GALLIHA (GOLAHER in one return), MARK to ELIZABETH JANES on 3 Dec 1846 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).
GARMAN, ADAM to LUCY ANN HOLLAND on 9 Apr 1846 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
GARMAN, JOHN M. of Adair, 20, to JANE JANES, 25, single, bond dated 17 Nov 1858, min.ret.says married 15 Nov 1858, by Janes, surety David Janes.
GARMON, ROBERT, of Adair, 20, born Adair, consent note signed by Samuel Garmon, to KESSIAH THOMAS, of Adair, 19, born Barren Co., single, grand dau of Jesse Penick, on 30 Oct 1853, surety Wm. S. Penick.
GARNER, GEORGE W. to MARY WATSON, dau of Elizabeth, on 12 May 1841.
GARNETT, JAMES P. to LOUISA ROWE on 14 Aug 1851 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).
GARNETT, WM. R. to ELIZABETH GARMON on 25 Sept 1851 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only). (Note: one return says N.R.Garnett check 1850 Adair Co. census for Wm.R.)
GARNETT, RICHARD to CAROLINE M. TAYLOR on 5 Mar 1846 by Noble, (min.rets.only).
GARNETT, ROBERT to HARRIET A. ALLEN on 29 Aug 1867 by James, (min.ret.only).
GARNETT, WILLIAM H. to L. E. JOHNSTON on 7 June 1859 by James, (min.ret.only).
GARNETT, WILLIAM H. to MARY J. V. WILLIS on 6 ??? 1863 by James at Ned Willis's, (min. ret. only)
GARNETT, WM. S?, of Adair, 33, widower, to JULIA ANN CRAVENS, of Adair, 22, single, on 6 Mar 1857 by W. Blair, (min.ret.only.)
GARRET, JAMES P. of Cumberland Co., 23, born Cumberland Co., to MARY GARMAN, of Adair, 18, born Adair, single, "her father consents" no note, on 15 Nov 1855 by J.Blair, surety F. M. Garman.
GARRISON, GEORGE T. to CELADUNE? SMITH on 15 Dec 1860 by Keene, (min.ret.only).
GAY, CORNELIUS to SUSAN CATHARINE THOMAS on ??? by Thompson, (min.ret.only). (The marriage was recorded on 26 Oct 1842 by the minister.)
GENTRY, NATHAN E. to MARTHA ANN EASTES on 4 Jan 1849 by Thomas, (min.ret.only).
GEORGE, JOHN to LUCINDA McDANIEL on 20 July 1866 by Dehart, (min.ret.only).
GESFORD, WILLIAM to EMILY SMITH on 20 Aug 1846 by Pelly, (min.rets.only).
GIBSON, JULIUS, of Adair, 22, to M. A. SINGLETON, of Adair, 18, single, on 1 Jan 1860 by J. Breeding, (min.ret.only).
GIBSON, R. A., 20, to MARGARET B. JANES, aged 22?, on 30 Aug 1860 by Patton, (min.ret.only).
GIFFORD, GEORGE A., of Taylor Co., 23, first mar, born Russell Co., father born NC, mother born Adair, to LUCY J. MORRISON, of Adair, 20, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of W. S. Morrison, on 23 Aug 1869 by James, surety W. S. Morrison.
GILAM, SILAS J. to MARY JANE BLACKFORD on 27 Dec 1848 by J.Breeding, (min.rets. only). (Note: one return gives his last name as Gilland.)
GILES, WILLIAM to ELISABETH BROCK on 18 Aug 1842 by Mills, (min.rets.only).
GILL, HENRY P. to SARAH ANN TUPMAN on 15 June 1851 by Cheak, (min.rets.only).
GILLAND, SILAS J. (see Guam).
GILMER, ALFRED, of Adair, 25, to NANNIE E. PATTERSON, of Adair, 18, single, on 9 Oct 1860 by Read, (min.ret.only).
GILMER, JAMES, of Adair, 25, born Adair, to MISS SARAH C. MOSS, of Columbia, single, on 1 Mar 1853 by Akers, surety John W. Moss.
GILMER, JA24ES P., of Honey Grove, Texas, 22, first mar, born Honey Grove, Texas, both parents born Ky., to CORNELIA C. MURRELL, of Adair, 21, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, on 29 Sept 1868 by James at Pack Willis's, surety Eugene Triplett.
GILPIN. FLETCHER, of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, father born Casey Co., mother born Adair, to ELIZABETH COWEN, of Adair, 21, first mar, she and both parents born Pulaski Co., on 18 Mar 1868 by Vires, surety Cornelius Burton.
GILPIN, JAMES to SARAH ATKINS on 28 Oct 1843 by Rhodes, (min.rets.only).
GILPIN. SAM to SALLY HARMON by Rhodes, no date given for marriage, but the minister recorded several marriages in the return book on 10 Nov 1845.
GILPIN, SAMUEL, of Adair, 39, to LUCY A. MOSBY, of Adair, 25, on 28 July 1859 by J Blair, (min.ret.only).
GOLDEN, McCAGER P., of Green Co., 28, to POLLY A. PERRY, of Adair, 19, no date given (recorded with other marriages from 1852), (min.rets.only), married by Keene.
GOLLIHAR, GEORGE, of Adair, 21, born Adair, to ELVIRA JANES, of Adair, 20, born Adair, single, on 25 July 1852 by Roach, (min.rets.only).
GOODE, EDMUND to MARY ANN HARDWICK bond only dated 3 May 1854, surety Fushe T. Settles.
GOODE, SAMUEL, of Adair, 23, to RODA ANN SAMPSON, of Adair, 21, single, on 11 Aug 1859 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
GOODIN. HENRY, of Adair, 23, to LUCY JANE POWELL, of Adair, 22, single, on 1 Feb 1858 by Epperson, surety Little P. Rambo.
GOODSON, JACOB P. to MISS REBECCA C. MORRISON, bond only dated 10 Oct 1854, surety Wm. L. Morrison.
GOSSAR PETER R. to RHODAR E. ROACH on 29 Aug 1864 by Bomer, (min.ret.only).
GOWDY. SAMUEL to ELIZABETH JONES, bond only dated 26 Sept 1853, surety Sinclair Wheay.
GOWEN. ALLEN to JENNETTIE J. TARTER on 30 Sept 1851 by Donelson, (min.rets.only).
GOWEN. LARKIN to LOUISA C. COFFEY, dau of Jane by note, bond only dated 9 Dec 1.854, surety Berry 0. Coomer.
GOWEN, WILLIAM, of Metcalfe Co., "aged about 47 years", second mar, he and both parents born Va.,to POLLY BROOK, of Adair, "aged about 44", first mar,born Tenn, father born Tenn "I think", mother born NC, on 27 Mar 1868 by Hill, surety John Brock.
GRADY, ALBERT A., of Adair, 22, single, to MISS MARY M. CREEL, of Adair, 16, single, "her father present't, on 11 May 1856 by Dempsey, surety Sinc. Wheat.
GRADY, PHILIP R. to SUSAN CATHERINE YATES, not dated (recorded with marriages from 1844 and 1845), by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).
GRADY, THOMAS to PERMELIA SMITH on 22 Dec 1847 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
GRADY, THOMAS L. to CYNTHIA CARRINCTON on 2 Dec 1841 by J.Breeding, (min.ret.only). (Mrs. Burdette stated Thomas' middle initial as S that bride was a dau. of E. H. Carrington.)
GRAHAM, JOHN N. (or M.) to ARMINTA J. WADE ( her name as Julia A.), "her parents both dead.. .her guardian, Lovd Browning, consents , on 24 Dec 1857, surety Lloyd Browning, (see John M. Grayhouse).
GRANT, BENJAMIN to ELISABETH BANKS on 2 Oct 1844 by Watson, (min.rets.only).
GRANT, BURGESS to SARA JANE HARDEN on 22 Nov 1849 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
GRANT, JOHN W. to SALLIE M. DAVIS on 19 Apr 1860 by Simpson, (min.ret.only).
GRANT, MICHAEL, son of Mary by note, to FRANCES ANN BRADSHAW on 4 Sept 1857 by W. Blair, surety Galliton Bradshaw.
GRANT, SAMUEL W. to NANCY ARNOLD on 20 Oct 1844 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
GRANT, SAMUEL to MISS MARY ANN BRADSHAW, bond only dated 14 Dec 1854, surety Galatin Bradshaw.
GRANT, THOMAS to MARY E. MORRISON, "her father consents" no note, bond dated 15 Jan 1858, min.ret.says married 21 Feb 1858 by Simpson, surety George A. Morrison.
GRANT, WILLIAM, of Adair, 21, to MARTHA E. NEET, of Adair, 21, on 16 Mar 1856 by Absher, surety Hamilton J. Winfrey.
GRAVES, JOHN M. (or W.), of Cumberland Co., 31 (or 32 in one record), single, to HARRIET KEETON, of Adair, 19, single, dau of Riley by note, on 23 Mar 1856 by Simpson, surety C. M. Back. (may be Groves).
GRAYHOUSE, JOHN M. to JULIA A. WADE ON 24 Dec 1857 by Roach, (min.ret.only), (see John N. Graham).
GRAYSON, JOHN to MELVINA BARNETT on 14 Aug 1864 by Absher at Jefferson Barnett's, (min.ret.only).
GREECE, BENJ. to SARAH A. BREEDEN on 7 Feb 1864 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
GREECE, JOHN, to EDMONY YOUNG on 28 Dec 1861 by Keene at George Young's, (mm. ret.only).
GREENE, ALBERT H., of Adair, 22, born Knox Co., Tenn, to ELIZA JANE FLETCHER, of Adair, 20, born Adair, dau of Andrew, on 26 Sept 1854 by W. Blair,surety Jordan Vigus. (The actual return is pasted in bond book 3).
GREEN, GEORGE to ELIZA H. MILLER, stepdau of Jordan Vigus, on 16 Nov 1857 by W. Blair, surety Andrew Fletcher.
GREEN, HIRAM, of Adair, 33, born Wayne Co., to GRACIE JANES (Jones?), of Adair, single, on 20 Dec 1852 by Roach, (min.ret.only).
GREEN, SAMUEL to PATRIA A. YOUNG on 1 Aug 1861 by Keene at Purn P. Smith's, (min. ret.only).
GREEN, WILLIAM E. to ELISA JANE BRINTON on 3 Sept 1845 by G.W.Taylor, (min.rets. only).
GREGORY, THOMAS to ANN PITMAN (Angeline W. in one return) on 10 Sept 1845 by Peebles, (min.rets.only).
GRIDER, ARCHIBALD, of Adair, 20, to NANCY ROWE, of Adair, 20, on 6 Jan 1860 by Roach, (min.ret.only).
GRIDER, CHARLES, 25, born Adair, single, to MARY J. HOLT, 22, born Adair, single, on 11 Sept 1861 by F.N.Taylor, (min.ret.only).
GRIDER, FREDERICK to MARTHA E. WHEAT one return gives the date as 20 July 1844 and the other gives date as 22 July 1844 (the second was probably the date that the minister recorded it in Columbia MCW), by Absher, (min.rets.only).
GRIDER, M. D., of Adair, 27, first mar, born Russell Co., father born Russell Co., mother born Rockcastle Co., to ELIZABETH JUDD, of Adair, 21, born Adair, both parents born US, bond only dated 27 Jan 1868, surety C. A. Montgomery.
GRIDER, MARTIN B., of Adair, 24, single, to MATILDA HARVEY, of Adair, 20, single, on 27 Mar 1862 by Epperson, (min.ret.only).
GRIDER, WM. M. to NANCY SANDERS on 21 Dec 1864 by James, (min.ret.only).
GRIDER, WILLIAM P., 37, born Adair, widower, to ELIZA JANE MILLER, 30, born
Adair, "her father being present", on 3 Feb 1853 by Epperson, surety Alexander Miller. (Bond only no returns).
GRIFFITH, JAMES W., 24, to JANE PAGE, 31, on 25 June 1861 by Emerson, (min.ret. only).
GRIME_?, L. to NANCY JANE CHAPMAN on 1 Apr 1865 by Wilson at M. Chapman's, (min. ret.only).
GRINDSTAFF, GREEN to ELIZABETH BERGIS on 27 May 1847 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
GRINDSTAFF, GREEN, of Adair, 31, to PATIENCE LONG, of Adair, 36, single, bond dated 19 June 1858, min.ret.says married 21 July 1858, by Epperson, surety William F. Burton.
GRISSOM, BENJ. B. to MARTHA ANN ROBERTS on 25 Dec 1851 by J.Breeding, (min.rets. only).
GRISSOM, BENJAMIN B., of Adair, 37, second mar, he and both parents born Adair, to MARTHA MONDAY, of Adair, 40, first mar, born Adair, father born Va "1 think", mother born Adair, on 23 Feb 1868 by J.Breeding at Morrison Mont gomery' s, surety Alfred Gilmer.
GRISSOM, BENJAMIN B., of Adair, 38, third mar, blacksmith, he and both parents born Adair, to MARTHA SUSAN STAPLES, of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, father born Va "I think", mother born Va "I think", on 24 Oct 1869 by R.C.Alexander at Zachariah Staples, surety Wm.H Hudson.
GRISSOM, JOHN S. to HARRIET B. CARTER on 1 Mar 1847 by J.Breeding, (min.rets. only).
GRISSOM, ELCANY (called "L. Caney" in one record) to MINERVA JANE WILSON on 13 Nov 1845 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
GRISSOM, THOMAS J. to MARY ELIZABETH CARTER, dau of Benjamin, on 15 April 1840. by J. Breeding.
GRISSOM, WM. to MARTHA A. PATTERSON on 3 Feb 1852 by J.Breeding, (min.ret.only).
GROVES, JOHN (see John Graves).
GUIN, JOS. to REBECA HUGARD on 31 Dec 1846 by Traylor. (See David A. Turner).
GUNTER, JAMES B., of Taylor Co., 31, widower, to NANCY ELIZABETH DAVIS, of Adair, 27, single, dau of Francis by note, on 17 Mar 1857 by Knifley, surety C. C. Monday.
GUY, GEORGE G., of Adair, 23, born Adair, single, to MISS MARY ANN JONES, of Adair, 20, born on Damron's Creek in Adair Co., single, dau of Jordon T. by note, bond dated 24 Sept 1855, min.ret.says married 2 Sept 1855, by Absher, surety William J. Winfrey.
GUY, WILLIAM F., of Adair, 27, to H. E. WILSON, of Adair, 22, single, on 17 Nov 1858 by Absher, surety Sinclair Wheat.
HADLEY, AMBROSE H., of Russell Co., 18, first mar, born Russell Co., both parents born US, son of Zachariah by note, to FRANCES ELIZABETH WHITED, of Adair, "about 17", first mar, born Tenn, both parents born US, dau of Susan by note, on 14 Oct 1868 by Hadley at Nancy Whited's, surety Logan J. Hadley.
HAMILTON, DAVID H., of Adair, 18, single, to NANCY R. YATES, of Adair, 18, single, on 20 Mar 1856 by Leftwich, surety John W. Hamilton.
HAMILTON, THOMAS A., of Adair, 24, born Adair, single, (one record gives Thomas H.), to MISS CEMANTHA E. CUMPTON, 19, born Adair, single, "her father consents" no note, bond dated 18 Dec 1853, min.ret.says married 18 Oct 1853, by Wilson surety William R. Cumpton.
HAMILTON, WM., of Adair, 24, born Adair, to MALISSA F. KINNARD, of Adair, 17, born Adair, single, on 9 Sept 1852 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).
HAMILTON, WILLIAM Z. (H. in one record), of Adair, 21, born Adair, "his mother consents" no note, to MISS ELIZABETH RODGERS, of Adair, 25, born Adair, single, on 12 Sept 1854, surety Francis B. Rodgers.
HAMILTON, EDWARD to MALINDA COX on 28 Oct 1841 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
HAMLETT, ROBERT H., of Adair, 23, to ELISABETH BRADBERRY, of Adair, 22, on 16 Oct 1860 by Roach, (min.ret.only).
HANCOCK, D. W. to MISS A. T. HANCOCK (one record gives S.T. Hancock) on 12 Oct 1851 by Hancock, (min.rets.only).
HANCOCK, EDMOND to REBECCA HANCOCK on 25 Sept 1847 by Epperson, (min.rets.only).
HANCOCK, JAS. M. to AMANDA FINN on 14 July 1850 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).
HANCOCK, JOHN P. to ELIZABETH BAILY on 13 Apr 1851 by Donelson (min.rets.only).
HANCOCK, JOHN P. (John T. in min.ret.), of Adair, 42, to ELIZABETH CRAVENS, of Adair, 27, single, on 15 Feb 1858 by McKee, surety John D. Murrell.
HANCOCK OLIVER H. to AMANDA M. CUNDIFF on 7 Aug 1842 by Colgan, (min.rets.only).
HANCOCK. WILLIAM, of Adair, 74, widower, to ELIZABETH WATSON, of Adair, 45, widow, on 1 Dec 1856 by Absher, surety Sinclair Wheat.
HANCOCK. WM. A., of Adair, to HENERETTA TUPMAN, of Adair, on 11 July 1861 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
HANCOCK, WM. E. to CELISTA B. CRAVENS on 9 Dec 1862 by James at Elijah Cravens' s (min.ret.only).
HANDY. MOSES N. to MARY FRANCES WHEAT on 8 Apr 1851 by Neal at Wm. 0. Wheat's, (rnin.rets.only).
HARDEN. ALEXANDER F., of Adair, 20, "his father consents" no note, to LYDIA ANN EREEDING, of Adair, 16, sonsent of her guardian, William Blair, bond dated 7 Dec 1857, min.ret.says married in December 1857, by Absher, surety Jackson D. Judd.
HARDEN, DAVID to SARAH A. MONDAY on 30 Nov 1864 by Knifley at Woodson Monday's, (min ret. only)
HARDEN, DOMINICUS to ELIZABETH SINCLAIR on 20 Mar 1866 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
HARDEN, GEORGE A. to NANCY F. MONROE on 25 Jan 1866 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
HARDEN, JACKSON W. to MALINDA JUDD on 14 May 1849 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
HARDING, JAMES to MARY E. HUMPHRESS, no date recorded with marriages from 1844 and 1845, by Watson, (min.rets.only).
HARDEN, JOHN, of Adair, 23, born Adair, single, to MARY ANN BENNETT, of Adair, 19, born Adair, dau of Mary by note, on 25 Nov 1854 by Absher, surety Benjamin V. Bennette. (Actual certificate pasted in bond book 3).
HARDEN, JOSEPH to VERNETTA HARDEN (or Vermietta) on 9 May 1844 by Absher, (min. ret.only)
HARDEN, JOSEPH to ELIZABETH BREEDEN on 1 Mar 1866 by Absher at Eliza Breeden's, (min.ret,only).
HARDEN, PARKER C. to JANE C. LEWIS on 23 Oct 1849 by Thompson, (min.rets.only).
HARDEN, SINGLETON to MISS MELVINA SMITH, bond only dated 13 Oct 1854, surety William T. Smith.
HARDEN, SINGLETON to MARY HARVEY on 31 Dec 1865 by W.Blair at John Harvey's, (min.ret.only).
HARDESTY, WILLIAM, of Marion Co., 35, second mar, born Taylor Co., father born Maryland, mother born Marion Co., to MARGARET C. MONDAY, of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born NC, mother born Taylor Co., on 27 May 1869 by A.A.And at Holy Magi Church in Marion Co., surety Minitree Monday.
HARDWICK, F.M., 23, to SARAH J. McGUIRE, 18, on 19 June 1860 by Spurner, (min ret.only).
HARDWICK, PHILLIP, of Adair, to NANCY F. BELL, of, Adair, on 17 May 1864 by Mills, (min.ret.only).
HARDY, DAVID C. to CYNTHA A. P. WHEAT on 18 Feb 1849 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
HARISON, JOHN W. to MARY J. LACEY on 14 D~c 1848 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
HARMON, CIER(?), of Adair, 20, to POLLY SINCLAIR, of Adair, 25, widow, on 1 Dec 1859 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
HARMON, CLAYTON to MARGARET LYONS, not dated recorded with 1848 marriages, by Armstrong, (min.rets.only).
HARMAN, GEORGE W. to ELIZABETH BOWYER on 19 Apr 1848 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
HARMAN, GEORGE W. to MANDY F. DOOLEY on 24 Oct 1867 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
HARMON, JOHN to SARAH NEAL on 15 Jan 1845 by Sinclair, (min.rets.only). HARMON, MILTON, of Adair, to NANCY POWELL, of Adair, on 29 Dec 1861 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
HARMON, OTHEY to MIRAH ELLEN CURRY bond only dated 17 July 1854, surety William Dillingham.
HARMON, THOMAS, son of William, to POLLY ADELINE FLOYD, dau of A. J. by note, bond only dated 21 Nov 1857, surety Zachariah Burton.
HORPER, HARRISON P. to MARY WILSON on 2 Apr 1864 by Barnes at G.W.Wilson's, (min. ret.only).
HARPER, MERIDETH J., of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, both parents born Va., to FANNIE GOWEN, of Adair,15, first mar, she and both parents born Va., dau of Jonathan, on 25 Dec 1869 by Barnes at Johnson Gowen' s surety N. J. Moore.
HAREL_, S. T. to P. M. SPARKS on 19 Dec 1862 by W.Blair, (min.ret.only).
HARRIS, ALEXANDER, of Russell Co., 24, first mar, he and both parents born in Cumberland Co., to SUSAN E. KEETON, of Adair, 15, first mar, born Adair, father born Cumberland Co. "I think", mother born US, dau of John Keeton of Sand Lick Creek, by note, bond only dated 7 Apr 1868, surety A. Morgan.
HARVEY, DUDLEY D., 24, to MARY ANN STEWART, 24, on 28 May 1857 by Harvey, surety John Matney.
HARVEY, DUDLEY to SARAH ANN CARTER on 30 Dec 1858 by Armstrong at Geo. W. Carter's (min.ret.only).
HARVEY, GRANVILLE, of Adair, 18, born Adair, single, son of William by note, to ELIZABETH "BETSY" A. STOTTS, of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, dau of James by note, on 25 Oct 1855 by Morrison, surety Stephen W. Pettey.
HARVEY, JOHN, son of Daniel, to LOUISA HARVEY, under guardianship of Hugh K. Walker, on 2 Jan l84O by Clarke.
HARVEY, JOHN M. to NANCY JANE POWELL on 16 Oct 1846 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
HARVEY, MILTON to AMANDA TURNER on 1 June 1847 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).