AARONS GEORGE A. C. , of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, father born Va, mother born NC, to MARY E. COLLINS, of Adair, first mar, she and both parents born in Adair, on 23 Feb 1869 by F.N.Taylor, mar at Zach Collins surety Zachariah Collins.
AARON;. KILLEON, of Adair, 39, widower, born Botetourt Co., Va, to SARAH E. WATSON, of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, on 15 Dec 1852 by Win. Blair.
ARON NATHANIEL to MARY B. McFARLAND on 2 Nov 1859 by Nichols. (Note: min. (Note: min.ret. only).
AARONS. THOMAS, of Adair, 22, born Green Co Tenn., to ONEY EMILY SPARKS, of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, on 31 Oct 1852 (min.ret.only).
ABELL, CORNELIUS of Adair, 24, to MARY E. SANDERS, 18, single on 15 May 1859 BY Knifley. (min.ret.only)
ABEL, JOSHIJA H. of Adair, 27, to ELIZABETH S. DRAKE, of Adair, 16, on 24 Dec 1852, by Mills.
ABSHER, JOHN D., of Adair, 20, to SARAH JANE HUMPHRESS, of Adair, 17, on 26 Feb 1863, by Monroe.
ACREE,.SAMUEL, of Adair, 21, to AMY SINCLAIR, of Adair, single, daughter of Joel by note, on 29 Aug 1858, by Absher,. surety James Carnes
ADAMS, JOHN, of Adair, 34, first mar, born Lincoln Co., Ky, father born Va, mother born Ky., to ELIZABETH FLETHCER, of Adair, 34, first mar, born Adair father and mother born US, on 24 June 1869 by James, surety W T Epperson.
AILSHIRE, JOSEPH N. (Joseph W. in one record) to SARAH B. MASSIE, on 23 June 1847 by Morse.
AKIN, GEORGE R. to MARTHA A. DILLINGHAM on 2 Apr 1867 by W.Blair, mar. at William Dillingham's.
AKIN,J.E to.M. E. F. PEBBLES on 18 Mar 1847 by Jo Price.
AKIN, JOSEPH M . to AMERICA CHRISTIE on 11 Dec 1867 by S.N.Davis at John Christie's.
AIKINS, THOMPSON H., of Adair, 28, to ELISABETH CREEL, of Adair, 18, on 12 Dec 1860 by Emerson (min.ret.only).
ALEXANDER, T.B. of Adair, 27, single, to MAHALA VIRES, of Adair, 19, single, on 20 nov 1862 , by Epperson (min.ret.only).
ALEXANDER, THOMAS T to ELLEN C. FRAZER on 24 May 1849 by Thomas.
ALLEN, BENJAMIN F., of Adair, 46, to A. J. WOODMORE, of Adair, 46, single, 11 Feb 1859 by Armstrong. (min.ret.only)
ALLEN. JOSEPH H., of Marion Co, to MARY C. BRIDGEWATER, of Adair, on 15 Mar 1860 by Donaldson (min.ret.only).
ALLEN, NORMAN to AMANDA M. TURK on 20 July 1845 by J. Breeding.
ALLEN, ROBERT to MARGARETT TURK on 16 Nov 1843 by Milam.
ALLEN, THOMAS, of Adair, 18, to MARY J. LIGHT, of Adair, 18, single, on 15 Oct 1859 by Knifley. (min.ret.only)
ALLEN, WM. B., of Greensburg, 53, widower, to MISS MILLIE N. BAKER, of Columbia, 33, single, on 19 June 1856 by Woods, surety Win. E. Allen.
ALLEY, GEORGE A., of Adair, 22, first mar, he and both parents born Wayne Co.,Ky., to MARY HANNAH LONG, daughter of Henry H. Long by note, of Adair,23, first mar, born Adair, father born SC, mother born Adair, on 10 Dec 1868 by Vires, surety Gideon F. Long.
ALLISON, ARON to ELISABETH HAYES on 30 Sept 1844 by Williams.
ALLISON, DAVID to LUGINDA ABRELL on 1 Oct 1863 by Nichols (min.ret.onlv).
ALLISON, JOSEPH to MISS MARY SUSAN MELSON "her father present", surety William J. Melson, bond only, dated 8 Mar 1854.
ANDERSON, MARTIN to PEACEY WALBERT (Penny in min.reth on 22 Oct 1846 by J.Blair.
ANDERSON, WILLIAM I. to BIDSEY H. WILKERSON on 4 Mar 1867 Lv W. Blair (min.ret. only).
ANDERSON, WOODFOPD to MISS EMERLY HURT, "her mother consents", bond only, dated 27 Feb 1854, surety James W. Scott.
ANTLE, LEWiS J., of Adair, 36, third mar, born Adair, father born Va, mother born Ky, to CASS A. AARON, of Adair, 27, first mar, born Adair, father born F. Tenn, mother born Ky, on 3 June 1868 by W. Blair, mar at George Aaron 's, surety John Collins.
ARNOLD, WILLIAM H. to CELICY JUDD on 11 Nov 1845 by Joel Watson.
ATKINS, GEORGE to BARBARA HARMON on 20 Aug 1840, by Sinclair, (min.ret.only).
ATKINS, JAS. C. to ELIZABETH ELLIOTT on 28 Aug 1850 by Cheek.
ATKINS, JOSEPH G. to PAULINA STOTTS on 20 Apr 1843 by Milam.
ATKINSON, S. C. to MARY M. COX on 13 Feb 1863 at Jos. I. Cox's by Joel Watson, (min.ret.only).
ATKINSON, WM. to LUCY MASSEY on 17 Dec 1846 by Morse.
AUSTIN, BENJAMIN, of Casey Co., 52, to MARY ANN BUTT "her parents both being dead and her nearest relation being present and giving his consent", aged 21, single, on 1 Sept 1857 by C. W. Taylor, surety Chira Wesley.
*ANTLE WILLIS to NANCY NICHOLLS on 24 Dec 1841, by Simpson, (min.ret.only).
BACK, GEORGE, 33, born Wayne Co., widower, to NANCY FRANCES BRISTOF, of Adair, 19, born Russell Co., "her mother, Frances Bristoe consents" by note, on 12 Aug 1855 by Simpson, surety Lazarus Jesse.
BACK, GEORGE, of Cumberland Co., 40, third mar, born Wayne Co., both parents born in US, to ELIZABETH H. LOY, of Adair, 26, first mar, born Adair, father born NC mother born Ky bond only dated 9 Mar 1868 surety Jacob M Loy.
BAILEY, ARCHIBALD G., of Adair, 26, to CATHARIN ANN COLLINS, of Adair, 19, single, on 9 Feb 1860 by Epperson (min.ret.only).
BAILY, JOHN F. to ELIZA A. ROUSE on 8 Dec 1865 at S. Rouse's. (min.ret.only).
BAILY, MORRIS to SALLY TUTT (or Salina) on 3 Aug 1851 by Donaldson.
BAILEY, ROBERT H. to MISS NANCY ANN BRYANT "her father present", bond only, dated 25 Jan 1854, surety Daniel Bryant.
BAILY, SAMUEL M. (Baker in mm. ret.) to MISS MARY MURRELL on 5 Oct 1850 by Cheek.
BAILEY, THOMAS J., of Adair, 23, born "at T.T.Bailey's", single, to MELVINA WEATHERHEAD, of Adair, daughter of L.G.Wetherhed by note, aged 18, born Green Co., single, on 10 June 1855, surety Asa McGinnis.
BAKER, ELIAS, of Casey Co., 47, second mar, born Casey Co., both parents born in NC, to RACHEL AARON, of Adair, 41, third mar, born Ky, both parents born in US, on 25 Mar 1869 by Mills, mar at Ruben K. Jones', surety Ranza J. Ruberts.
BAKER, ROBERT M. to ELIZABETH C. MORRISON at O.C.Morrison's by Parrish, this entry, which consists of ministers return only, is not dated, circa 1865.
BAKER, RUBEN A., 26, to SARAH A. BREEDING, of Adair, 19, on 10 May 1860 by Emerson, (min.ret.only).
BAKER, SAMUEL M. (see Samuel M. Baily). BAKER, THOMAS S. to MISS ANN D. HUGHES "her brother present and consenting", surety M.H.Cheatham, bond only, dated 25 Jan 1856.
BAKER, T. J. to J. A. WAGGENER on 11 May 1865 by Linebaugh at Win. Waggener's (min.ret.only). (Note: Baker Bible says Thompson J. Baker married Miss Julia A. Waggener).
BAKER, WILLIAM E. to ROSA D. PATTESON (Rosina in mm. ret.) on 6 Dec 1848 by Lewis.
BANKS, GEORGE L. of Adair, 23, to NANCY OTEWALT, of Adair, 24, on 4 May 1858 by Monroe,surety John M. Miller.
BANKS, JAMES S. to FRANCIS H. ATKINSON on 22 July 1847 by Absher.
BANKS, MARTIN W. to MATILDA BUSBY, dau. of Matthew Busby, on 10 June 1841.
BANKS. SAMUEL G., of Adair, 25, to SARAH A. DAMRON, of Adair, 23, on 7 Mar 1862 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
BARBEE. JOHN T. to ANGELINE BURNES on 22 Jan 1862 by James, (min.ret.only).
BARDEN. GABREL J. to JULIZA T. WORKMAN on 28 Nov 1865 by Simpson at Peter Workmans (rnin.ret.onlv).
BARGER. JOHN. of Adair, 37, first mar, born Cumberland Co., both parents born in Va, to ELIZABETH ANN SILCOX, of Adair, 18, first mar, born in Tenn, father born in Va mother born in E Tenn, "her father present" on 4 Nov 1869 by W. Blair at R Silcox's surety Wm W Silcox.
BARGER, SIDNEY, of Adair, 23, to PHEBE A. OWENS, of Adair, 16, single, on 12 Dec 1860 by W. Blair, (min.ret.only).
BARGET, JAS. to THERESSA WEATHERHEAD on 22 Mar 1843 by Simpson.
BARNES, NIMROD to NANCY A(?) BRAGG, "her father present", bond only, dated 18 Nov 1856,surety Thomas M. Bragg.
BARNES, THOMAS JEFFERSON, of Adair, son of Elizabeth by note, 18, born Adair, to MISS ELIZABETH ENGLAND, of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, surety Daniel England, bond dated 9 Dec 1855, min.ret. says married on 13 Feb 1855.
BARNETT, JEFFERSON, of Adair, 53, to MARY BENNINGEIELD, of Adair, 39, on 2 Oct 1865 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).
BARNETT, SEATON G. to ELIZABETH WATSON on 12 Dec 1844 by James Penn of Green Co
BARTLETT, CHARLES C. to MILDRED QUESINBERRY on 8 June 1852 by Joel Watson.
BATES, JOHN A. to LOU S. PATTERSON on 6 Dec 1863 by James at the widow Pat terson's, (min.ret.only).
BAULT, JACOB to RHEA LYTLE (Rhoda in min.ret.), married by Thompson, but no date given, Thompson came in and returned several marriages on 3 June 1843.
BAULT, JOHN L., of Adair, 19, (consent note signed by Cyntha?? Bault), to MIRANDA ELIZABETH PIKE, of Adair, 21, on 8 Apr 1858 by Monroe.
BAULT, WM. A. to SARAH E. KIRTLEY on 21 July 1861 by Joel Watson (min.ret.only).
BEARD, ANDREW to MINIE PATTERSON (or Minisa??) on 18 May 1848 by Dorish.
BEARD, ELIJAH to NANCY J. BRIDGEWATER on 4 Feb 1849 by Morse.
BEARD, GEORGE A., of Adair, 19, son of Elizabeth by note, to ELIZABETH J. ROUSE, of Adair, 19, dau. of Solomon by note, on 11 July 1857 by Knifley.
BEARD, JAS. W., of Adair, 27, single, to ELIZA McWHORTER, of Adair, 16, single, on 27 Dec 1858 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
BEARD, JOSIAH, JR., of Adair, 20, single, to ABIGAIL R. CUNDIFF, of Adair, 19, single, dau. of G.W. by note,on 19 Feb 1857 by Absher.
BEARD, RESON to KITTY ANN PICKETT on 24 Dec 1867 by Nichols at Jefferson Pickett's, (min.ret.only).
BEARD, Z. T., of Adair, 23, second mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Greeii Co., to SARAH ELIZABETH PICKETT, of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, father born Va, mother born Adair, on 20 May 1869 by Nichols, mar at Jefferson T. Pickett's.
BEATY, JOHN to ZAPORA PARNELL on 19 Nov 1865 by Mills at John Parnell's (min. ret, only).
BECKET. THOMAS R. to PRICILLA WINFREY on 16 Oct 1865 by Knifley at Hamilton Winfrey's. (min.ret.only).
BECKNELL, SAMUEL N of Adair born Monroe Co., Tenn on 11 May 1853, to MISS SUSAN JANE McFARLING (McFarland in min.ret.), 17, born Blount Co., Tenn, dau. of L.L.McFarling, on 25 May 1853.
BEEBE, WILLIAM C. (min.ret. says Beabi), of Adair, 32, second mar, he and both parents born Kings County, Ireland,. to DELILA REDAFORDE, of Adair, 25, second mar, born Adair, both parents born Va, on 13 June 1869 by Nichols surety John H. Dorsey.
BELL, A. F., of Casey Co., 22, first mar, he and both parents born Casey Co., to FLORINDA BELL, of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, father born Casey Co., mother born Clark Co., Ky., on 26 Nov 1868 by Mills at Jacob Bell's, surety John Jacob Bell.
BELL, BENJAMIN L. to MARTHA ELIZABETH WORKMAN "her guardian, William Workman, consents",on 13 Aug 1857 by Keys.
BELL, JOHN, of Adair, 34, first mar, born Adair, father born Va, mother born Adair, to MARY ALICE WALKER, of Adair, 19, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau. of Wm. L. Walker by note, on 5 Jan 1869 by Sexton,surety J.C.Breeding.
BELL, JOSEPH R. to HIBERNAH WALKER on 10 Dec 1863 by Sexton at W.L.Walker's, Kmin . ret, only).
BELL, SEBASTIAN C. son of John, to AMANDA ROW, dau of Thomas, on 17 Dec 1840.
BELL, WILLIAM W. to ELIZABETH SHIRLEY "her father consents", bond only, dated 23 Feb 1854,surety John B. Shirley.
BENNETT, ANNIAS(?) A. to MARY C. SMITH on 2 Oct 1866 by Harvey (min.ret.only).
BENNETT, CHARLES HENRY, of Adair, 20, born Adair, single, son of Alexander by note, to ANGELINE OWENS, of Adair, 15, born Adair, single, on 16 July 1855 by W. Blair, surety Joel G. Owens.
BENNETT, JOHN W., of Adair, 19, single, to CHARLOTTE FLORO, of Adair, 18, single, on 9 Aug 1855 by W. Blair, surety James Floro.
BENNETT, JO. H., of Adair, 35, to ELISABETH J. TURNER, of Adair, 28, on 19 Feb 1860 by J. Breeding, (min.ret.only).
BENNETT, ROBERT. of Adair, 27, born Adair, to MISS ELIZABETH BRINKLEY, of Adair, 26 (min.ret. says aged 36), born Orange Co., NC, on 3 July 1853 by Moore.
BENNETT, THOMAS to DELILA JANES (or Jones), daughter of Elizabeth, on 25 July by Janes, (min.ret.only).
BENNET. WILLIAM to ELISA JANE KELTNER on 16 Jan 1848 by Wilson.
BERNARD. RICHARD N., of Adair, 24, to FLORENCE A. WOOLRIDGE, of Adair, 18, born Penn., single, on 4 Sept 1861 by Epperson (min.ret.only).
BERRY, WILLIAM to PATSY JANE SPARKS on 13 Dec 1842 by Janes.
BEST, ANDREW L., of Adair, 23, born Harrison Co., md., single, to ELIZABETH JANE WISDOM, 21, born Adair, single, "father consents", on 27 Oct 1853 married at W Blair.
BIGGS, ALFRED A., of Adair, 32, first mar, born Blunt Co., Tenn., father born Green Co., Tenn, mother born Blunt Co., Tenn., to MARY JANE HUGHES, of Adair, 38, second mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born NC, on 20 July 1869 by F.N.Taylor at widow Nellie Bryant's, surety Thomas J. Bryant.
BIGGS, JOHN H., of Adair, 38, born Blount Co., Tenn, widower, to NANCY BREEDING (Breeden on bond), of Adair, 18, born Adair, single, dau of William P., on 16 Aug 1855 by W. Blair.
BINGHAM, JOHN S. to LOUISA W. CALDWELL on 23 Oct 1867 by Nichols at R. H. Caldwell's, (min.ret.only).
BINGHAM, WM. W., 22, to SARAH J. GARRISON, of Adair, 18, single, on 8 Feb 1859 by Goodson, (min.ret.only).
BINNS, DABNEY, of Cumberland Co., 21, first mar, he and both parents born in Cumberland Co., to JULASSA PATTERSON, of Adair, "about 18", first mar, born Adair, father born Cumberland Go, mother born Russell Co., daughter of B.T.Patterson, on 16 Nov 1869 by Simpson at Barna Patterson's, surety B.T.Patterson.
BINNS, MARTIN to HIGHLYAN SIMPSON (or Hvlia A.) on 6 June 1840.
BIRD, GEORGE to SALLY EWING on 12 Mar 1850 by J. Breeding.
BIRD, JOSEPH H. to ADALINE SOLOMON on 8 Aug 1864 by James (min.ret.only).
BIRDEN, JOSEPH D. to FRANCIS R. WHEAT on 4 July 1865 by Linebaugh (min.ret.only).
BLACK, GEORGE to ELIZABETH H. LOY on 9 Mar 1868 by W. Blair at J. Loy's (mm. ret, only).
BLACKBURN, JOHN, JR. to SALLY ANN WILLIAMS "their parents consent" bond only, dated 14 Dec 1854, surety John Blackburn, Sr.
BLACKFORD, M. H. to S. T. ELLIS (Charlotte in min.ret.) on 25 Jan 1849 by Pelly.
BLADES, MADISON to ELIZABETH CARR on 10 Jan 1839 by Woodward (min.ret.only).
BLAIR, ALBERT, of Russell Co, 21, to ELLEN BRIANT, of Adair, 19, single, on 10 Nov 1859 by Epperson, (min.ret.only).
BLAIR, ALEXANDER W., of Adair, 31, to AMANDA SCOTT, of Adair, 21, dau. of Daniel by note, on 25 Apr 1857 by W. Blair, surety Milton Scott.
BLAIR, ELZA to ELIZA JANE CARTER on 28 June 1841 by J.Breeding (min.ret.only).
BLAIR, G. W. to ELIZABETH STRANGE on 5 Feb 1852 by J. Blair.
BLAIR, GEORGE D. to MARY N. WILSON on 11 Apr 1865 by W. Blair at Andrew Wilson's (min.ret.only).
BLAIR, GEORGE J., son of John M. by note, to MARY ANN HAMILTON, "her grand father present", bond only, dated 7 Nov 1854, surety Alexander W. Blair.
BLAIR, GEORGE W. to MARTHA ANN SIMPSON on 22 Feb 1849 by J. Blair.
BLAIR, JAMES, 23, born Adair, to CHARLOTTE FOURGURAN (Furquin??), of Adair, 21, born Cumberland Co., single, on 23 June 1853 by W. Blair, surety Robert A. Blair.
BLAIR, JAMES B. to ARANETTA WILLSON on 4 Oct 1864 by Leftwich at Andy Wilison's (min .ret, only).
BLAIR, JOHN, of Adair, 31, widower, to REBECCA STOTTS, of Adair, 25, single, clan of Patsey by note, on 15 Jan 1857 by J. Blair, surety Benj.Stotts.
BLAIR. JOHN to ELIZABETH ROYSE on 12 Sept 1844 by J. Blair (min.ret.only).
BLAIR, JOHN T. to MISS MARTHA E. MORAN (min.ret. says Matilda), bond dated 1 March 1858, min.ret. says married on 13 Jan 1858, surety G.B.Moran.
BLAIR, LYTTLE, of Russell Co., 23, born Russell Co., to ELIZABETH BRYANT, of Adair, 21, born Adair,single, dau of Peter by note, on 24 Dec 1854, surety Alexander Bryant.
BLAIR, ROBERT A. to SUSAN F. CALDWELL on 4 Oct 1849 by J. Breeding (min.ret.only).
BLAIR, WILLIAM, son of Geroge, to SARAH ROW, dau of Thomas, on 19 Sept 1840.
BLAIR, WM. E. to LOUVENA M. CARTER bond only, dated 21 Aug 1854, surety Elza Blair.
BLAIR WILLIAM A. to MARY M. SCOTT bond only, dated 10 Feb 1854, surety George Blair.
BLAKEMAN, ROBERT T. to MARY JANE PACE on 11 Dec 1866 by James (min.ret.only).
BLALEY, WILLIAM, 22, to MARGARET A. SPEECE(?), 22, on 18 Sept 1866 by M. Blair at Isabel Baley's in Russell Co. (min.ret.only).
BLAND, SAMUEL J., of Casey Co., 23, to ELIZA J. KNIFLEY, of Adair, 18, single, on 25 Nov 1852 by Joel Watson (min.ret.only).
BLAND, THOMAS to REBECCA TUCKER on 6 Jan 1867 by Knifley at Rebecca Tucker's In Casey Co. (min.ret.only).
BLANKENSHIP FOUNTAIN H., of Adair, 22, first mar, born in Adair, parents born in U S, to NANCY STOTTS, of Adair, 20, first mar, born in Adair, both parents born in Ky "suppose", dau of Margaret M. by note, on 23 Apr 1868 by Harvey, surety C.M.Wheat.
BLANKENSHIP GEORGE to POLLY GREEN on 15 Mar 1849 by J. Blair (min.ret.only).
BLANKENSHIP, GEORGE A. to ELIZA W. WILSON on 5 Feb 1866 by Monroe (min.ret.only).
ELANKENSHIP. GEORGE WASHINGTON to POLLY JANES on 6 Apr 1843 by J. Blair (min ret.only).
BLANKENSHIP. JAS. C. to ELIZABETH WILSON on 12 Jan 1860 by Keene at Jas. WILSON's (min.ret.only).
BLANKENSHIP, JAMES HENRY, of Adair, 21, to HARRIET ELIZABETH RODGERS, of Adair, 20 single, dau of Josiah, on 11 Mar 1857 by Joel Watson, surety Josiah Rodgers.
BLANKENSHIP, WILLIAM P., of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born in Ill mother born in Adair to PARTHENIA FRANCIS DOHONEY of Adair 23, first mar, she and both parents born in Adair, bond only dated 8 Mar 1869 surety W. B. Leftwich.
BORDERS, RICHARD P. to FANNIE COFER on 1 Sept 1864 by James at Hiram Cofer's (min.ret.only).
BOSTON, S. W. to ARTEMISSA RASH (or Rush) on 11 Mar 1862 by U. Blair (min.ret. Only).
BOTTOM, ELIAS B. to ELIZABETH R. CUNNINGHAM, dau of James by note, bond only dated 4 June 1856, surety William D. Bottom.
BOTTOM, THOMAS A., of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair. father born Taylor Co, mother born Taylor Co. "think", to SARAH ELENDER LIGHT, of Adair, 14, first mar born Adair father born Va, mother born Russell Co., daughter of Henry note, bond only,dated 9 Nov 1363. surety Win. C. Light.
BOTTS, HENRY to MINERVA T. THOMAS on 30 May 1849 by Lewis (min.ret.only).
BOTTS, JOHN, son o f Thompson Botts, to SUSAN B. CRAIG dau of Joseph, on 29 July 1841 by Crow.
BOWLES. JOHN S CORILLA FITZPATRICK, dau of Lucy. on 21 Oct l841, by Mills.
BOYD, ISAAC, of Wooodford Co., Ill., 40. widower, born Halifax Co.. Va, to J. A. COFFY of Columbia,23, born Russell Co.. single, on 19 Oct 1852 by Acres, (min.ret.only).
BOYEAR, JOHN, of Adair, 21, born Adair, to SARAH C. RAYBOURN, of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, on 28 Feb 1852 by Williams, (min.ret.onlv).
BOYER, JOSEPH W., 20, born Adair, single, "mother consents by note" (note not found), to MARTHA L. NEET,22, born Adair on Green River, widow, on 13 Jan 1853 by Absber, surety E.T.Winfrey.
BRADSHAW, BEANBRIDGE H. to PALINA COLLINS on 14 Mar 1843 by Epperson (min.ret. only).
BRADSHAW, GALLATIN, of Adair, 25, born Creen Co., single, to SARAH JANE GRANT, of Adair 22 born Green Co. , single, bond dated 16 Nov 1853, rnin.ret. gives date of marriage as 11 Nov 1853, by U. Blair, surety John Hayse.
BRADSHAW, GIDEON, of Adair, 23, born Adair, single, to FRANCES ANN COLLINS, of Adair, 21,born Adair, single, bond dated 6 Aug 1855 min.ret.gives date of marriage as 9 May 1855, surety Zachariah Collins.
BRADSHAW, ALBIN to POLLY WALKER on 2 Nov 1843 by Epperson (min.ret.onlv).
BRADSHAW, SETH J. to THERSA MEDARIS on 22 Oct 1846 by Absher (min.ret.only).
BRADSHAW, TIMOLEON to SALlE ANN WILSON on 4 Apr 1862 by James at H.W.Wilson's (min . ret, only).
BRADSHAW, WM. to RACHEL STONE on 17 Oct 1844 by J. Breeding (min.ret.only).
BRADSHAW, WILLIAM, of Adair, 30, born Adair, to LUISANA ARONS, of Adair, 20, born Adair, single,"father consents", on 25 Oct 1853 by M. Blair, surety Gideon Bradshaw.
BRAGG, JOHN R., of Metcalfe Co., 24, first mar, born in Adair, father born in Ky mother born in Va.,to AMANDA JANE HAMILTON, of Adair, 23, first mar, she and both parents born in Adair, on 3 Oct 1869 by Sexton, surety J. Hamilton.
BRAGG JOSEPH B., of Adair, Consent note signed by James M. Bragg—no relationship given, to MISS MARY CATHARINE TARTER, single, on 7 Jan 1858 by Roach, surety William Tarter.
BRAGG MARSHALL. of Adair, 21, to FRANCES HOLLAND, 26, single, on 7 June 1857 by Hodges surety William H. Newcomb.
BRAGG, WM E.. of Adair, 22. to MARY J. BORROW, 16, single, on 23 Dec 1858 by Roach (min.ret.only).
BRAGG WILLIAM T., consent note signed by Thomas M Bragg, to AMANDA SPARKS (bond says Mandy),consent note signed by John Sparks, bond dated 10 Jan 1857, min.ret. does not give a marriage date, by Roach, surety Nimrod Barnes.
BRANNUM HENRY B. to MISS TINA WALBERT "her father present", bond only—dated 16 Oct 1854, surety John S. Walbert.
BRANAM, LEWIS R., of Adair, 19, first mar, born Cumberland Co., son of Nancy Wisdom by note, to MALISSA J. SMITH, of Adair, 19, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of Jula A. Smith by note, on 15 Feb 1868 by Patton, surety J.D.Scott.
BRASSILL, HIRAM to MRS. MARY JACKSON on 29 Dec 1863 by Wallace (min.ret.only).
BRATCHER, SIMEON to JENETTA WHEELER, dau of William, on 21 Oct 1841.
BREEDING, ENOCH to MARIAH MILLER (Minerva in min.ret.) on 23 Oct 1842 by G.W..Taylor (min.ret.only).
BREEDING, FRANCIS M. to SARAH STONE on 19 Sept 1848 by Peak (min.ret.only). BREEDING, GEORGE to PARTHENA L. TURK on 11 Dec 1849 by J.Blair (min.ret.only).
BREEDING, GEORGE W. to SARAH NELL on 13 Feb 1851 by Donaldson (min.ret.only).
BREEDING. GEORGE W. (min.ret.says G.M.), of Adair, 22, born Adair, to ELIZABETH JANE BRYANT, of Adair, 19, born Adair, single, on 4 Jan 1853 by W.Blair, surety Daniel Bryant.
BREEDING, JESSE to MELINDA J. SIMMONS on 10 Mar 1867 by Patton at Jas. B.Simnon's, (min.ret.only).
BREEDING JOHN A. to NANCY JANE REED, dau of Manuel Reed by note, on 22 Dec 1557 by W. Blair, surety Nathan Breeding.
BREEDING, JOHN H. to LOUISEANNA HUGHART, dau of Young Hughart, bond only—dated 4 Sept 1854, surety George W. Breeding.
BREEDEN. JOHN H. to NANCY ANN JOHNSTON on 28 Nov 1866 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
BREEDING, JOSEPH to ELISA A. TURK no date on return, circa 1851-1852, married by J. Blair, (min.ret.only).
BREELING, PETER, of Adair, 33, to ELIZABETH McLARNING, of Adair, 33, single, (min ret gives her name as McClarning) on 12 Dec 1858 by Goodson surety Alexander Soloman.
BREEDING, ROBERT to SARAH A. LEFTWIGH, dau of Robert, 17 Sept 1840.
BREEDING, ROBERT M., of Adair, 33, born Adair, widower. MARTHA A. LEETWITCH, of Adair, 26, born Bedford Co., Va, single, bend ~ 10 Aug 1853, min.ret.says married 9 Aug l853 by J.Breeding. surety Sinclair Wheat.
BREEDING, ROBERT A., of Adair, widower, to SALLY ROWE, of Adair. 22, single, on 2 Jan 1860) by J.Breeding (min.ret.only).
BREEDING, WILLIAM D., "his mother consents", to MISS ELIZABETH H GRIMES, "her father present", bond only, dated 24 Aug 1854. sureco Obed. Grimes.
BREEDING, WM. D., of Adair, 23, widower, to LUCY HASE, of Adair, 25, on 24 Sept 1860 by Absher (min.ret.onlv).
BREEDEN, WILLIAM N., of Adair, 21, single, to JANE B. HUBBARD of Adair, 17, single, stepdaughter of John 0. Walden, on 8 Jan 1857 ho Absher, surety John 0. Walden.
BRIDGEWATERS, NELSON to MALINDA MURRELL on 16 Dec 1866 by Absher at S.H.Murrell 's (min.ret on1y)
BRIDGEWATER, PATRICK H , of Adair, 20, born Adair, single, "his father present", to MISS NANCY JANE BAILEY, of Adair. 19, born Adair, single,"her guardian, James Page, present", on 9 May 1855, surety James Page.
BRIDGE WATER, WILLIAM P. to ELISABETH SKAGGS on 29 Dec 1846 by Wheat (min.ret.)
BRISTOW, JOHN H., of Cumberland Co, 20. to ELIZABETH KEATON. uf Adair, 20, single, on 15 Sept 1859 by Armstrong (min.ret.only).
BROCK, HARRISON to NANCY JANE GILES on 18 Jan 1845 by Rhodes (rnin.ret.only).
BROCKMAN, JACOB, of Russell Co., 20, to NANCY F. HUMPHRESS, of Adair, 17, on 30 Oct 1865 by Monroe (min.ret.only).
BROCKMAN, JOHN L., of Adair, 28, first mar, born Russell Co.. father born Russell Co., mother born Adair Co., to CATHERINE BLAIR, of Adair, 16, first mar, born Adair, both parents born Russell Co., dau of T.L.Blair by note, on 13 Feb 1868 by Vires, surety Charles Bryant.
BROCKMAN, THOMAS J. to MARY BLAIR on 9 Nov 1865 by F.N.Taoior at Leftwich Blair's (min.ret.only).
BROCKNAN, WM. L. to LOUISA JONES on 18 Aug 1863 by Wallace (min.ret.only).
BROCKMAN, WILLIAM S. to MARY A. McFARLAND on 18 Nov 1867 by Wallace (min.ret.)
BROOKS, SAMUEL to MATILDA MORAN bond only, dated 3 June 1854, surety George B. Moran.
BROWN, C. C. to JULIET A. PURGERSON on 11 Jan 1862 by Roy at Thos. Purgerson's (min.ret.only).
BROWN, JOHN A. to ANNIS W. WATSON on 22 Feb 1849 by Knifley (min.ret.only).
BROWN, JOHN to MARY J. FLETCHER on 6 Jan 1864 by Rigney at Betsy Brown's (min ret.only).
BROWN, JOHN H., of Adair, 24, born Russell, to ELIZA PAGE, of Monroe Co., 21, born Monroe Co., single, bond dated 4 Sept 1854, min.ret.says married on 24 Sept 1854, surety Meredith Purcell.
BROWN, JOHN PATTERSON to Nellie Leach, dau of Matthew, 28 Jan 1841 (min.ret. only), by Karnes.
BROWN, RICHARD R. to ELIZABETH D. BANKS on 12 June 1844 by J.Murrell (min.ret. only).
BROWN, STEPHEN to MISS MARGARET FLORO bond only, dated 28 Sept 1854, surety James Floro.
BROWN, WM. J. to FRANCES MELSON on 25 Oct 1856 by Harvey, surety Proctor B. Hayse. BROWNING,
BROWNING, ALBALOM D. to MATILDA M. MURPHY on 23 Jan 1848 by Frogg (min.ret.only).
BROWNING, JAMES A. to MARGARET E. CALLISON on 18 Dec 1866 by James at Charles Callison's (min.ret.only).
BROWNING, JAMES G., of Adair, 23, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Ky, to HARRIET A. DOHONEY, of Adair, 19, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of Margaret by note, on 13 July 1869 by James, surety Granderson T. Sherrill.
BROWNING, JAMES Y. to JUDA F. MOORE on 8 Dec 1867 by Cundiff at Polly Moore's (min.ret.only).
BROWNING, S. W. to PHEBE H. SHIRLEY on 30 Aug 1866 by James at George Shirley's (min.ret.only).
BRUMMETT, ELIJAH, of Cumberland Co., 28, second mar, he and both parents born E. Tenn., to LOUVINA WISE, of Adair, 22, first mar, she and both parents born Va., on 13 Mar 1868 by James at "Pleasant Villr", surety Joseph H. Brummett.
BRUMET, MASON to IBY ANN RICHARDS on 17 Apr 1863 by James (min.ret.only).
BRYANT, ALEXANDER to MALINDA FRANKUM on 22 Jan 1845 by Absher (min.ret.only).
BRYANT, CHARLES to MARY ANN BEAN on 11 Nov 1846 by Smith (min.ret.only).
BRYANT. DANIEL B. to FRANCIS M. ROUSE on 26 Nov 1848 by Absher (min.ret.only).
BRYANT, DANIEL, 21, born Roan Co., Ind., "father consents", to MISS LUCY GRIDER (Lockey in min.ret.), 15, born Adair, dau of Isabel, on 3 Apr 1813 by Epperson, surety Sinclair Wheat.
BRYANT, DANIEL B., of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, father born Russell Co., mother born Adair, to LAURA ANN HURT, of Adair, 19, first mar, born Adair, parents born "don't know", dau of Win. W. by note, bond dated 6 Sept 1869, (min ret, says married 28 Sept 1869) by Blair, surety Elzy Dainron.
BRYANT, DAVID to TISSIAH BURTON bond only, dated 5 Aug 1854, surety Benjamin Burton.
BRYANT. DAVID to LYDIA CURRY (min.ret.says Lida), "her father present on 12 Aug 1858 by W. Blair at Ben Curry's, surety Benjamin Curry.
BRYANT, GEORGE A., of Adair, 23, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to SARAH L. THOMAS, of Adair, 18, first mar, born Adair, father born Va, mother born Adair, daughter of Nancy J. by note, on 19 May 1869 by Absher at Nancy J. Thomas', surety Nelson Thomas.