CARTER. PETER to PARTHENA BLAIR, dau of John M., 25 Dec 1839 by J.Breeding, (Mrs. Burdette gave the date as 20 Feb 1840???), (min.ret.only).
CARTRIGHT MANSON W. to CATHERINE YEISER on 28 Jan 1847 by Absher (min.ret.only)
CASKEY, JOHN R., 20, born Adair, single, to SARAH J. GRANT, 26, born Adair, widow, on 31 July 1853 by Absher, surety Win. Curry (bond gives name as John R. Curry).
CATHERAN, ANDERSON, of Adair, 22, to SUSAN SPARKS, of Adair, single, on 16 Dec 1858 by Roach, (min.ret.only).
CATHEREN, JOSEPH to TUPANY MURRAY (Trissheny in one return) on 3 Jan 1847 by W. Blair, (min.rets.only).
CAVE, BENNETT, 21, born Adair, single, to MISS JOANNAH PIKE, of Adair, 20, single, Dau of Thomas by note, her father called her Sarah in consent note, on 17 Mar 1855, surety John R. Pike.
CAVE, STEPHEN, 21, of Adair, to HESTER A. MONROE, 19, of Adair, single, "her father present", on 18 Nov 1857 by Watson, surety Daniel Monroe.
CAVE, WILLIAM D. to CYNTHA ANN PIKE on 15 Feb 1849 by Watson, (min.rets.only).
CAWHAN, DABNEY E., of Adair, 24, MARY M. SCRIMIGER, of Adair, 17, on 20 Apr 1856 by J.M.Blair, surety Joseph Cawthon.
CAWTHON, JOSEPH, of Adair, 27, widower, born Cumberland Co., Tenn., to NANCY J. SHIRE, of Adair, 22, single, born Cumberlaud Co., Ky., on 16 Nov 1852 by Moore, (min.rets.only).
CHADWICK, JOHN, of Gibson Co., Ind., 23, first mar, born Pulaski Co., Ky, father born in Georgia, mother born Adair Co., Ky., to POLLY MARGARET RUPE, of Adair, 17, first mar, born Adair, father born Tenn, mother born Adair, "her father present", on 25 Aug 1869 by Barnes at Wm. Rupe's, surety Wm. C. Rupe.
CHAMBERS, ALLEN to SALLY JANES on 9 Aug 1843 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
CHAPMAN, BARNET to MALINDA ESTES 22 Oct l842 By Sinclair.
CHASTAIN, JOSEPH A. to REBECCA J. SMITH, bond only—dated 4 Aug 1855, surety Almarine L. Chastain.
CHEEK, SILAS to NANCY INGRAM, dau of Nancy Ingram, on 28 Oct 1840.
CHEAK, THOMAS to ANN HANCOCK on 1 Apr 1847 by Robertson, (min.rets.only).
CHEATHAM, E. G. to MARY V. STRANGE on 3 Mar 1864 by Parrish at Louis A. Strange's min. ret, only).
CHEATHAM. WM. H., of Logan Co., Ky. to SARAH A. CHEATHAM, of Columbia, by Lewis, this return is not dated, however the minister came in and recorded a number of marriages on 4 July 1848.
CHEATHAM, W. H. to FRANCIS DOHONEY on 16 Mar 1851 by G.W.Taylor (min.rets.only).
CHEEK, HENRY to POLLY INGRAM, dau of Nancy Ingram, on 28 Oct 1840.
CHELF, FLETCHER to SARAH E. CHELF "her father present", bond only—dated 4 May 1857, surety Wm. J. Cheif.
CHELF, H. B. to MARY M. HENDRIXSON on 2 Oct 1865 by Knifley at William Hendrixson 's, (min.ret.only).
CHELF, THOMAS J., of Casey Co., 18, single, to ELIZABETH GOODE, of Casey Co., 20, single, on 5 Oct 1856 by Knifley, surety Robert A. Caskey.
CHELF, WILLIAM P. to LOUISA HENDRIXSON on 29 Aug 1865 by Knifley at Felix Henderixson' s, (min.ret.only).
CHILDERS, JAMES H. to SARAH E. HARDEN on 8 Dec 1867 by Absher at A. Harden's, (min.ret.only).
CHILDERS, WM. T., 25, to ELLEN SINCLAIR, 21, on 25 Jan 1859 by Knifley, (min.ret. only).
CHRISTESON, W. J., of Adair, 23, to MAUDA F. GOOD, of Adair, 17, on 14 Jan 1862 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
CHRISTIE, JOHN W. to MARY A. MONDAY bond only—dated 27 Nov 1854, surety George E. Handley.
CLEMENS, JOHN M., of Wayne Co., to MISS BETTIE RUSSELL, of Columbia, single, on 20 Oct 1858 by McKee, surety James M. Saufley.
COATS, JOHN D., of Adair, 22, born Adair, to MARY JANE PA'ITERSON, of Adair, 16, born Adair, single, dau of Martitia Patterson, bond dated 4 Sept 1853, min. ret, says married on 24 Sept 1853, mar. by Tucker, surety James Garnett.
COATS, JOHN H. to SALLY JANE JONES, of Adair, on 25 Sept 1856 by Harvey, (min. ret.only).
COATES, OLIVER to JANE WILLIS on 23 July 1845 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).
COFFER, JOHN D., 31, born Russell Co., to SAREPTY CHAMBERS, 23, born Barren Co., on 30 Nov 1852 by Leftwich, (min.ret.only).
COFER, JOHN N. to MARIA SALLEE on 17 Aug 1864 by F.N.Taylor at Jacob Sallee' s (min.ret.only).
COFER, ROBERT H. to LYDIA A. MORGAN on 14 May 1867 by Wallace (min.ret.only).
COFFEY, BENJAMIN S. to MISS E. R. McBEATH bond only—dated 9 Aug 1854, surety Edmund P. Coffey.
COFFEY, GEORGE W., of Russell Co., 54, born Russell Co., widower, to MISS ELIZABETH R. REYNOLDS, of Adair, 38, born Adair, single, on 12 Oct 1855, surety Eli Wheat. (Note: min.ret. calls her Elizabeth R. Roy).
COFFEY, JAMES to LOUIZA "LOU" MURRAY on 30 Apr 1856 by Dewitt (min.rets.only).
COFFEY, JOHN A., of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, "father consents" no note, to MARY ANN CARTER, of Adair, 18, born Adair, "her guardian present", on 26 Dec 1855, surety Josiah T. Curry.
COFFEY, JOHN D. to JULIA ANN KELTNER on 18 Sept 1845 by J. Breeding, (min.rets. only).
COFFEY, JOSEPH to VIRGINIA R. PAGE on 20 Jan 1863 by Reed at Win. W. Page's, (min.ret.only).
COFFEY, JOSEPH S. to ELLEN B. PAGE by James (no date—mid 1860s), at Wash Page's (min.ret.only).
COFFEY. MARSALL L. to JENNY SILKEY (Jemima in one return) on 16 Dec 1850 by Donelson, (min.rets.only).
COFFEY. MARTIN A., of Adair, 21, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to MARGARET KEMP, of Adair, 18, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, on 11 Feb 1868 by Nichols at Joseph Kemp's, surety Joseph H. Kemp.
COFFEY, ROBERT W., of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, both parents born US, to MARY ANN BENNETT, dau of William by note, of Adair, 18, first mar, she and mother born Adair and father born US, on 1 Aug 1868 by Sexton surety George A. Coomer.
COFFEY, SAMUEL to ELIZABETH SPURLING on 14 Sept 1840. Sam'l was son of John.
COFFEY, SIDNEY to ELIZABETH EUBANK on 4 Nov 1864 by James at John Eubank's (min.ret.only).
COFFEY, THOMAS G. to LUCY W. RICE on 24 Mar 1864 by Linebaugh, (min.ret.only).
COFFEY, WILLIAN A. to ROSALINE MOSS on 13 Nov 1862 by Keene, (min.ret.only).
COFFMAN. RICHARD to MARTHA SIMPSON on 11 Nov 1865 by F.N.Taylor (min.ret.only).
COLEMAN, WILLIAM to MONTON (???) on 18 Nov 1844 by Janes. Both minister's returns gives the bride as Monton—first or last name???
COLLEY, RICHARD V. to MAHALA R. CARTER on 9 June 1863 by James (min.ret.only).
COLLINS, ABRAHAM to SARAH W. McFARLAND on 30 June 1862 by W. Blair at L. L. McFarland's, (min.ret.only).
COLLINS. ARON, of Adair, 53, to ELIZA SPOON, of Adair, 43, single, on 3 Oct 1860 by W.Blair, (min.ret.only).
COLLINS, NATHANIEL M. to MARIAH MEDARIS on 22 Oct 1846 by Absher (min.rets.only).
COLLINS . TIMOTHY to ELIZABETH ARONS on 27 Jan 1865 by F.N.Taylor at George Aron's (min. ret, only)
COILLINS. W. F.. of Adair, 26, to NANCY E. FURKIN, of Adair, 18, single, on 5 Oct 1859 by Armstrong, (min.ret.only).
COLLINS. ZACHARIAH to NANCY S. McGINNIS on 22 Dec 1862 by W. Blair (min.ret.only).
COMPTON BETHELL to RUTHY N. WARENER on 26 Dec 1867 by Hill (min.ret.only).
COMPTON, JAS A. to NANCY SINGLETON on 31 May 1861 by Roach (min.ret.only).
COMPTON, JOHN J. to NANCY BOBESING(?) on 1 July 1845 by Wilson (min.rets.only).
COMPTON, RILEY to MATILDA BEARLEY on 6 May 1867 by Nichols (min.ret.only).
COMPTON, WILLIAM R., of Adair, 23, born Pulaski Co., single, to LIZA J. SPARKS, dau of Jehu Sparks, single, on 6 Nov 1855 by Roach, surety Nimrod Barnes. (Note: minister's return says "E.J.Sparks").
CONNER, F. L. ( min.ret.), of Casey Co., 54, born Jessamine Co., widower, to MISS AMANDA STEWART, of Adair, born Columbia, Ky., 27, single, on 11 Oct 1855 by McKee, surety James Clarke.
COWNOVER, DAVID to SYTHA ANN DARNELL on 16 Aug 1849 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
COWNOVER, DOMINICUS to ANN ROGERS on 9 Jan 1845 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
COWNOVER, DOMINICUS to NANCY YOUNG on 6 Mar 1851 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
COWNOVER, LEVI to BETSEY ANN POWELL on 7 June 1849 by Absher (min.rets.only).
CONOVER, LEVI, of Adair, 28, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to MARY WALKER, of Adair, 24, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, on 23 Jan 1868 by Cundiff at Tusa Walker's, surety Isaac N. Williams.
COWNOVER, PETER to SALLY LEACH on 15 June 1848 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
COWNOVER, STEPHEN R., of Adair, 21, born Adair, to MARY ANN ROYSE, of Adair, 19, born Adair, single, on 30 June 1857 by W. Blair, surety John Royse.
CONOVER, THOMAS J., of Adair, to SUSANNAH BRYANT, of Adair, 17, "her father present", on 14 Oct 1858 by W. Blair, surety Daniel Bryant.
CONOVER, WILLIAM G., of Adair, over 21, born Adair, to NELLIE NORMAN BUTLER, over 21, born Adair, on 27 Sept 1852 by Williams, (min.rets.only).
COWNOVER, WM. H., of Adair, 25, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Russell Co., to SARAH E. STAPP, of Adair, 15, first mar, she and both parents born Russell Co., dau of William Stapp by note, bond only—
dated 17 Feb 1868, surety John Blair.
COOK, GEORGE, of Adair, 17, single, son of Henry by note, to MARIAH LOUISA WILLIAMS, of Adair, 17, single, her guardian, Win. W. Row, present, on 26 Jan 1858 by Morrison, surety Win. W. Row.
COOK, HENRY, of Adair, 47, widower, to MARIA M. EWING, of Adair, 45, single, on 7 Sept 1859 by Morrison, (min.ret.only).
COOK, JOHN D. of Adair, 20, first mar, born Cumberland Co., both parents born Va., his father present, to SARAH J. WHEELER, of Adair, 20, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of J. B. Wheeler by note, on 1 Apr 1869 by J. Breeding at Butler Wheeler's, surety Robert Fletcher.
COOK, LEVI, of Adair, 22, first mar, he and both parents born Pulaski Co., to SARAH ISRAEL, of Adair, 19, first mar, born Russell Co., father born Washington Co., mother born Whitley Co., her father present, on 8 June 1869 by Dehart,surety Moses W. Israel.
COOK, STEPHEN F. to MARTHA M. D. WILLIAMS, dau of Elizabeth, on 1 Dec 1840 by Thomas, (min.rets.only). (Note: Mrs. Burdette gave the date as 14 Nov 1840).
COOKSEY, JOHN, of Adair, 29, born Cumberland Co., single, to POLLY ANN BLACKBURN, 18, born Adair, ( her name as Polly Ann Black), on 29 Dec 1853 by Simpson, surety John Blackburn.
COOLLEY, WM. J., of Adair, 23, born Adair, single, to ELIZABETH BRIANT, of Adair 17, born Adair, single, on 25 Mar 1855 (min.ret.only).
COOMER, A. J. to LUCY COOMER on 7 Sept 1865 by Hill (min.ret.only).
COOMER, BERRY G. to MISS EMELEY J. COFFEY, her mother consents, bond only—dated 27 Jan 1854, surety John Keltner.
COOMER, C. A., 26, to MARTHA ROWE, 18, single on 20 June 1862 by Hill, (min.ret. only).
COOMER, CHARLES, 34, to POLLY J. COOMER, 23, single, on 20 Dec 1859 by Roach, (min.ret.only).
COOMER, CHARLES, of Adair, to LUCINDA COOMER, of Adair, on 11 May 1863 by Hill (min. ret, only)
COOMER. DANIEL J., of Metcalfe Co., 20, first mar, born Wayne Co., father born Pulaski Co., mother born Wayne Co., son of William and Marien Coomer, to MARTHA ELIZABETH COOMER, of Adair, 17, first mar, born Adair, father born Pulaski Co., mother born Adair, dau of Delila Coomer, on 1 Dec 1869 by Barnes at"Morises"Chapel (Morris'), surety F. M. Stephenson.
COOMER, EDWARD to MARY JANE DOOLEY on 20 Apr 1862 by Sparks, (min.ret.only).
COOMER, GEORGE A., of Adair, 22, first mar, he and both parents born Va., to MARTHA J. POSEY, of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, both parents born US, bond dated 17 May 1869, min.ret. says married 27 May 1869, by Sexton, surety Henry T. Rogers. [Consent notes reads: ". . .license to marry Martha L. Posey that she is living with me. May 15, 1869. (signed) Marthe L. Posey"]
COOMER JESSE, 25, to MALINDA GREGORY, 18, single, on 12 Sept 1860 by Hill (min.ret.only).
COOMER LEANDER, JR., of Adair, 30, single, to MARY ANN COOMER, of Adair, 27, single, on 26 June 1856 by Leftwich, surety William Bennett.
COOMER, RILEY to HOSIE (or Haza) JANE KELTNER (no date given—circa 1849) by Wilson, (min.rets.only).
COOMER, ULYSSESS T., of Adair, 18, first mar, born Adair, father born Pulaski Co., mother born Adair, son of Delilah by note, to NANCY NELSON, of Adair, 17, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of James by note, on 5 Sept 1869 by Nichols, surety Robert W. Coffey.
COOMER, WASH M. to POLLY ANN COOMER on 22 Nov 1866 by Hill (min.ret.only).
COOMER, WM., 22, to POLLY WETHERFORD, 22, on 8 Apr 1862 by Hill, (min.ret.only).
CORBIN, DEMARCE'S F. to ELIZABETH A. SMILEY on 11 Aug 1867 by Absher at Win. Smiley's, (min.ret.only).
CORBIN, JAMES to ELIZABETH BRYANT on 9 Apr 1847 by Smith, (min.rets.only).
CORBIN, LOUIS C. to MARY LOVALL on 7 Mar 1850 by Absher, (min.rets.only). COTHEM, DAVID see David Gatham.
COX, ANDREW J. to MARY ANN ROSS (Royce in one return) on 18 Jan 1849 by Breeding (min.rets.only).
COX, ALBERT J. to ANN LUCINDA EWING on 19 Sept 1867 by Monroe at George Ewing's (min.ret.only).
CRAIG, JAMES W. to MISS MARY J. NELSON, "her father consents" no note, bond only— dated 26 Sept 1853, surety Elzy C. Walker.
CRAIG, JOSEPH M. to ELIZABETH WALKER on 2 Jan 1849 by Burge (min.rets.only), Note: one record calls him Craig.
CRAIG, ROBERT 0. (min.ret.calls him R. V. Crag), of Adair, 26, born Adair, single, to MISS HARRIET E. GRADY (min.ret.calls her H. L. Grady), 15, born Adair, single, "father consents?? no note, on 10 Nov 1853 by J. Breeding, surety James Garnett.
CRAIG, ROBERT 0. to SARAH L. MOORE, dau of William, on 25 Nov 1858 by Crumboust, surety Charles A. Gill.
CRAVENS, BENJAMIN B., of Adair, 24, single, to LOUISA JANE WATKINS, of Adair, 17, single, on 7 Sept 1856 by Dempsy, surety John Watkins.
CRAVENS, SILVESTER to ANGELINE POWELL on 22 Nov 1867 by F.N.Tavlor at Oliver Powell's, (rnin.ret.only).
CRAVENS, TIMOLEON to MARY M. WAGONER on 4 Nov 1847 by Thomas, (min.rets.only).
CRAWHORN, JAMES to JANE RETHERFORD on 21 Oct 1844 by Janes. (min.rets.onlv).
CRAWLEY, WM. H., son of Washington, to MARTHA ANN CRAIG, dau of Joseph, on 20 Jan 1840.
CREASY, JOHN to POLLY SHAW on 6 Apr 1843 by V. Blair, (min.rets.onlv).
CROGHORN, JOHN to MARY TAYLOR on 9 July 1865 by James, (min.ret.onlv).
CROMEANS, JAMES to SUSAN BLANKENSHIP on 3 Sept 1866 by W. Blair (min.ret.only).
CROMEANS, WILLIAM to MARY A. ROSENBAUM on 11 Oct 1866 by V. Blair at A. Rosenbaum's, (min.ret.only).
CROUCH, JAS. W. to SARAH DEMlIMBREUM on 25 May 1842 by Crouch, (min.rets.only).
CUMPTON, JAMES R. to MARY A. TARTER on 14 Nov 1864 by Hill, (min.ret.only).
CUMPTON, PETER to HARRIET E. KELTNER on 17 Sept 1865 by Hill, (min.ret.only).
CUNDIFF, AMBROS to EMILY WARD on 17 Oct 1865 by F.N TaYlor at Widow Huddleston' s in Russell Co., (min.ret.onlv).
CUNDIFF, GEORGE A., of Adair, 22, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to MARY L. HARMON, of Adair, 19, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of Lewis Harmon by note, on 16 Jan 1868 by Absher at Louis Harmon's, surety Isaac C. Harmon.
CUNDIFF, GEORGE W., of Adair, 45, widower, to NANCY THOMAS, of Adair, 35, single, on 31 Oct 1860 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
CUNNINGHAM, FLEMING T., of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born "Va.I think", mother born Adair, to BETSY RICE ADAMS, of Adair, 22, first mar, born Missouri,father and mother both born Marion Co., Ky., on 17 Nov 1869 by Knifley, surety William J. Chelf.
CURD, JAMES H. to ELIZABETH L. FRAZIER, dau of James, date of marriage as 24 Oct 1841, Mrs. Burdette's records say 24 Dec 1841, by Lasley.
CURRY, A. J., of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, to MARTHA ANN LOVEALL, of Adair, 16, born Russell Co., single, dau of Catharine Loveall by note, on 11 Nov 1855 by Absher, surety James Roberts.
CURRY, ANDREW J. to SALLY ANN BRYANT on 22 Feb 1851 by W. Blair, (min.rets.only).
CURRY, DAVID H. to LOUISA ORR on 20 Aug 1854 by W. Blair at Alex. Orr's, surety John R. Curry.
CURRY, GEORGE A. to MARY JANE BURRIS on 29 May 1865 by Jones, (min.ret.only).
CURRY. GEORGE W., of Adair, 26, first mar, born Cumberland Co., both parents born Va., to MATILDA JANE FORBUS, of Adair, 18, first mar, born Adair, both parents born US, dau of Ferbia Stotts and step-dau of John Stotts,bond dated 28 Sept 1869, min.ret. says married on 13 Sept 1869, by Breeding, surety Cornelius Ross, Jr.
CURRY, ISAAC C. to MARY F. CORBIN on 5 Dec 1867 by Absher at A. Corbins, (min. ret, only).
CURRY. JAMES to JANE GRIMES "her father's consent", bond only,dated 27 or 29 April 1854, surety Andrew J. Curry.
CURRY, JOHN to POLLY SUSAN CURRY on 9 Feb 1845 by Sinclair, (min.rets.only).
CURRY, JOHN M. to SUSANAH CALHOUN on 1 Jan 1865 by Absher at Jas. Calhoun's, (min, ret .only).
CURRY, JOHN R., 20, born Adair, (Note: min.ret.says Caskey), to SARAH J. GRANT, 26, born Adair, widow,on 31 July 1853 by Absher, surety Win. Curry.
CURRY, JOSIAH T. to LUCY JANE BLAIR on 18 July 1849 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).
CURRY. JOSIAH I. (on record gives Josiah P.) to DORINDA SIMPSON, of Adair, 25, sintle, on 6 Nov 1836 by W. Blair, surety John Blackburn. (Note:Josiah was of Adair, 33 widower.)
CUPRY NATHAN W. to BASHEBA PATTERSON on 20 May 1845 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).
CURRY, OLIVER P., "his father present', to NANCY PENDLETON "her mother consents, no note,bond dated 1 Mar 1854, min.ret.says married 2 April 1854 by Absher at John Pendleton s, surety John R. Curry.
CURRY, ROBERT to SUSAN PENDLETON on 4 Aug 1844 by Sinclair, (min.ret.only).
CURRY, SAMUEL J. "his father present" to MISS SCYNTHA ANN ORR "her father present" bond only, dated 21 Aug 1854, surety William Curry.
CURRY, WM., of Adair, 36, born "Pitsel Vaney" Co., Va., widower, to FOLLY ANN STOTTS, of Adair, 28, born Adair, single, on 12 Sept 1852 by Simpson (min.rets.only).
CURRY, WM. A. to MISS ELIZABETH A. CURRY "her father present", bond only, dated 26 Nov 1856, surety Win. Curry.
CURRY, WM. A., of Adair, 21, to LOVINA REED, of Adair, 17, on 8 Dec 1859 by J. Blair, (min.ret.only).
CUYANT (?), WM., of Adair, 23, single, to SARAH F. MONDAY, of Adair, 22, single, on 1 Dec 1858 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
DAMRON, ELZY, of Adair, 32, to PERMELIA J. JONES, of Adair. 19, on 19 Aug 1862 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
DANRON, GEORGE, of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, father born Va, mother born Adair, to MARY F. YOUNG, of Adair, 17, first mar, born Taylor Co., father born Taylor Co., mother born Spencer Co., dau of J. N. Young by note, on 11 Mar 1869 by Knifley at Joseph Young's, surety James H. Young.
DAMRON, GEORGE W. to ELIZABETH V. WATSON on 6 Nov 1850 by Knifley, (min.rets.only).
DANRON, GEORGE W. to LURA A. BATSELL on 23 June 1864 by Knifley at C. Dunn's, (mm. ret.only).
DANRON, JOHN N. to BORRILLA DORITY on 6 Mar 1843 by Mills, (min.rets.only).
DAMRON, JOHN T., widower, of Adair, to EMILY J. HARDEN, widow, of Adair, on 14 Dec 1857 by Absher,surety Sandy H. Jones.
DANRON, ROBERT W. to AMANDA F. SMITH on 22 Feb 1849 by Knifley, (min.rets.only).
DANIEL, FRANKLIN, JR., of Adair, 23, to SARAH JANE CONOVER, of Adair, 23, single, on 13 Feb 1859 by Epperson, (min.ret.only).
DARNELL, ZACHARIAH, of Adair, 33, first mar, born Adair, father born Rockeastle Co., mother born Russell Co., to PRISCILLA McELROY, of Adair, 21, first mar., she and both parents born Adair Co., on 13 Mar 1869 by Vires at Francis McElroy's, surety Francis McElroy, Jr.
DAUGHERTY, ANDREW to MISS ELIZABETH W. PAGE, dau of Robert Page, on 12 Feb l84O by Steel.
DAUGHERTY, NOBLE L., of Adair, 21, first mar, born Marion Co., father born Marion Co., mother born Adair, to MARGARET TURK, of Columbia, 23, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Tenn., on 14 Jan 1869 by Monroe, mar. at Mrs. Anna B. Turk's, surety Daniel Monroe.
DAUGHERTY, ROBERT P., of Adair, 25, to LUCY A. BANKS, of Adair, 24, on 21 Dec 1865 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).
DAUGHERTY, WILLIAM T. to ELIZABETH BAULT on 15 Mar 1866 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).
DAVIS, BENJAMIN S. to CATURA WAGONER on 31 May 1849 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
DAVIS, BENJAMIN S. to MISS MARY WORKMAN, dau of Christopher by note, bond dated 30 Sept 1854, min.ret.says marrIed 12 Oct 1854, by Simpson at C. Workman's. surety Samuel F. Morrison.
DAVIS, FRANCIS to MALINDA SINCLAIR on 29 Apr 1862 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
DAVIS, JOHN M., of Adair, 26, to MARY E. THOMAS, of Adair, 18, single, on 17 May 1860 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
DAVIS, REZIN H., of Taylor Co., 34, born Green Co., to MISS ELIZABETH G. JOHNSON, of Adair, 23, born Green Co., (min.ret.calls her E.E.Johnson), on 1 Feb 1853 by Akers, surety Thomas M. Johnson.
DAVIS, WILLIAM R., 22, born Adair, to MISS MARY ANN SANDERS, 26, born Adair, "father consents" no note, on 12 May 1853 (bond only), surety C.C. Monday.
DAWAY (?), J. H. to MARILLA BURRIS on 12 May 1862 by Keene, married "under an oak tree near my farm", (min.ret.only).
DEALER, CHARLES M. to MARTHA A. RICHARDS on 5 Dec 1867 by Collins at S.P.Collins' in Russell Co., (min.ret.only).
DEENER WILLIAM to KIZZORAH PHELPS (Kesiah in one return) on 19 June 1843 by S. Murrell, (min.rets.only).
DEMONBURN , JOHN F., of Adair, 42, born Davidson Co., Tenn., widower, to LOUISA GRISSOM of Adair, 37, born Amherst Co., Va, single, on 6 Nov 1853 by Breeding, surety Willis Grissom.
DEMONBREN, JOHN W. to NANCY M. ROBERTS on 23 Dec 1860 by Breeding, (min.ret.only).
DENTON, JAMES J. to ELLEN ROE on 6 Dec 1866 by Hill, (min.ret.only).
DICE, BENJAMIN, 62, widower, born Rockbridge Co., Va., to RHODA P. TAYLOR, 65,widow, born Franklin Co., Va., on 1 May 1853 by Roach, surety Junius Caldwell.
DICE. ELIJAH M. (Elijah K. in one record) to NARCISSA LEACH on 3 Feb 1846 by Epperson, (min.rets.only).
DICE, JAMES H., of Adair, to ELIZABETH J. ALLEN, of Adair, on 10 Nov 1857 by Robert S. Taylor, (min.ret.only).
DICE, PARKER H. to MARY ANN REDMAN on 22 Feb 1867 by F.N.Taylor at Barbara Redmon's, (min.ret.only).
DICKANSON, ISAAC H. to PERMELIA PERKINS on 18 Dec 1863 by James, (min.ret.only).
DICKERSON, ELIJAH S of Russell Co 27, born Washington, Ky., to SARAH ANN GUY 18,born Adair, single, dau of John F. Guy, on 25 Aug 1853 by Absher,surety William F. Guy.
DICKSON JAMES B. to ELIZABETH SEXTON (no date,circa 1845) by Sutherland, (min. ret only)
DIDDLE, JAMES to MILDRED HUGHES on 24 Dec 1844 by Rice, (min.rets.only).
DIDDLE, WM H to MARGARETT E. HUGHES on 30 Dec 1866 by Roach at Blackmore Hughes' (min ret.only).
DILLINGHAM, WM. O to MARTHA A. MARTIN on 24 June 1866 by Wallace (min.ret.only).
DODSON, GEORGE W.. to OMA LOVALL on 29 Oct 1848 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
DOHONEY. BENJAMIN F., of Adair, 20, born Milltown, Adair Co., to MISS AMANDA H. MASSIE. 19, born "at Charles Massies", her father present, on 3 Feb 1856 by B.T.Taylor, surety Charles Massie.
DOHONEY, CHAPMAN to MARGARET NELSON on 13 Apr 1847 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).
DOHONEY, GEORGE W. to MARY W. TURNER on 5 Jan 1851 by Tucker (min.rets.only).
DOHONEY, JAMES P., of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, both parents born Va., to PRISCILLA WALKER, of Adair, 17, first mar, born Adair, father born Wayne Co., mother born Adair, dau of W.H.Walker, on 25 Nov 1869 by James at Wm. H. Walker's, surety Philip W. Vaughan.
DOHONEY, JOSEPH to LYDIA J. CARTER on 30 Sept 1851 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).
DOHONEY, JOHN C. to MARY A. MOORE on 13 Feb 1860 by Reed, (min.ret.only).
DEHONEY, NAPOLEON B. to TALITHA INGRAM on 2 Feb 1843 by Milam, (min.rets.only).
DOHONEY, N. G. to E. C. PRICE on 8 Nov 1860 by Keene, (min.ret.only).
DOHONEY, THOMAS R. to SUSAN C. WHEAT on 19 Oct 1847 by Thomas, (min.rets.only).
DOHONEY, WILLIAM R. to ESTHER GILMER on 19 Dec 1844 by Rice, (min.rets.only).
DOOLEY, ISHAM B., of Adair, 52, born Bedford Co., Va., widower, to MARY JANE GIBSON, 18, born Adair, single, her father present, on 15 Aug 1853 by Roach, surety James Gibson.
DOOLEY, MILTON to AMANDA F. NEAT on 17 Dec 1846 by Pelly, (min.rets.only).
DOOLEY, SILAS M. to PARTHENA ESKEW on 23 Oct 1851 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
DOOLEY, STEPHEN S., of Adair, 20, consent notes signed by Isham B. Dooley, to RACHEL JONES, of Adair, 21,dau of Preston B. Jones by note; single, on 7 Nov 1858 by Breeding, surety Joseph Sparks.
DOOLEY, WM. R. to ELIZA JANE WALLACE on 17 Apr 1864 by Wallace at Camel Wallace's (min.ret.only).
DOUGLASS, H. J. to ELIZABETH HARVEY on 7 Aug 1848 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).
DOUGLASS, JOHN L. to AMERICA E. YATES on 27 Apr 1847 by Woodward, (min.rets.only).
DOUGLASS, ROBERT to SUSAN POWELL on 17 Oct 1844 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
DOUGLE, JOHN to MARY EPPERSON on 12 Apr 1849 by G.W.Taylor, (min.rets.only).
DOVE, JOHN, 41, to LETTIE COOMER, of Adair, 34, single, on 7 Aug 1859 by Leftwich, (min.ret.only).
DOWELL, JAMES A. to MARY.ROSE on 26 Dec 1850 by Keene, (min.rets.only).
DOWEL, THOMAS W. to SALLY H. .ROSE. on 8 Aug 1850 by Keene, (min.rets.only).
DRAKE, BENJAMIN D., of Adair, 33, to MARIA F. CUNDIFF, of Adair, 16, single, dau of G.W.Cundiff, on 3 Aug 1858 by Keyes, surety Sinclair Wheat.
DUDLEY, JAMES to HESTER CORBIN on 19 May 1849 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).
DRYSDALE, S. J. to BUSLINDA INGRAM on 21 May 1846 by Thomas, (min.rets.only)
DUGGER, JESSE to CHARLOTTE HARVEY on 16 Nov 1857 by Simpson? at Milton Harvey's, surety Milton Harvey.
DUGER, JOHN, of Adair, 28, born Pulaski Co., single, to MISS ELIZABETH EARLS, of Adair, 18, born Cumberland Co., single, dau of Obediah by note, on 11 Aug 1855, surety Harvey H. Estes.
DUGGER, MARK, 60, to CAROLINE PROCTOR, 25, on 30 Aug 1857 by Harvey, surety Hiram Royse.
DUNBAR, JOHN C. to MARY G. KNIFLEY on 21 Dec 1865 by Mills at Joseph Knifley's (min.ret,only).
DUNBAR, SIDNEY to MARY TRIPLETT on 28 May 1863 by James at Lewis Triplett's, (min.ret.only).
DUNBAR, WILLIAM P., of Adair, 31, first mar, born Clinton Co., both parents born Russell Co., to MARTHA J. TUPMAN, of Adair, 21, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, on 3 Sept 1868 by Wm. Simpson at John Tupman' s, surety Philip H. Knifley.
DURKES. DANIEL M to MARY WOMACK on 11 June 1863 by James at John Womack's, (min.ret.only).
DURRETT, ELZY to SARAH DAVIS on 1 Apr 1844 by Watson, (min.rets.only).
EADES JACOB C. to MARY F. FURGERSON on 23 May 1860 by J.R.Rice, (min.ret.only).
EARLS JOHN M. to ELIZABETH FLETCHER, dau of Andrew, on 5 Oct 1858, surety Jordan Vigus.
EAST, JOE, 26, to ELIZABETH COFFEY, of Adair, 23, single, on 29 Dec 1852 by Watson, (min.rets.only).
EDRINGTON, BENJAMIN THOMAS, of Adair, 25, first mar, born Livingston, Co., Mo., both parents born Adair Co., to BETTIE ANN JOHNSTON, of Adair, first mar, born Adair, father born Rockbridge Co., Va, mother born Amherst Co., Va "I think", dau of James Johnston by note, on 13 Feb 1868 by Wallace, surety P. 0. Ford.
EDRINGTON, D. L., of Adair, 25, first mar, merchant, he and both parents born in Adair, to SALLIE F. McWHORTER, of Adair, 19, first mar, born Adair, both parents born Casey Co., dau of R. W. McWhorter, on 24 Dec 1869 by Wallace at Richard McWhorter 's, surety R. H. McWhorter.
EDRINGTON, THOMAS to JUDA ANN HARDEN on 14 June 1848 by Watson, (min.rets.only).
EDRINGION, THOMAS F., son of Thomas, to MARY BRADSHAW, dau of William, on 2 Nov 1840.
EDRINGION, WM. H., of Adair, 22, born Green Co., to ELIZABETH F. DAVIS, of Adair, born Adair, single, 17, on 5 Dec 1852 by Wheat, (min.rets.only).
EDWARDS, J. 0., physician, of Green Co., 27, first mar, born Green Co., both parents born Green Co. "I think", to MOLLIE B. SOLOMON, of Adair, 20, first mar, born Adair, father born US, mother born Adair, dau of Alexander Solomon by note, on 30 Jan 1868 by Cundiff, surety W.T.Turpen.
EDWARDS, JOHN N. to KASIAH JANE FLOWERS on 27 Feb 1845 by Peak, (min.ret.only).
EDWARDS, PLEASANT A. to VIRGINE A. MURRELL on 17 Sept 1867 by S.L.Murrell at Jesse C. Murrell's, (min.ret.only).