Spread pizza dough onto a cookie sheet cut into bell shapes.

Top with spaghetti sauce. Let the children decorate their own bell using toppings such as - hot dogs cut up, small pieces of pepperoni, green or yellow peppers, mushrooms and stripes of cheese (or anything else you may like). Bake or microwave the bells as needed. This is a nice treat and the children love to make their own food. (this was taken from Holiday 1197 Crayola KIDS)


149) Pizza Breadsticks (from the Calendar Keeper, I think)

1 lb. frozen bread dough, thawed (or I make dough in my bread maker)

1 Tbl. olive oil

1/2 c. shredded mozzarella cheese

1/2 c. shredded colby cheese *(I use a combination of whatever cheeses I have)

1/2 c. grated parmesan cheese

2 (8 oz.) cans pizza sauce

Preheat oven to 400. Stretch loaf onto lightly greased cookie sheet. Brush dough with oil. Sprinkle cheeses over dough. Bake 12 - 15 minutes, until golden brown. Cut into strips and serve with sauce. Serves 24



After sugar reaches the hard ball stage, it requires some speed in handling so the candy doesn't set. You may want to halve the recipes using cooked sugar the first few times you make them. If you make these balls to use as tree ornaments, be sure to pop some extra corn for munching.

6 cups popped popcorn (1/3 cup unpopped)

2 cups toasted oat cereal such as Quaker Toasted Oatmeal

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup water

1 tsp. vinegar

1. In a large bowl mix the popped popcorn with the toasted oat cereal and set aside. In a heavy, medium-sized saucepan mix the sugar, syrup, water and vinegar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture reaches 260 degrees on a candy thermometer, or until a bit of the mixture dropped into iced water forms into a hard ball.

2. Pour syrup over popcorn. Stir gently with an oiled wooden spoon until the popcorn is well coated. Allow to cool slightly, and when it is cool enough to handle, with buttered fingers press into balls. To use as ornaments, wrap them in red and green ribbons. Makes around 18 three-inch balls.


151) Surprise Pizza Puffs (8 puffs - this can easily be doubled)

1 large package of refrigerated biscuits (17.3 oz, 8 biscuits)

1/4 cup pizza or spaghetti sauce

2 oz mozzarella cheese, cut into 8 1-inch cubes

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Separate biscuits and flatten each with the palm of your hand to form a circle 3 1/2 inches across. Place on a

cookie sheet that has been sprayed with nonstick vegetable spray. Spoon the sauce evenly over the centers of the biscuits and place a cube on each one. Pull the edges of each biscuit together so that the cheese is enclosed and pinch the edges firmly to seal. Turn puffs over and bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve warm. (note: be sure to buy a chunk of mozzarella cheese for this recipe, not sliced mozarella.) Serves 6


152) Tortilla Roll-ups

1 large red apple, cut into 8 wedges

6 marshmallows

1 small jar of creamy peanut butter

1 large banana, cut into 1-inch slices

To make a kabob, carefully push a skewer through the ingredients, starting with a piece of apple, then a marshmallow, then banana, then another marshmallow. Spread a dollop of peanut butter on top of the

marshmallow. Now, skewer a piece of banana and another marshmallow (with more peanut butter) and finish with a piece of apple. Repeat with a second skewer. Makes 2 kabobs.


153) 18 Healthy Snacks for Kids

1.Mini Pizzas: Make these with whole grain crackers, your favorite pizza sauce and grated low-fat mozzarella cheese. Spread about 1/2 -1 tbls of sauce on each cracker. Sprinke with cheese and add italian seasonings, if desired. Bake on a cookie sheet 350* for about 5 min, or until cheese melts.

2.Orange shake: Place one cup orange juice, one cup of ice and 1/3 cup non-fat dry milk powder in a blender until smooth. Serves 1.

3.Stuffed Celery: Peanut butter isn't the only thing getting stuffed into celery these days. Try low-fat cottage cheese mixed with some grated carrot and chopped green onions. Or chop up leftover cooked chicken, and mix w/diced apples, nuts and a little mayo. Soft grated cheese mixed w/sesame seeds or unflower kernels also makes a good stuffing.

4. Frozen Bananas: Peel bananas and cut in 1/2 crosswise. Insert popsicle sticks. Freeze banana plain or roll in chopped nuts or sprinkles. Wrap in plastic wrap or small plastic bags. Freeze till firm.

5.Quesadilla quickie: place small tortilla in a frying pan. Sprinkle a

little grated jack or cheddar on 1/2 of the tortilla, and your choice of chopped onions, tomatoes, chilis or salsa on the other. Heat until cheese melts, then fold and eat.

6.Raw Veggies & Dip: Subsitute plain yogurt for the fattening sour cream in many dips. Have the kids pick out the veggies and enjoy!

7.Peach Yogurt: Drain a 16 oz can of unsweetened sliced peaches, and spread fruit on a cookie sheet. Freeze until hard (2hrs) Put peaches in a blender with 1 cup of plain yogurt, and process until smooth. Eat at once. Serves 2.

8.Baked Fruit: Baked apples are good, but try baked peaches, pears,

apricots, plums or bananas? Core fruits and peel away about 1" of skin from stem end. Place fruit in an oven-proof dish w/a little water in the bottom. Stuff centers with nuts, raisins and dates. Bake 350* or until soft. Apples take about 45min and smaller fruits take about 20 mins.

9 Fruit Soda: 2 Tbls of unsweetened frozen juice concentrate mixed with 1 cup of sparkling mineral water. Serve over ice.

10.No fat no salt Nacho chips: Cut four 6" corn tortilla into eighths.

Spread out on a cookie sheet and bake 400* for 7-8mins or til crisp. Remove from oven and dip into salsa, or top with grated cheese.

11.Frozen Yogurt Squares: Mix 2 cups of fruit yogurt w/ 1 cup of cut up fruit and 2/3 cup of non fat dry milk powder in a blender til smooth. Stir in 1 1/2 cups of unsweetened granola or Post Grape nuts cereal. Pour mixture into a 8" square pan. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup more granola or cereal, pressing in. Freeze about 4 hrs til firm, then cut into squares and serve.

12.veggie or fruit "tempura": Take 2 eggs (seperated): 1 cup milk; one Tbls of oil; 1 cup whole wheat flour. Beat together egg yolks, milk and oil. Stir in flour. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into batter. Fold in 1 cup of fruit or veggie. Drop batter by the Tbls onto a greased frying pan. Brown on both sides. Drain on paper towel.

13.fruit pops: Mix together 1 six oz can frozen concentrated fruit juice w/1 six oz can of water. Pour into molds and freeze until firm.

14.cookie parfaits: Layer crushed cookies in a tall glass w/ plain or fruit yogurt and chopped fruit. EAt at once.

15.Fruity Milk Shake: Mix in a blender until smooth 1 cup of milk w/ 1/2 cup of fruit. Adorn w/ a sprinkle of cinnamon, chopped nuts or pieces of fresh fruit.

16.Sandwich Roll-ups: Seperate 1 round whole wheat pita bread around the edges to make 2 rounds.

Spread each round w/ a thin layer of tuna mixed with a little mayo and some grated carrot and diced celery.

17.Banana Orange Slush; Place 1 cup of ice cubes, 1/2 banana and 1/2 cup orange juice. Puree in a blender until smooth.

18.Healthy cookies: Mix together the following: 3 mashe bananas, 1 cup

chopped dates, 1/3 cup oil, 2 cups rolled oats, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, 1/2 tsp saalt and 1 tsp vanilla. Drop onto cookie sheet. Bake 350* for 20 min.

154) Peanut Butter Balls


1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup oatmeal

1/4 cup raisins

1/2 cup shredded coconut

1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds


1. Mix the ingredients together and form into 1 inch balls.

2. Wrap in plastic or keep in a covered container in the refrigerator.

155) Crispy Cheese Snacks


3/4 cup margarine

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

1 1/2 cups Rice Krispies


1. Beat margarine and flour until the mix holds together.

2. Mix in the cheese and rice krispies.

3. Shape into small balls and place on greased baking sheet.

4. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees until brown (about 12 minutes)

156) Toast Cups


Thinly sliced bread with crusts removed


Filling, such as jam, grated cheese, peanut butter and honey, chopped apples

Sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar or mixed with raisins or butter

Muffin tin


1. Flatten the bread with a rolling pin or your hands, and then spread both sides with softened butter.

2. Press each slice into a muffin tin section to form a cup shape.

3. Toast in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until the cups are crisp and brown.

4. Fill with jam, peanut butter, and so forth and pop back into the oven for a minute or two (apples will take longer to bake).

157) Chocolate Krispies


185 g Copra

1 cup pure icing sugar

2 tablespoons cocoa

4 cups Rice Bubbles

1/2 cup desiccated coconut

1/2 cup Nestle Coconut Milk Powder

30 ice-block sticks


Place copra in a saucepan or microwave bowl and melt over low heat or on defrost in microwave. Sift icing sugar and cocoa together into a bowl. Stir in Rice Bubbles, coconut, and coconut milk powder. Add melted Copra and mix to combine. Spoon mixture evenly into 30 paper patty cases. Place an ice-block stick in each one. Place in refrigerator to set.

158) Deep Crust Pizza

Serves 4


2 English muffins

Sharp knife

1-8 oz can tomato sauce

Can Opener

Italian Seasoning

Measuring Cup

1/2 C grated Mozzarella cheese

Kitchen spoon

Microwave dish

1/2 C cooked meat (bacon, sausage, ground beef, cold meat slices)

Oven mitt


1. Cut the muffins in half. Place each half cut side up in the microwave dish.

2. Open the can of tomato sauce and spoon some sauce onto the muffin halves. You may not use the whole can. Use enough to just cover the tops of the muffins.

3. Top the sauce with the cooked meat- use any kind you like.

4. Sprinkle with Italian Seasoning and top with Mozzarella cheese.

5. Place in the microwave, on high, until the cheese melts and starts to bubble. Serve immediately.

159) Beefy Dogs


1 # ground beef

Mixing bowl

6 hot dog buns


Kraft Honey BBQ Sauce

Butter knife


Grill or frying pan


Pastry or BBQ Brush

Butter or Margarine

Mustard & Pickle Relish (optional)


1. Mix the ground beef with a couple of shakes of salt and pepper.

2. Divide into 6 parts. Roll each part into a hot dog shape.

3. Have adult light the grill or get frying pan hot. Brush with BBQ sauce while frying or grilling.

4. Butter 6 hot dog buns and put one Beefy Dog into each when dogs are done. Serve with all the hamburger and hot dog fixings you like.

160) Fruit Freeze

Serves 4-6


2 C non-dairy whipped topping

Small bowl

1/4 C honey

Mixing bowl

2 C canned, crushed fruit

Measuring Cup

Mixing Spoon

Freezer Tray


Can Opener


1. Put the strainer over a small bowl and pour the fruit in the strainer to drain off the liquid. Drain the juice and save it to use later.

2. In the mixing bowl, combine the drained fruit, whipped topping and honey. Stir well together.

3. Pour the mixture into a freezer tray and freeze for 2 hours. Hint: To serve, spoon into small bowls. Top with chocolate bits or toasted coconut, if you want.

161) Kitty Litter Cake


1 box German chocolate or spice cake mix

1 box white cake mix

1 package vanilla sandwich cookies

1 large package vanilla instant pudding

Green food coloring

12 small tootsie rolls

1 new kitty litter box

1 new kitty litter box liner

1 new pooper scooper


Prepare cake mixes per package directions. Bake them in any shape pan you'd like; you'll be breaking them up later on, so it doesn't matter what they look like.

Prepare pudding mix per package directions. Refrigerate until well chilled. You may or may not need the entire package - save the leftovers to eat later on.

Put the cookies into your food processor (with the filling). Pulse until the cookies are crushed. Don't over do it, this is supposed to look like kitty litter. Scrape the sides of the processor bowl often, the crumbs tend to stick. You'll need to do this in small batches.

To 1 cup of the cookie crumbs, add a few drops of green food coloring. This is the chlorophyll in the kitty litter. I put the crumbs into a jar and add the food coloring and shake until it's fairly well mixed.

When the cakes are cooled to room temperature, crumble them into a large bowl. Toss with half of the remaining (uncolored) cookie crumbs and enough of the pudding to make the mixture moist, but not soggy.

Line the kitty litter box with the new liner; add the cake/pudding mixture and spread it out.

Unwrap 3 of the tootsie rolls and heat in the microwave until soft and

pliable-don't melt them. Shape blunt ends into slightly curved points (use your imagination). Repeat with 3 more tootsie rolls. Bury the shaped tootsie rolls in the cake mixture, allowing some of them to stick out of the top at random intervals. Again, use your imagination.

Sprinkle the remaining white cookie crumbs over the mixture, then scatter the green crumbs lightly over the top.

Heat the remaining 6 tootsie rolls three at a time in the microwave until almost melted. Scrape them over the top of the cake and sprinkling with crumbs from the box. Save one of the tootsie rolls, heat it up like you did for the shaped ones. Roll it in a mixture of the green and white cookie crumbs. Hang it over the side of the pan.

Place kitty litter box on two sheets of newspaper. Serve with the new pooper-scooper.

162) Coffee Can Ice Cream


Small and large coffee cans

1 cup milk


1 cup heavy cream

Measuring cup and spoons

½ cup sugar

Stirring spoon

½ teaspoon vanilla


Crushed ice

Rock salt


Mix up all of the ingredients and put into the small can; tape shut; put inside the big can; add layers of ice and rock salt; tape shut; roll around for 20 minutes; open and spoon out. You can put the ice cream in graham cracker mini pie shells and eat it.

163) Yummy Pita Pockets


Creamy peanut butter

Simply fruit (your choice of flavor)

Bananas (cut into ½ inch slices)

Apples (cut into really thin slices)

Optional fruit toppings (raisins, grapes, etc.)


Cut pita pockets in half. Open them up, spread peanut butter and simply fruit inside. Place inside each half banana slices, apple slices, raisins, or fruit of your choice.

164) Friendship Bread Starter Recipe

In large glass or earthenware bowl, combine 2 cups flour and 1 package active dry yeast. Stir in 2 cups warm water until well blended and smooth. Cover bowl with waxed paper. Let stand in warm place 48 hours, stirring occasionally. Starter will rise and form bubbles; then separate. If it does not, throw out and start over. Stir well before using. Makes 2 ½ cups.

Day 1 Receive starter (1 cup)

Day 2, 3, 4 Stir

Day 5 Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk

Day 6, 7 Stir

Day 8, 9 Do nothing

Day 10 Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk

Day 11 Take out 3 cups, placing 1 cup in each of 3 containers and give to 3 people

Keep remaining mixture for bread and add 1 cup oil, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 3 teaspoons vanilla, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups flour, 1 box instant vanilla pudding. Grease and flour 2 loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 - 60 minutes. Add whatever you want, crushed pineapple, raisins, nuts, etc.

165) Marshmallow Hot Air Balloons


Large marshmallows

Food coloring, various colors

Grapes, raisins, dates, or other little nibblies



1. Add about 10 drops of food coloring to juice glasses of water.

2. Soak marshmallows in the colored water for half an hour to an hour.

3. Handling carefully, place them in the refrigerator to chill overnight.

4. Attach raisins or other nibblies to bottoms of marshmallows using toothpick halves.

166) Asparagus With Sweet Pepper-Walnut Sauce

Prep Time: 10 minutes


2 tablespoons walnut or vegetable oil

1/2 cup chopped roasted red bell peppers (from 7.25-oz. jar)

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

1 Small garlic clove, minced

1 (15-oz.) can Green Giant Extra Long Tender Green

Asparagus spears, drained

Dash salt

Dash pepper


Heat oil in medium skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Add roasted bell peppers, walnuts and garlic; cook and stir 1 1/2 to 2 minutes or until thoroughly heated.

Carefully drain asparagus; place on paper towels and pat dry. Arrange

asparagus in serving dish. Spoon warm roasted bell pepper mixture over

asparagus. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

4 servings

167) Pepper-Jack Crescent Twists With Salsa-Ranch Dip

Prep Time: 15 minutes (Ready in 1 hour 5 minutes)



1 cup Old El Paso Garden Pepper or Thick 'n Chunky Salsa

1/2 cup purchased ranch salad dressing



2 (8-oz.) cans Pillsbury Refrigerated Crescent Dinner Rolls

2 Four oz. (1 cup) shredded hot pepper Monterey Jack cheese

2 Tablespoons sesame seed


In small bowl, combine dip ingredients; mix well. Cover; refrigerate at least 1 hour.

Heat oven to 375 F. Lightly grease cookie sheets. Unroll 1 can of dough into 11x8-inch rectangle; press perforations to seal. Sprinkle evenly with cheese to within 1/2 inch of long edges. Unroll remaining can of dough; place over cheese; seal perforations. Sprinkle with sesame seed. With rolling pin, lightly roll dough to press layers together.

Cut crosswise through both layers of dough into 12 strips. Place strips on greased cookie sheets. Press one end of each strip; gently twist 3 to 4 times. Press remaining end to cookie sheet.

Bake at 375 F. for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm with dip.

12 servings

168) Cheddar Twisters

Prep Time: 10 minutes (Ready in 35 minutes)


2 (8-oz.) cans Pillsbury Refrigerated Crescent Dinner Rolls

6 oz. (1 1/2 cups) finely shredded sharp Cheddar cheese

1/4 cup chopped green onions

1 egg

1 teaspoon water

2 teaspoons sesame seed

1/2 teaspoon garlic salt with parsley blend*


Heat oven to 375 F. Lightly grease large cookie sheet. Separate dough into 8 rectangles; firmly press perforations to seal.

In small bowl, combine cheese and onions; mix well. Spoon scant 1/4 cup cheese mixture in 1-inch strip lengthwise down center of each rectangle to within ¼ inch of each end. Fold dough in half lengthwise to form long strip; firmly press edges to seal. Twist strip 4 or 5 times. Bring ends together to form ring; pinch to seal. Place on greased cookie sheet.

In small bowl, combine egg and water; beat well. Brush over dough. Sprinkle with sesame seed and garlic salt blend.

Bake at 375 F. for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Immediately remove from cookie sheet; cool 5 minutes on wire rack. Serve warm.

8 rolls


To substitute for garlic salt with parsley blend, use mixture of 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt and dash of dried parsley flakes.

169) Apple Ricotta Brunch Biscuits

Ready in 1 hour


1/2 cup sugar

1 cup ricotta cheese

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 cup sliced almonds

1 (17.3-oz.) can Pillsbury Grands! Refrigerated Buttermilk Biscuits

1 small apple, peeled, cut into 8 wedges (1/2 inch thick)


Heat oven to 375 F. Spray 8 jumbo muffin cups or 8 (6-oz.) custard cups with nonstick cooking spray. In small bowl, combine sugar, cheese and egg; beat at high speed for 1 minute. In small bowl, combine cinnamon and almonds; mix well.

Separate dough into 8 biscuits. Press each biscuit evenly in bottom and up sides of spray-coated muffin cups. Place 1 wedge of apple in each cup. Spoon 2 rounded tablespoonfuls cheese mixture over each apple wedge; sprinkle with cinnamon mixture.

Bake at 375 F. for 20 to 25 minutes or until biscuits are deep golden brown and apples are crisp-tender. Remove biscuits from muffin cups; cool 15 minutes. Serve warm. Store in refrigerator.

8 biscuits

170) Recipe

Slice hotdogs lengthwise but not all the way through.

Fill with 1 tsp. shredded cheddar cheese

Wrap with a breadstick

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

171) Pineapple Orange Salad

This recipe is so easy the kids not only love to eat it, they enjoy making it too!


1 16 oz tub small curd cottage cheese

1 small tub Cool Whip

1 large box orange flavored Jell-O gelatin mix (dry)

1 large can crushed pineapple (drained)

1 large can mandarin oranges (drained)

172) GORP

Basically, you throw in any healthy ingredients to make a trail mix type snack. You can use the last tiny bits of cereal, crackers, pretzels, etc., that would normally take up cabinet space.

Some Ingredient Ideas:

Raisins, Wheat Germ, Oatmeal, Low Sugar Cereals, Any Type Of Crackers,

(cheese, triscuits, oyster, graham, etc.), pretzels, animal crackers,

shelled sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc. Sometimes I throw in a few peanut butter baking chips or a few chocolate chips to sweeten it up. I'm sure there are plenty of healthy ingredients you could come up with on your own tha173) Taffy Apple Pizza


1 peanut butter cookie dough

½ cup packed brown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 8 oz. package cream cheese

2 granny smith apples


Chopped nuts


Bake cookie dough per package directions in round pizza form. Cool cookie. Mix brown sugar, vanilla, and cream cheese. Spread cream cheese mixture on top of cookie. Peel, core, and slice apples. Cut each slice in half. Layer apples on cookie. Sprinkle with cinnamon and chopped nuts. Cut and serve.

174) Healthy Fried Chicken Recipe

Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil (shiny side up) and spray with cooking oil. Lightly rub margarine over the top of the foil (this does the frying).

Clean chicken pieces; coat with instant mashed potato flakes and place on cookie sheet.

Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes; turn chicken and bake another 30 minutes.

175) Teething Biscuits


2 eggs

1 cup sugar

2 - 2 ½ cups flour


Break eggs into a bowl and stir until creamy. Add sugar and continue to stir. Gradually add enough flour to make a stiff dough. Roll out between two sheets of lightly floured waxed paper to about ¾" thickness. Cut into shapes (no sharp corners). Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Let it stand overnight. Bake at 325 until browned and hard. This will make about 12 durable and almost crumb free teething biscuits.

176) Ice Cream In A Bag


½ cup milk

1 tablespoon sugar

¾ tablespoon vanilla


6 tablespoons salt

1 large freezer bag

1 small bag


1. Put the milk, sugar, and vanilla into the small bag. Close the bag.

2. Put the ice into the large bag until the bag is half full.

3. Add the salt to the ice.

4. Put the small bag into the large bag, and seal the large bag.

5. Shake the bags for 5 minutes.

6. Put in freezer for a few minutes until thick like ice cream.


177) Peanut Butter Playdough


1 cup peanut butter

1 cup corn syrup

1 ¼ cup powdered sugar

1 ¼ cup powdered milk


Mix all the ingredients together and the kids can eat as they play.


178) Chewy Granola Bars

1/2 Cup butter (soft)

1 Cup Brown sugar

1/4 Cup sugar

2 Tablespoons honey

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 egg

1 Cup flour

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 Cup quick cooking oats

1 1/4 Cup crisp rice cereal

1 Cup chopped nuts (opt)

1 Cup raisins or semisweet choc chips (I use both)

In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugars. Add honey, vanilla, egg, mix

well. Combine dry ingredients; add to creamed mixture. Stir in oats,

cereal and nuts. Add raisins or choc chips if desired. Press into a greased 13x2 baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until the top is lightly browned. yield 2 dozen


179) Hershey Kiss Cookies


.1/2 lb. Hershey Kisses (about 40 pieces)

.1/2 lb. Hershey Hugs (about 40 pieces)

.1 3/4 cup Flour

1 tsp Baking Soda

.1/2 tsp Salt

.1/2 cup Butter (2 sticks)

.1/2 cup Peanut Butter, Smooth

.1 cup Sugar, Granulated (two 1/2 cup measures, set one 1/2 cup aside)

.1/2 cup Brown Sugar

.1 Egg

.1 tsp Vanilla


* 1.Unwrap the Hugs and Kisses and set aside.

* 2.Place 1/2 cup white, granulated sugar in a small bowl.

* 3.Combine the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda and salt) and set aside.

* 4.Cream butter and Peanut Butter.

* 5.Blend in 1/2 cup white sugar then brown sugar.

* 6.Add egg and vanilla.

* 7.Mix in dry ingredients.

* 8.Roll into small balls.

* 9.Roll balls of dough in bowl of sugar.

* 10.Place balls on an ungreased cookie sheet.

* 11.Bake at 350 degrees until brown (about 8 to 10 minutes).

* 12.Remove from oven, add one kiss (or hug) to each ball by pressing the dough flat with the kiss.

* 13.Bake again (350 degrees) for 2 minutes.

* 14.Remove from oven, place cookies on wax paper or tin foil and let cool completely.

* 15.Do not stack the cookies until the kiss has cooled completely. I let them set overnight. My mother places hers in the freezer (at least the ones the kids didn't eat first)


180) Layered Santa Fe Salad with Chips and Olives

Prep Time: 10 minutes

1 cup Old El Paso Salsa

1 teaspoon sugar

3 teaspoons chili powder

1 (10-oz.) pkg. mixed salad greens (8 cups loosely packed)

1 (8-oz.) container nonfat sour cream

4 oz. (1 cup) shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese

1 (3.8-oz.) can sliced ripe olives, drained

1 cup broken baked tortilla chips

In small bowl, combine salsa, sugar and chili powder; mix well.

Arrange salad greens in 13x9-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish. Spoon salsa mixture evenly over greens. Top with spoonfuls of sour cream. Sprinkle with cheese, olives and chips.

4 servings


181) Mexican-Style Chicken-Filled Tortillas

Prep Time: 20 minutes

4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves, cut into thin bite-sized strips

1 cup Green Giant Niblets Frozen Corn

1 cup Old El Paso Thick 'n Chunky Salsa

1 (2 1/4-oz.) can sliced ripe olives, well-drained

8 (8 to 10-inch) fat-free flour tortillas

Spray large nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Heat over

medium-high heat until hot. Add chicken; cook and stir 5 to 6 minutes or until no longer pink.

Stir in corn, salsa and olives. Reduce heat to medium; cook 4 to 6 minutes or until thoroughly heated.

Meanwhile, warm tortillas as directed on package. Spoon 1/4 of chicken mixture onto half of each tortilla. Fold tortillas over. If desired, serve with light sour cream and additional salsa.

4 servings


182) Chocolate Cherry Bars


1 pkg. Pillsbury Moist Supreme Devil's Food Cake Mix

1 (21-oz.) can cherry fruit pie filling

1 teaspoon almond extract

2 eggs, beaten


1 cup sugar

1/3 cup milk

5 tablespoons margarine or butter

1 (6-oz.) pkg. (1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips

Heat oven to 350 F. Grease and flour 15x10x1-inch baking pan or 13x9-inch pan. In large bowl, combine all bar ingredients; stir until well blended. Spread in greased and floured pan.

Bake at 350 F. until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. For

15x10x1-inch pan, bake 20 to 30 minutes; for 13x9-inch pan, bake 25 to 30 minutes.

In small saucepan, combine sugar, milk and margarine. Bring to a boil; boil 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; stir in chocolate chips until smooth. Pour and spread over warm bars. Cool completely. Cut into bars.

36 to 48 bars

HIGH ALTITUDE - Above 3500 Feet: Bake 15x10x1-inch pan at 375 F. for 20 to 30 minutes. Bake 13x9-inch pan for 25 to 30 minutes.


183) Chocolate Chip-Peanut Butter Squares

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

1 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

1 (18-oz.) pkg. Pillsbury Refrigerated Chocolate Chip Cookies

Heat oven to 350 F. In medium bowl, combine powdered sugar, peanut butter and vanilla; mix well.

Remove cookie dough from wrapper. With floured fingers, press half of dough in bottom of ungreased 8 or 9-inch square pan. Press peanut butter mixture evenly over dough. Crumble and sprinkle remaining half of cookie dough over peanut butter mixture. Carefully spread as evenly as possible.

Bake at 350 F. for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. Cool 30 minutes. Refrigerate 1 hour or until chilled. Cut into bars. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

12 bars


184) French Caramel Pecan Bars

3/4 cup butter or margarine, melted

1 (1 lb. 2.25-oz.) pkg. Pillsbury Moist Supreme French Vanilla Cake Mix

1 egg

2 1/2 cups quick-cooking rolled oats

1 can Pillsbury Creamy Supreme Caramel Pecan or Coconut Pecan Frosting

1 (12-oz.) pkg. (2 cups) semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/2 cup chopped pecans

Heat oven to 350 F. Spray 15x10x1-inch baking pan with nonstick cooking

spray.* Place melted butter in large bowl. Reserve 3 tablespoons of the cake mix; set aside. Add remaining cake mix to butter; blend well. Add egg; mix well. Stir in oats. Press 2/3 of cake mix mixture (about 2 1/2 cups) in bottom of sprayed pan.

Place frosting in medium microwave-safe bowl; microwave on HIGH for 1 minute. Add reserved 3 tablespoons cake mix; stir until large lumps disappear.

Drizzle half of frosting mixture over cake mix mixture in pan; spread evenly. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and pecans. Drizzle with remaining frosting mixture. Crumble remaining cake mix mixture over frosting mixture.

Bake at 350 F. for 25 to 30 minutes or until top is golden brown and edges are bubbly. Cool 1 1/2 hours or until completely cooled. Cut into bars.

48 bars

*TIP: To prevent spills during baking, use pan with at least 1-inch sides.



185) Cheese Garlic Biscuits (like Red Lobsters)

2 c. buttermilk baking mix

2/3 c. milk

1/2 c. shredded Cheddar cheese

1/4 c. butter or margarine, melted

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

Preheat oven to 450^. Combine baking mix, milk and cheese with a wooden

spoon until soft dough forms. Beat vigorously 30 seconds. Drop dough

by heaping tablespoons onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 8-10

minutes or until golden brown. Combine margarine and garlic powder,

brush over warm biscuits before remooving from cookie sheet. Serve

warm. Makes 10-12 biscuits.


186) Orange Punch:

Orange Juice, Ginger Ale or Sprite (mix equal parts together), then drop vanilla ice cream by the spponful into the punch. I usally go through a 1/2 gallon of ice cream with 2 bottles of pop, etc.

187) Punch:

Tropical Fruit Punch (sometimes some pineapple juice, too), Ginger Ale (mix equal parts together), add crushed ice and slice oranges and strawberries to toss in.


188) Christmas Popcorn Balls:


Adult helper

6 Tablespons Margarine

3 Cups Mini-Marshmallows

Half Box Cherry Jello (3 ounces)

3 Quarts Popped Popcorn

Put margarine in sauce pan and melt. Add mershmallows. Stir over medium heat until melted. Add dry jello and stir. Por hot mixture over popcorn in large bowl. Grease hands with margarine and shape popcorn into balls. Wrap each ball with plactic wrap and ribbon.


189) German Funnel Cakes

1 1/4 Cups Flour

1 tsp Baking soda

3/4 tsp Baking Powder

1/4 tsp Salt

2 Tablespoons Sugar

1 Egg, beaten

3/4 Cup Milk

Mix all. Beat until smooth. Heat 1/4 inch oil to 375 degrees (med-hot). Use a 3/8 inch opening funnel. Hold finger over funnel hole. Fill funnel. Swirl in hot oil. Fry until

golden, turn fry and drain. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.



190) Purple Cow Shake

2/3 Cups Grape Juice...purple kind

3 scoops vanilla ice cream

1 poem

I never saw a purple cow

I never hope to see one

But thinking on it even now

I'd rather see than be one

Put ingredients less the poem into blender and mix on high for 10-15 seconds. OR Beat all ingredients with hand mixer

191) Eyeballs

candy eyeballs,, round pretzels, white almond bark and

M&M's. lay pretzels out flat on wax paper, melt the almond

bark, then spoon bark into pretzels, then place an M&M in

the center (letter side down) let dry and there ya go!!

candy eye balls!!

192) "Some Mores" Sandwiches

Makes 12 sandwiches

4 (1.2 oz) milk chocolate candy bars

24 Nabisco Honey Maid Honey Grahams

12 large marshmallows

Divide each chocolate bar into 3 (about 2 inch) squares. Top 12 Honey Maid Grahams with a square of chocolate and a marshmallow; arrange on baking sheet and bake at 350º for 5-7 minutes or until marshmallows are lightly browned. Top with another graham; press together lightly to make sandwiches. (Microwave: Prepare as above, but microwave 2 sandwiches on High 20-25 seconds)


193) Nutty S'Mores

Makes about 5 dozen

1 (7 oz) jar marshmallow cream

2 Tbsp. Blue Bonnet Margarine

26 Nabisco Honey Maid Honey Grahams, finely rolled (about 2 cups crumbs)

1/2 c. Planters Pecans, chopped

1 (11 1/2 oz) pkg milk chocolate morsels, melted

In saucepan, over medium heat, stir together marshmallow cream and Blue

Bonnet margarine until smooth; remove from heat. Stir in crumbs and

Planters Pecans. Quickly turn into greased foil-lined pan. Spread with

melted milk chocolate morsels. Chill 2 hours or until candy is set. Cut into 64 1-inch squares. Refrigerate in covered container.

194) Dirt Cups

1 pkg (16 ounces) oreo's

2 c cold milk

1 pkg (4 serving size) Jello-o chocolate flavor instant pudding and pie


1 tub (8 ounces) Cool Whip whipped topping thawed

8 to 10 (7 ounce) paper or plastic cups

suggested garnishes gummy worms, or other gummy candies flowers, chopped peanuts, granola

crush cookies in zipper style plastic bag with rolling pin

pour milk into large bowl add pudding mix beat with wire whisk 2 minutes stir in whipped topping and 1/2 of the crushed cookies

place about 1 tbls of the crushed cookes in each cup fill about 3/4 full with pudding mixture top with remaining crushed cookies

refridgerate until ready to serve garnish as desired makes 8 to 10 servings

195) Sand cups

use 1 pkg vanilla wafer cookies and jello vanilla flavor pudding

dirt cups and sand cups can be served frozen prepare as directed freeze 3 hours or until firm

196) Graveyard pudding dessert

3 1/2 cups cold milk

2 pkgs jello chocolate pudding

1 tub 12 ounces cool whip

1 pkg (16 ounces) oreos

decorations assorted rectangular-shaped sandwich cookies,cake mate

decorating icings and gels candy corn pumpkins

pour milk into large bowl add pudding mixes, beat with wire whisk or

electric mixer on lowest speed 2 minutes or until blended gently stir in whipped topping and 1/2 of the crushed cookies spoon into 13x9 inch dish. sprinkle with remaining crushed cookies

refridgerate 1 hour or until ready to serve decorate rectangular shaped

sandwich cookies with icings to make tombstones stand tombstones on top of desert with candies to resemble a graveyard

makes 15 servings

197) pick-your-color-punch

1 small can frozen lemonaide

4 cups water

1 pkg presweet koolaid ( choose your color)

2 25 ounce white grape juice OR 2 32 ounce 7up, chilled

mix & chill


1 6 oz. frozen pineapple-orange juice

1 6 oz. frozen lemonade

1 cup water

1 32 oz. ginger ale- chilled

mix & serve chilled


1-64 oz bottle white grape juice

1 gallon water

2 cups sugar

1 TBS. citric acid ( buy at pharmacy)

mix.....either add ice or serve slushy (freeze about 12 hours)



4 c sugar

6 c warm water

1/2 pkg strawberry jello

1/2 small can frozen lemonade

1 small can frozen orange juice- mixed with enough water to make 2 1/2 cups


5 bananas blended with some liquid

mix& freeze......partially thaw & add 2 1/2 two liter bottles sprite


201) Rhubarb bread

2 loaves

1 egg

1c honey

1/2 c melted butter

1/2 c orange juice

1 1/2 c finely chopped raw rhubarb

3/4 c chopped nuts (optional)

2 1/2 c flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp powdered ginger

Preheat oven to 350. Mix together egg, honey, butter and orange juice. Add nuts and rhubarb. Sift together flour, baking powder, soda, salt and ginger. Combine wet and dry stiring to mix. Pour in to prepared pans. Bake 35-40 min until top feels springy.


202) Rhubarb Bars

20 bars

2 c flour

1/2 c soft margarine melted

1/2 c plus 2 Tbls confectioners sugar

3 eggs beaten

3 egg whites beaten

2 c granulated sigar

1/2 c flour

3/4 tsp salt

4 c diced rhubarb

Preheat oven to 350. In a bowl mix flour, margarine and confectioners sugar.

Pour in to a 9x13 pan and bake 15 min. In large bowl, mix eggs, egg white, granulated sugar, flour and salt. Fold in rhubarb. Pour over crust and bake 45 min. Cut in to bars.


203) Rhubarb Iced Tea

Cut 8 stalks of rhubarb into 3 inch lengths. Add to 8 cups of water and bring to a boil. Simmer 1 hour. Strain the liquid and add sugar to taste (about 1/2 cup) Serve with ice and a spring of mint.



Made with reduced-fat cream cheese and light sour cream,

this cheesecake is irresistible - just like its namesake



Nonstick vegetable oil spray

1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs

1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted


3 8-ounce "bricks" Neufchatel cheese (reduced-fat cream cheese), room temperature

1 1/4 cups light sour cream

3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar

2 1/2 tablespoons triple sec or other orange liqueur

2 1/2 tablespoons tequila

2 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

4 large eggs


3/4 cup light sour cream

1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

1 tablespoon sugar

Very thin lime slices, cut in half

Very thin lime peel strips

FOR CRUST: Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350 deg. F. Spray 9-inch springform pan with 2 3/4-inch-high sides with vegetable oil spray. Mix graham cracker crumbs and butter in medium bowl until blended. Press crumbs over bottom and 1 inch up sides of prepared

pan. Refrigerate crust.

FOR FILLING: Using electric mixer, beat cheese in large bowl until fluffy. Beat in sour cream, then sugar, triple sec, tequila and lime juice. Beat in eggs. Pour filling into crust. Bake until outside 2 inches are set and center moves only slightly when pan is shaken, about 50 minutes. Remove from oven; turn off oven.

FOR TOPPING: Whisk sour cream, lime juice and sugar in small bowl to blend. Spread evenly over cheesecake. Return cheesecake to hot oven. Let stand 45 minutes or less (Cheesecake will look very soft, but will set up when chilled.) Refrigerate cake until well chilled, up to 1 day.

Run knife around pan sides. Remove pan sides. Place cake on platter. Arrange lime half-slices and peel around top edge of cheesecake.

10 to 12 Servings


205) Pepsi Chicken

1--3 pound chicken, cut up

1 cup barbecue sauce

1--12 ounce can pepsi

Wash and dry chicken and place in skillet. Combine sauce and pepsi,

pour over chicken. Simmer for 30 minutes, turn chicken over and simmer

30 minutes until done.


206) Beef Jerky

6 pounds of steak

1 1/2 tspns. salt

1/2 cup soy sauce

2 tab. onion powder

2 tab. garlic powder

2 tab. black pepper

2/3 cups worrcestire sauce

1 tspn. red hot sauce

Cut meat into strips. Marinate sliced meat for 3 days in a covered dish. Slow cook in oven 3 hours. Turn over. Slow cook on other side for 3 hours until done.


207) Seafood Cheese and Pasta Salad

2 pounds of Rotini Pasta

2 cans of black olives,pitted and drained

3/4 jar of mayonaise (32 ounces)

8 ounces of Parmesian cheese

Ranch Dressing

8 ounces of immitation or real crab meet

8 ounces of colby or mild cheddar cheese


Cook noodles. Combine all ingredients together in a large bowl.


208) Ground Beef and Noodle Bake

6 oz uncooked egg noodles

1 lb ground round

1 c sliced mushrooms

1/3 c chopped onion

2 cloves minced garlic

2 (8oz) cans no salt added tomato sauce

1/2 tsp ground pepper

1/4 tsp salt

1 (12oz) carton 1% low fat cottage cheese

1 (8oz) carton fat free sour cream

1/3 c chopped green onion

2 Tbls grated Parmesan cheese

1 Tbls poppy seeds

3/4 c (3 oz) shredded reduced fat sharp cheddar cheese-divided

Cook noodles according to package-omitting fat and salt. Drain and set aside. Cook ground round and next 3 ingredients over medium heat until browned. Stir to crumble. Drain in colander and wipe drippings from skillet. Return meat mixture to pan and add tomato sauce, pepper and salt. Combine cottage cheese, and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl. Stir in meat mixture, noodles and 1/3c cheddar cheese. Spoon noodle mixture in to a 2 qt casserole dish coated with cooking spray. Cover and chill 8 hours*. Preheat oven to 350. Remove casserole from refrigerator and let stand at room temp for 30 min. Bake covered for 20 min. Uncover and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake uncovered for 5 minutes.


209) Frozen margurita pie

2 1/2 cups small pretzels, finely crushed

1/4 light margerine, melted

1 tbsp sugar

6 cups vanilla nonfat frozen yogurt, softened

1/4 cup tequila

3 tbsp frozen limeade concentrate, thawed and undiluted

1 tsp grated fresh lime rind

1 tbsp fresh lime juice

Lime slices and rind curls( optional)

Edible flowers (optional)

1. Combine first 3 ingrediants in a small bowl, stirring well. Press mixture into bottom and up sides of a 9-inch pie plate. Freeze crust 1 hour.

2. Combine Yogurt and next 4 ingrediants in a bowl, stirring well. Spoon yogurt mixture into prepared crust. Cover and freeze until firm. Let stand at room temperature 5 min before slicing. lf desired, garnish with lime slices, lime rind curls, and edible flowers.



1 box jiffy cornbread mix

1 lb. ground beef

taco season mix

taco toppings: shredded cheese

onion (chopped)

green pepper (chopped)

sour cream


prepare jiffy mix according to package directions but bake in a pie pan. brown ground beef, drain and add taco season mix. once pie is done......layer on taco meat and taco layer is

sour cream............taco pie!!!!!!!!!


211) egg muffins

1 slice of bread per child

1 small egg per child

grated cheese

pam spray

spray pam in muffin tins

press sliced of bread into tin to form a crust

crack egg into bread crust and pierce yolk

bake until done

sprinkle on cheese and serve


mix eggs in a bowl first and add cooked sausage or bacon crumbles


212) Chex Caramel Crunch:

2 cups Corn Chex cereal 2 cups Rice Chex cereal

2 cups Wheat Chex cereal 6 cups popped popcorn

2 cups pretzel sticks 1 cup honey-roasted peanuts

1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup light corn syrup

1/4 cup margarine or butter* (*Do not use spread or tub products)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Heat oven to 350. Mix cereals, popcorn, pretzels and peanuts in large bowl. Heat brown sugar, corn syrup and margarine to boiling in 1qt. saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, stir in vanilla. Stir into cereal mixture. Spread in large ungreased roasting pan. Bake 20 min. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Store in airtight container. Makes 15 cups snack.


213) Breakfast Surprise

1 1/2 lbs sausage

4 slices white bread-torn

4 cups milk

2 cups grated cheese

2 tsp salt

2 tsp mustard

Brown sausage, drain and place in greased 9x13 pan. Lay bread over

sausage. Mix eggs, milk, cheese, salt and mustard. Pour over sausage

and bread and refrigerate overnght. Pop in oven for 45 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350.


214) Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

2 cups peanut butter (plain or crunchy)

2 cups powdered sugar

3 cups Rice Krispies

1 stick margarine, softened

Mix together all ingredients (add Rice Krispies last) and roll into balls about the size of small walnuts.

In double boiler (or microwave) melt 12 oz chocolate chips & 1/4 bar of

parafin wax. Roll peanut butter balls int chocolate mixture (I use a fork for this)

Place on cooke sheet lined with wax paper. Let set in fridge.

You can store in plastic bag in freezer. The do not get *solid* and can be served right out of the freezer as needed.


215) Fish Snack

1 box of rectangular crackers (like Waverly or Captain's Wafers)

1 package of soft cream cheese

Blue food coloring

1 package of Goldfish crackers

Mix the blue food coloring with the soft cream cheese until the cream cheese is the desired color.(resembling water) Spread cream cheese on crackers, top with goldfish, and let the children eat the"aquarium"!

216) Summer Coolers


1/2 cup cantaloupe chuncks

1/8 cup apple juice concentrated

1/2 cup of milk

ice or small plastic cups and popsicle sticks

Measure and pour the liquids into a blender. Add the cantaloupe chuncks. Blend well. Serve over ice or pour into plastic cups, insert popsicle sticks and freeze.

217) Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Apples

Supplies: Apple, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chips, Rice Krispies, Raisins Cut apple in half. Have kids spread peanut butter on apple half. On foil or wax paper have different piles for dipping apples in. A pile of chocolate chips. A Pile of rice crispies. A pile of raisins. Let the kids smash the peanut butter side of apple in each pile!

218) Tunasaurus

Supplies: 1 slice of bread, tuna salad, 1 Raisin

Spread one slice of bread with tuna salad. Use dinosaur cookie cutter to cut a dinosaur from the center of the bread. Press on a raisin to make the eye.

219) Happy Face Sandwiches

Bread, Peanut butter, Raisins, Chocolate chips, Alfalfa or bean sprouts, Squeezable cheese, Other small food items

Spread peanut butter on one side of bread-openfaced. Have child make eyes, nose, mouth and hair from other items provided. Encourage kids to be creative and eat what they create.

220) Banana Wrap:

1 8inch flour tortilla

2-3 tbsp peanut butter

2-3 tbsp grape jelly

1 small banana, peeled

Place tortilla on a paper towel. Microwave 10 to 20 seconds on high until the tortilla is soft and warm. Spread with peanut butter. Top with grape jelly. Place the banana near the right edge of the tortilla. Fold up the bottom fourth of the tortilla. Bring right edge over the banana and roll-up.

220) Peanut Butter Caterpillars:

Banana, 2 tbsp peanut butter, grape

Peel and slice a banana. Spread slices with peanut butter and connect the slices. Add a grape up front for the head ("gluing" with more peanut butter). If desired, make this a game with the child - what veggie can we add to make antenas? etc. (maybe a strip of celery).

221) Frozen Fruit Treat:

1 3/4 cups strawberries

1 large can crushed pineapple

5 bananas (cut in cubes)

12 oz frozen orange juice - concentrate

1 1/2 cups water

Mix ingredients together. Freeze in small paper cups. Serve partially

defrosted. Children love this nutritous treat!

222) Breakfast banana splits

Use oatmeal (or any hot cereal) instead of ice cream. Still use toppings. I use crushed pineapple, strawberry preserves (or (thawed) frozen strawberries) and of course, chocolate syrup and a little whip

cream... Of course you make these a size to fit the kids, so they can finish them all, but my kids love it! At least for a change of pace.

223) Soft Pretzels

2 - 16 oz. loaves frozen bread dough

1 egg white, slightly beaten

1 teaspoon water

Coarse salt

Separate thawed bread into 24 - 1 1/2" balls. Roll each ball into a rope 14 1/2" long. Have children plan and design pretzel shapes (letters or numerals). Put pretzels one inch apart on greased cookie sheet. Let stand for 20 minutes and brush with combined egg white and water. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Place a shallow pan containing 1" of boiling water on bottom rack of oven; bake pretzels at 350 degrees on rack above water for 20 minutes or until golden brown.


Food Ingredients

12 oz. chocolate chips 12 oz. butterscotch chips 1 cup


2 cups of raisins 1 pkg crispy chow mein noodles

Melt all the chips in a double boiler. Put the noodles and nuts in a big mixing bowl. Pour the melted goo over the noodles and nuts. Mix everything together well, but be careful not to break too many of the "legs". Place spoonfuls of the mix onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Chill the Creepy Crawlers until they are hard.

225) Bird's Nest Snack

1/4 cup Butter 1 cup Brown Sugar 3 oz. can of Chow mein Noodles Jelly Beans

Melt 1/2 cup of butter in a saucepan. Add 1 cup of brown sugar. Boil and stir for one minute. Add a 3 oz. can of chow mein noodles. Put the mixture in 12 paper baking cups in a muffin tin. Use your thumb to press noodles into the nest while still warm. DO NOT BAKE. Give children jelly bean eggs to put in their nests.

226) Aquarium Snack

Clear Plastic Cups Cookies Blue Jello Gummy Fish

Get some clear plastic cups, put some oreo crumbs or "sandy" colored cookie crumbs on the bottom. Get some blue jello and pour over the crumbs, add some gummy fish and when set this makes a great snack!


1 can (6.5 oz) water packed tuna, 2 T celery finely chopped, 2 T fat free or low fat mayonnaise, 2 tsp. onion finely chopped, 1 tsp lemon juice, 4 small unsliced hamburger buns, 4 small stalks of celery with leaves

Drain tuna, flake into medium bowl. Stir in remaining ingrediants except hamburger buns and celery stalks. Scoop out center of each bun and stuff with 1 1/2 oz or about 1/4 cup tuna mixture. Stand a stalk of celery with leaves in the tuna mixture to make the bun look like an island with a palm tree growing out of the center.

228) Go Fishing

need for each child: 1/3 cup Goldfish crackers, 10-12 pretzel sticks (fishing poles)

1-2 Tbs. peanut butter

Put the pb and pretzels on a plate, goldfish in a bowl or glass (paper is OK). The kids dip a fishing pole in the peanut butter and "catch" a fish with it.

229) Surprise biscuits

get a tube of biscuits, slightly flatten, then roll up around an apple slice sprinkled with cinnamon, bake.

230) Monster Pizza

Toast an english muffin. Spread on pizza or spaghetti sauce. Add cheese. Cut several pieces of pepperoni into triangles. Place 1/2 slice for eyes and nose. Place them overlaping for smile. Cut thin slices of black olives for the eyeball and thin slices of mushrooms for the ears. Place long

thin strips of green peppers around the top to resemble hair.

231) Apple Sailboat Snack

The children make apple sailboats from an apple slice, a triangular piece of cheese, and a toothpick. Eat for snack.

232) Moon Bread

1 10-count can refrigerator biscuits 1/4 C honey

1/8 C nuts, finely chopped

Seperate biscuits and cut each into 3 pieces. Roll each piece in a ball. Dip each ball in honey and roll in nuts. Put 3 balls in each muffin cup in muffin tin. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Makes 10 servings

233) Peaches with Crispy Topping

1/2 C plain nonfat yogurt 1 t. apple spices (cinnamon, nutmeg)

4 C fresh, sliced peaches 1/2 C Grapenuts cereal

Mix yogurt and spices. Spoon peaches into 6 individual bowls. Drizzle each serving with yogurt mixture and sprinkle cereal over each.

234) Breakfast Waffle Sandwich

2 frozen waffles (enriched flour as 1st ingredient)

2 T low fat cream cheese 1/2 C fruit slices

Toast waffles. Spread one waffle with cream cheese and place slices of

fruit on top. Place second waffle on top. Cut in half. Serves 2.

235) Apple Volcanoes


peanut butter




Cut off top of apple. Using spoon, scoop out core of apple. Fill apple with peanut butter and top with raisins.

236) Edible Necklace

Shoestring licorice

Cereal with holes

Have kids thread cereal on licorice. When complete tie ends together.

237) Trees in Snow

1/2 cup cottage cheese

broccoli florets, precooked, steamed lightly or raw uncooked

1 tablespoon Italian dressing


measuring cup and spoon

small dish


1. Spread the cottage cheese in a thick layer in the small dish.

2. Arrange the broccoli florets so they stand in the cottage

cheese,resembling trees in the snow.

3. Drizzle a little Italian dressing over the broccoli florets to flavor the salad.

4. Serve the Trees in Snow with a fork as a healthy, tasty salad.

238) Merry-Go-Rounds (serves 2)

Ingredients: 1 Apple, Peanut Butter, Animal crackers, Pretzel sticks

1. Cut the apple in half (1/2 Apple/child)

2. Spread peanut butter over the apple top (skin is on bottom)

3. Add animal crackers and pretzel sticks to represent the merry go round animals and poles

239) Robots / People (serves many)

Ingredients: Meats cubed

Cheeses cubed

Vegetable slices


1. Cut meats, and cheeses into cube pieces

2. Slice various vegetables into thin slices

3. Place all of the above into separate bowls

4. Children create people or robots by placing ingredients onto toothpicks

240) Chocolate Snake (serves several)

Ingredients: 1/2 C. Peanut butter, 1/2 C. Dry milk

1/2 C. Honey 1 T. cocoa

1/2 t. vanilla 1/2 C. Chopped nuts 1/2 C. Raisins 2 T. coconut

1. Combine peanut butter and dry milk until blended

2. Stir in , one at a time, honey, cocoa, vanilla, nuts, raisins, and coconut

3. Place mixture on wax paper and roll into a thick snake shape

4. Wrap in wax paper and chill

5. To serve, either have children pull off pieces, or cut into slices

241) Filled Thumbprint Cookies (Makes about 10 cookies, depending on the size)

Ingredients: 1 pkg. Vanilla wafer cookies 2 T. Vanilla

2/3 C. Clear Karo syrup 1/2 C. Jelly or preserves

1. Place vanilla wafer cookies into gallon size baggies and zip. Let children crush cookies until tiny crumbs are left. Place in a mixing bowl

2. Combine karo syrup and flavoring

3. Drizzle syrup over wafer crumbs, mix well (hands work best)

4. Shape into 1 inch balls and place on a cookie sheet

5. Press thumb indentation into center of balls

6. Spoon jelly into indentation

7. Cover and chill for 1 hour before serving

242) Toasted Snowballs

3 1/2 cups shredded, unsweetened coconut

7 oz. sweetened condensed milk

2 tbls. cornstarch

1 tsp. lemon juice

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

Pinch of salt


2 cookies sheets

Parchment paper or aluminum foil

Medium bowl

Wooden spoon

Metal spatula

Wire cooling racks

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or foil. In a medium bowl, using the wooden spoon, mix all the ingredients, except the milk, together until well blended. Then, slowly add the milk until the mixture is moist and holds together well. You may need to add a tiny

bit more milk to get the right consistency.

Form 1 1/2-inch balls and press down lightly onto the lined coolie

sheets. Place the mounds 1 1/2-inches apart.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until these "coconut kisses" are lightly

browned. Using the metal spatula, transfer the cookies to wire racks to cool.

243) Pineapple Milkshake

1 cup unsweetened pineapple juice

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup powdered milk

1 small banana, sliced

Blend all ingredients together in a blender and serve.

244) Fruit Salad Dressing

1 tablespoon cream cheese, softened

1/4 banana, sliced

2 tablespoons unsweetened orange juice concentrate

Blend all ingredients together in a blender and serve over fruit.

245) Sparkling Punch

1 12 oz. can unsweetened apple juice soncentrate

1 bottle (34 oz) club soda

3 cups water

Stir ingrediants together in a pitcher.

246) Cottage Cheese Dip

1/3 cup milk

1 pint cottage cheese

1/2 package onion or vegetable soup mix

Mix together all ingredients by hand or in a blender. refrigerate for 1/2 hour. Serve with carrot and celery sticks, zucchini, cucumber slices, cooked potato slices, small pieces of cauliflour, cherry tomatoes, or bread sticks.

247) Orange Julia

2 cups milk

1 can (6 oz) unsweetened orange juice concentrate

1 teaspoon vanilla

0 ice cubes, crushed

Place all ingredients into a blender and mix.

248) Tomato Juice

1 can (15 oz) whole tomatoes

3 ice cubes, crushed

Dash lemon juice

Dash salt

Combine ingredients in a blender and mix well.

249) Sweet Carrot Sticks

Cut carrots into sticks. Place in a container and pour in unsweetened

pineapple juice to cover. Chill for an hour or more before serving.

250) Banana Milkshake

1 cup milk

1 large banana, sliced

Mix milk and banana together in a blender.

251) Banana Sandwich

Peel a banana and cut in half lengthwise. Spread one cut side with peanut butter and put the banana halves back together.

252) Purple Cow

1/4 cup unsweetened grape juice

1 cup milk

1 banana, sliced

Mix all ingredients together in a blender.

253) Snack On A Handle

Spear cubes of cheese, fruit, or cooked meat on stick pretzels for a fun treat.

254) Rounds

Slice carrots, cucumbers, and zucchini into rounds. Let the children spread them with cream cheese, peanut butter, egg salad, etc.

255) Orange Delight

1/2 cup unsweetened orange juice concentrate

1/2 cup plain yogurt or 1 banana

1/4 cup milk

Blend all ingredients in a blender to make a tasty drink.

256) Celery Logs

Mix equal portions of grated carrots, peanut butter, and crumbled spoon sized shredded wheat. Press mixture into celery sticks.

257) Peanut Butter Shake

1 cup milk

1 large banana, sliced

1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter

Mix all ingredients together in a blender.

258) Apple And Peanut Butter

Cut apple in half and remove seeds. Fill the hole with peanut butter.

259) Strawberry Syrup

1 cup strawberries

1/4 cup unsweetened apple juice concentrate

Mix ingredients together in a blender. Serve warm or cold over pancakes, waffles, french toast, etc.

260) Yogurt Fruit Dip

1/2 cup plain yogurt

2 tablespoons unsweetened orange or apple juice concentrate

fresh fruit

In a small bowl mix yogurt with orange or apple juice concentrate. Cut fruit into chunks. Let your children use toothpicks to dip the fruit chunks into the yogurt mixture.

261) Peach Yogurt

1 cup plain yogurt

1 cup diced peaches

1/4 cup unsweetened apple juice concentrate

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Spoon into cups.

262) Watermelon Popsicles

1 cup seedless watermelon chunks

1 cup unsweetened orange juice

1 cup water

Blend all ingredients together in a blender. Pour into small paper cups. Place in freezer and, when partially frozen, insert popsicle sticks or small plastic spoons for handles. When completely frozen, unmold by pouring hot water over bottom of cups.

263) Fresh Berry Shake

1 cup milk

1/2 banana, sliced

1/4 cup fresh berries

Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix well.

264) Snow Cones

To make each cone, place crushed ice in a paper cup. Mix one part unsweetened frozen apple or orange juice concentrate with one part water. Pour the diluted concentrate over the ice.

265) Ice Cream Cupcakes

One box Cake Mix (not one that requires oil)

24-30 flat-bottom Ice Cream Cones

Preheat oven to 350F. Prepare mix according to directions. Fill cones

approximately 3/4 full. Place filled cones in 9x13 pan. Bake 15-20 minutes, testing with toothpick in center. Cool before frosting.

266) Burgandy Poached Pears

8 medium pears

1/4 cup unsweetened orange juice

2 cups Burgandy wine

1 cup reduced calorie cranberry juice cocktail

4 orange slices

1 3-inch stick of cinnamon

orange rind cuts (optional)

fresh cut mint (optional)

Peel pears and core just from the bottom, cuttin to, but not through, the stem end. Brush pears with orange juice to prevent browning.

Combine wine, cranberry juice cocktail, orange slices and cinnamon in a dutch oven; bring to a boil.

Place pears in dutch oven in an upright position, spoon wine mixture over pears. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 15-20 minutes until tender. Transfer pears and liquid to a large bowl, cover and chill. Discard cinnamon stick and orange slices. Place pears in individual desser dishes, spoon wine mixture evenly over pears. garnish with orange rind curls and fresh mint sprigs. Makes 8 servings.

267) Creole Chicken & Shrimp with Linguine

1/4 cup butter, divided use

2 tablespoons vegtable oil, divided

1 1/4 to 1 1/2 lbs. chicken cut into 1 1/2 inch cubes

1 lbs shrimp peeled

1 teaspoon oregano

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ceyenne pepper

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 onio chopped

1 bell pepper chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tomatoe peeled and chopped

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 lb cooked luguine or 4 cups cooked rice

Combine 2 tablespoons butter, oil, chicken and shrimp in a large skillet over medium heat. Sprinkle with oregano, salt, pepper and cayenne. Saulte about 3 minutes until chicken turns oppaque and shrimp turns pink. remove and set aside.

Saute onion and green pepper is crisp and tender. Add tomato. Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice. Return shrimp and chicken, mix well simmer 5 minutes. Serve over linguine or rice

268) Pigeon Poop

5 cups of peanut butter crunch cereal

3 cups of Rice Krispies

2 cups of skinny pretzels/broken in half

2 lbs. of white chocolate

2 1/2 cups mini marshmallows

1. Mix the peanut butter crunch cereal, rice krispies, pretzels and

marshmallows in large bowl.

2. Melt white chocolate in double boiler.

3. Pour over dry ingredients and spread out on wax paper to cool.

4. Break into chunks.

5. YUM pigeon poop! ;-)"

269) Apple-Pineapple Bread Pudding

4 slices whole wheat bread

1 egg

2 T butter or margarine

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 C apple-juice concentrate

1 C crushed pineapple bits, drained

1/2 C chopped apple

Milk or yogurt (optional)

Tear slices of bread into small pieces and set aside. Process remaining ingredients in a blender for 15 seconds. Layer bread pieces and egg mixture in a greased baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool for 20 minutes before serving. Top with milk or yogurt, if desired. Makes 8 servings.


1 1/2 lbs round steak, cut into serving pieces

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 16 oz. can tomatoes

1/2 t. each: salt, pepper, & garlic powder

1 T. dried minced onion ( can use fresh onion finely chopped)

1 T. worcestershire sauce

Cook steak for 2 minutes in microwave or brown in skillet. Combine all in crockpot.....cook for 3-4 hours. serve over rice or with mashed potatoes

271) Pizzadillas


flour tortillas

spaghetti sauce

shredded mozzarella cheese

Take a flour tortilla (any size) and spread with spaghetti sauce. Arrange sliced or shredded mozzarella cheese on the sauce and put another tortilla on top. (You may also add pepperoni or mushrooms etc) Place a heavy skillet on medium heat, let it get hot. Put the pizzadilla into the skillet and cook gently until slightly browned. Flip and brown on the other side, cheese inside should be nicely melted. Slide onto a plate and cut into wedges with a pizza cutter. EASY

272) Pizza Cups

3/4 lb. ground beef

1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste

1 T. minced onion

1 tsp. Italina seasoning

1/2 tsp. salt

1 can (10 oz.) refrigerated biscuits

1/2 c shredded mozzarela cheese

Brown and drain ground beef. Add tomato paste, onion and seasonings.

Cook over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Place biscuits

in a greased muffin tin, pressing to cover bottom and sides. Spoon meat

mixture into biscuit-lined cups and sprinkle w/cheese. Bake at 400^ for

12 minutes or until golden brown.


1 t. cinnamon

1/2 cup sugar

1 can refrigerated crescent rolls

2 large apples, peeled, cored & cut into 8 wedges

2 T. melted butter or margarine

1/4 cup orange juice (or water)

preheat oven to 400

in small bowl mix cinnamon & sugar

unroll crescent doug into 8 triangles.....then cut in half length wise to make 16 triangular strips. place an apple wedge on the wide end of dough & roll up. arrange rolls in a 9x13 pan. drizzle with butter & sprinkle the sugar/cinnamon mixture over. pour juice or water into dish but not on the rolls. bake for 30-35 minutes or until rolls are golden brown & apples are tender

274) Cinnamon quesadillas

Take a flour tortilla and spread with butter or margerine.

Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Fold in half and cut in strips or triangles and serve with juice for USDA food requirement. ALSO GREAT TOASTED!!!( in fry pan on under broiler for a couple of minutes)

275) Porcupine Meatballs

1 lb. ground beef

1/2 c. uncooked rice

1/2 c. water

1/3 c. chopped onion

15 oz. can tomato sauce

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. calery salt

1/8 tsp. garlic powder

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 c. water

Mix meat, rice, 1/2 c. water, onion, and spices. Shape by rounded

tablespoons into balls. Place in ungreased 8x8x2" baking pan. Stir

together remaining ingredients (tomato sauce, 1 c. water, W. sauce);

pour over meatballs. Cover w/foil. Bake 45 minutes at 350^. cover

and bake 15 minutes longer.

276) Orange Cups

1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt

1/3 cup orange juice

Blend and pour into cups with popsicle sticks

or popsicle molds. Freeze.

277) Almond Bark Rice Krispies

1 pound White almond candy

2 cups Cheerios crushed a bit

1 cup Peanut butter (regular not crunchy)

2 cups Rice Krispies

Melt almond bark. Mix all ingredients together and drop by spoon on wax paper. Put in refrigerator until firm.

278) Homemade Popsicles

Dissolve 1 package of jello, 1 package of kool-aid, and 1 cup of sugar in 2 cups of very hot water. Stir in 2 cups of very cold water and mix. Pour into paper cups and insert popsicle sticks, plastic spoons or use toothpicks in ice cube trays. When frozen, eat and enjoy.

279) Pudding Chillers

2 cups cold milk

1 4 oz pkg jello choc, milk chocolate or vanilla instant puddding

Pour milk into medium bowl. Add pudding and beat with wire whisk 2 minutes. Spoon into six 5-oz paper or plastic cups. Insert sticks into each for a handle. Freeze for 5 hours or until firm. Place bottom of cup under warm running water for 15 seconds. Press firmly on bottom of cup to release. Makes 6

280) Tony's Tiger Bites (Microwave)

1 pkg (10 oz. - about 40) regular marshmallows OR 4 cups miniature marshmallows

1/4 cup margarine

1/3 cup peanut butter

7 1/2 cups Kellogs Frosted Flakes cereal

In a 4-quart microwave-safe bowl, melt marshmallows and margarine on HIGH 3 minutes, stirring after 1 1/2 minutes. Stir in peanut butter until mixture is smooth. Add Kelloggs Frosted Flakes cereal, stirring until well coated. Using a buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly into 13x9x2-inch pan coated with cooking spray, Cut into 1 1/2 x 2-inch bars. YIELD: 32 bars

NOTE: Use fresh marshmallows for best results. Microwave cooking times may vary, depending on oven wattage. Recipe tested in 700-watt microwave oven.

RANGE-TOP METHOD: Melt margarine in large saucepan over low heat. Add

marshmallows, stirring until completely melted. Remove from heat. Follow steps 2 and 3 above.

281) Cereal Cookies

One: Melt in saucepan: one half cup peanut butter and 2 cups of chocolate chips. Add 3 cups cherios. Place in greased pan and flatten. Cut.

282) Cereal Bars

1 cup light Karo

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

2 Tablespoons water

Boil until bubbly


1 cup peanut butter

2 Tablespoons butter

Add & boil until bubbly

Mix: 8-10 cups cereal (Rice Krispy, Corn Flakes, Cheerios, etc.)

Stir into Karo mixture. Press into 8 x 10 or so pan. Cool & cut.