HARVEY, PERRY, of Adair, 22, single, to EMI(?) LEWIS, of Adair, 16, single, on 23 Dec 1858 by Morrison, (min.ret.only).
HARVEY, PINER, JR. to SALLIE JANE CAMPBELL on 17 Mar 1847 by Montgomery, (min. rets.only).
HARVEY, PINER, of Adair, 30, single, to AMANDA ROWE, of Adair, 18, single, "her guardian present", on 1 Oct 1856 by Harvey, surety Rob't Harvey.
HARVEY, ROBERT, of Adair, 33, single, to NANCY JANE AKIN, of Adair, 19, single, on 21 Jan 1858 by Morrison, surety Joseph K. Akin.
HARVEY, RUSSELL, of Adair, to SARAH H. LOY, of Adair, on 30 July 1865 by Patton, (min.ret.only).
HARVEY, RUSSELL, JR. to EMERILLA HARVEY, widow of Perry Harvey, on 3 Aug 1865 by W. Blair, (min.rets.only).
HARVEY, SAMUEL to NANCY THOMAS on 13 Feb 1840. by Steel.
HARVEY, TIMOLEON R., of Adair, 22, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to LUCY ANN FUDGE, of Adair, 18, first mar, she and both parents born in Cumberland Co., "her father present", "birthday of the bride", on 7 Nov 1869 by S.N.Davis., surety Thos. J. Fudge. (Bond dated 5 Nov 1869.)
HARVEY, WILLIAM, of Adair, 30. to MARTHA JANE DICE, of Adair, 30, single, dau of Benjamin Dice by note, on 28 Jan 1858 by F.N.Taylor, surety Robert Harvey.
HARVEY, WILLIAM to RHODA ROE, of Adair, on 12 June 1862 by Patton at John Roe's, (min.ret.only).
HASH, JOSEPH to BETSEY ESTES, "her father consents" no note, bond only dated 29 Dec 1856, surety Geo. Y. Estes.
HATCHER, CHARLES HENRY to MISS GENNETTA J. EVANS (Ewers in one record) on 8 Nov 1842 by Clark, (min.rets.only).
HAYES, GEORGE C. to MISS LOUISA LOY "her father present", bond only dated 5 Nov 1855, surety Martin Loy.
HAYES, JASPER to SUSANNER ROSS on 22 May 1859 by Simpson, (min.ret.only).
HAYES, NATHANIEL C. to DRUCILLER A. STRANGE on 1 Jan 1852 by Simpson, (min.rets. only).
HAYSE, POWELL, of Adair, 26, single, to MARY ROSS, of Adair, 23, single, "her father present", on 11 Sept 1856 by Simpson, surety Cornelius Ross.
HAZARD, ELIJAH C. to MARTHA W. RICE on 28 July 1864 by Donalson, (min.ret.only).
HEIDEGGER, JOSEPH to ELIZABETH REATHERFORD "her father present", bond only dated 7 Oct 1856,surety Stephen Reatherford.
HELM, SIDNEY to DICEY J. BLAIR on 25 Nov 1851 by Leftwich, (min.rets.only).
HELM, WILLIAM D. to PHEOBIA LUCRETIA CALDWELL on 24 May 1843 by Pendleton, (min. rets.only).
HELM, WILLIAM H. to ELIZABETH BLAIR on 6 Apr 1863 by Nichols at Sidney Helm's, (min.ret.only).
HENDERSON, KINMAN WITT to REBECCA S. MURFY on 19 Jan 1843 by Sinclair, (min. ret, only)
HENDRICKSON, GEORGE to MARTHA E. WINFREY, bond only dated 6 Feb 1854, surety Cluff Thomas.
HENDRICKSON, GEORGE,of Bartholomew Co., Ind., 22, first mar, born Bartholomew Co., md., father born Ky,mother born Ind., to ELIZABETH E. HENDRICKSON, of Adair, 16, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, "her father present", on 23 Jan 1868 by Absher at Wm. Hendrickson's, surety Wm. Hendrickson.
HENDRICKSON, GEORGE, of Adair, 33, second mar, he and both parents born Adair, to ALICE MILLER, of Adair,16, first mar, born Bath Co., Ky., father born Adair, mother born Fayette Co., Ky., dau of R. A. Miller, on 16 Mar 1869 by Absher at Richard Miller's, surety R. A. Miller.
HENDRIXSON, IRBIN, of Adair, 20, to MARIAR JANE SANDERS,of Adair, 18, on 10 Sept 1861 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
HENDRIXSON, JOSEPH J. to J. M. CHRISTERSON on 16 Sept 1867 by Knif ley at Lucy Christerson's, (min.ret.only).
HENDRICKSON, LEVI to BETSEY SANDERS on 18 Feb 1841. by Mills.
HENDRICKSON, WILLIAM to LEVINA HENDRICKSON on 20 Sept 1846 by Watson, (min.rets. only).
HENEGAR, ADISON, of Adair, 23, single, to POLLY A. SPARKS, of Adair, 27, single, on 21 Sept 1856 by Roach, surety Nimrod Barnes.
HENEGAR, ALBERT, of Adair, to ELIZA J. ENGLAND, of Adair, on 8 Oct 1863 by Roach, (min.ret.only).
HENGER, CISERO, of Adair, to MARY A. HOPPER, of Adair, on 20 Feb 1863 by Patton at Thos. Hopper's, (min.ret.only).
HENAGER, SOLOMON A., of Adair, 37, second mar, he and both parents born NC, to ELIZA J. ROACH, of Adair,26, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of Birley Roach by note, on 18 Oct 1869 by Patton, surety John Hill.
HENSON, HENRY J.,of Casey Co., 21, to CATHARINE HOLLADAY, single, "her father consents", no note,on 16 Mar 1858 by Davis, surety James W. Beard.
HENSON, HENRY J. to MARY A. TUPMAN on 21 May 1866 by F.N.Taylor at John Tupman 's, (min.ret.only).
HENDSON, S. P., of Russell Co., 22, to MARY J. BAILEY, of Adair, 21, single, on 2 Sept 1859 by Epperson, (min.ret.only).
HIAL, P. STEPHENS to MARY PRICE on 8 Mar 1849 by Burge, (min.rets.only).
HILL, ABRAHAM to MARY LEACH on 13 Feb 1845 by Watson, (min.rets.only).
HILL, JOHN, of Adair, 27, born Adair, to MAHALA ROE, of Adair, 17, born Adair, single, dau of James,on 13 Jan 1853 by J.M.Blair, surety James W. Lewis.
HILL, JOHN, of Adair, 32, widower, to JANE A? HANNEGAR, 21, single, on 16 Mar 1859 by J.Breeding, (min.ret.only).
HILL, JOHN to LETTIE SCOTT, bond only dated 16 Nov 1858, surety William Gibson. (See John Scott.)
HILL, JOHN A. to MARY R. GRANT on 26 Nov 1862 by W. Blair, (min.ret.only).
HILL, WILLIAM to MARY M. SPARKS on 15 Jan 1846 by Noble, (min.rets.only).
HILL, WM. A., of Cumberland Co., 28, to AMANDA H. SEXTON, of Adair, 17, single, "her father present",on 27 July 1857 by Parrish, surety Wm. B. Sexton.
HILL, WILLIAM A. to MATILDA GRISSOM on 10 Sept 1850 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).
HINDMAN, WILLIAM A. to ARNETTA F. CALDWELL on 20 Nov 1867 by Cundiff at N.J. Caldwell's, (min.ret.only).
HINDS, JOSEPH W., son of Lester by note, to MADELIN LESTER SPINDLE, dau of W. E. Spindle by note, bond only dated 9 Dec 1858, surety Peter Cassady.
HINEGAR, ISAAC, 25, born Mecklenburg Co., NC, to HARRIET SPARKS, 21, born Adair, dau of Jahu by note, bond dated 21 Jan 1856, min.ret.says married in June, by Roach, surety Nimrod Barnes.
HODGES, BENJ. A., of Barren Co., 34, to SARAH S. FRAZER (Sarah C. in min.ret.), of Adair, 25, single,on 12 Apr 1857 by Hodges, surety J.P.Hodges.
HOGARD, SOLOMON to ELIZABETH MARTIN on 28 Oct 1849 by Burge, (min.rets.only).
HOGEN, ASA to HARRIET C. MOORE, no date, recorded with marriages from 1844 and 1845, by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).
HOGAN, GEORGE W., of Adair, 21, first mar, born Franklin Co., Va, father born Bedford Co., Va., mother born Franklin Co., Va., son of Leona Fories(?), to LUCY E. HOPPER, of Adair, 15, first mar, born Adair, "her mother present",on 7 Sept 1869 by Dunbar, surety Cisero Henager.
HOLLADAY, HENRY to MARY A. GARNETT on 16 Apr 1863 by James, (min.ret.only).
HOLLADAY, JOSEPH Z., of Adair, 33, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to SALLIE R. EPPERSON, of Adair, 17, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, her guardian, Alban Bradshaw, consents, on 10 Feb 1869 by F. N. Taylor at Charlott_ Epperson' s, surety Thomas Holladay.
HOLLADAY, THOMAS, of Adair, 23, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to MARTHA J. WILLIS, of Adair, 18, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, her father consented, on 16 Dec 1869 by James at"Pack Willis's, the bride's fathers", surety Wm. F. Jeffries.
HOLLADAY, WILLIAM to ELIZABETH RUBERTS bond only dated 4 Mar 1854, surety Sinc. Wheat.
HOLLAND, JOSEPH to FRANCES ESTES on 5 Feb 1846, (min.ret.only).
HOLMS, FOSTER to MATILDA FLORA on 22 Mar 1852 by Watson, (min.rets.only).
HOLT, AARON to MARGARET P. LOVING on 17 July 1865 by James, (min.ret.only).
HOLT, JACKSON, of Adair, 41, widower, to CATHARINE LOVEALL, of Adair, 43, widow, on 13 Jan 1856 by Noble, surety Walter Miller.
HOLT, JOHN, of Adair, 25, born Adair, single, to MARTHA ANN FERGERSON, of Adair, 17, born Adair, single,on 25 Nov 1852 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
HOOD, JESSE to EMILY E. SMITH on 25 Jan 1844 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
HOOD, JESSE, of Adair, 26, born Adair, single, to RACHEL WILSON, of Adair, 23, born Campbellsville, Ky., single,on 23 Dec 1855, surety R.H.Wilson.
HOOD, JOSEPH, of Adair, 22, to FRANCIS B. WAGGENER, of Adair, 24, on 24 Oct 1857 by Monroe,surety James H. Reynolds.
HOPKINS, ANDREW to ELIZABETH KINNAIRD on 26 Oct 1847 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).
HOPPER, J.M. to HESTER ANN BRAGG on 4 July 1861 by Roach, (min.ret.only).
HOPPER, STEPHEN to POLLY ROACH, dau of David, returns not dated, but Mrs. Burdette gave bond dated 23 Nov 1840 (recorded with marriages from 1844 and 1845), by Sutherland.
HOPPER, THOMAS, son of Stephen, to ESTHER ROWE, dau of Anthony, on 7 Jan 1841, by J. Breeding.
HOPPER, W. H. to SAMANTHA JANE DENTON on 5 Aug 1866 by Hill at D. Denton's, (min.ret.only).
HOPPER, WILLIAM T., of Adair, 22, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to MARY ELIZABETH SIMPSON, of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, father born Clinton Co., mother born Cumberland Co., on 13 Aug 1868 by Reed, surety Isham U. Scott.
HOVIOUS, JAMES S. to MISOURIA HUMPHRESS on 27 Oct 1865 by Knifley at Nancy Humphress's, (min.ret.only).
HUDSON, JOSIAH, of Russell Co., 26, to SALLIE GOODEN, of Adair, 18, dau of John Gooden and sister to Henry Gooden, on 7 Dec 1857 by Epperson, surety Henry Gooden.
HUDSON, WILLIAM H. to MARY C. WILLIAMS on 7 Feb 1867 by James at Robert D. Williams's, (min.ret.only).
HUFF, WM. A., 17, born Russell Co., to MARY A. STEWART, of Adair, 16, single, on 2 Sept 1859 by Leftwich, (min.ret.only).
HUGHART, YOUNG to RODA ANN BUTLER on 20th day of ??? month in 1847 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).
HUGHES, ABSOLEM to LOUISA WILMORE on 2 Nov 1847 by Thomas, (min.rets.only).
HUGHES, B. to I. E. NALSON (S. E. in one return) on 25 May 1842 by Harris, (min. rets.only).
HUGHES, DUDLEY D. to NANCY J. SQUIRES, bond only dated 6 Nov 1854, surety Sinclair Wheat.
HUGHES, HARVEY to SUSAN C. PATTERSON on 4 Aug 1859 by Sexton, (min.ret.only).
HUGHES, TURNER, 50, born Adair, to MATILDA REDMAN, 28, born Adair, bond dated 2 Apr 1855, min.ret.says married 22 Apr 1855, surety Sinclair Wheat.
HUGHES, WILLIAM, of Adair, 22, to MARY J. BRYANT, 30, on 39 Oct 1863, (min. ret.only).
HUGHES, WILLIAM L. to LUCY ANN CARRINGTON on 22 Dec 1847 by Milam, (min.rets. only).
HUGHES, WINFIELD SCOTT, of Hart Co., 21, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to MALINDA H. GOLLIHER, of Adair, 21, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, on 27 Mar 1869 by James, surety James R. Fletcher.
HUMPHRESS, JAMES, of Adair, 21, born Adair, to FLORA ANN WATSON, of Adair, 21, single, on 18 Jan 1866 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).
HUMPHRESS, SILAS, of Adair, 26, single, to ELISA A. HUMPHRESS, of Adair, 16, single, on 17 Mar 1859 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
HUMPHRESS, STEPHEN, of Adair, 42, widower, to ERMINE FISHER, of Adair, 21, single, on 7 Aug 1859 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
HUMPHRES, STEPHEN to AMERICA PAGE, dau of Robert Page, on 10 Dec 1840, by Steel.
HUMPHRIES, JAMES, 31, to SARAH JANE KNIFLEY, 20, single, on 9 Sept 1864 by Knifley at P. H. Knifley's, (min.ret.only).
HUNLEY JAMES M. to HELENA PATTESON on 5 Dec 1850 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).
HUNDLEY, WM. to TABITHA LACEY on 4 Sept 1849 by Burge, (min.rets.only).
HUNTER, BENJAMIN F., of Adair, 20, to MARY A. JOHNSTON, born Adair, 16, on 22 Nov 1860 by Emerson at Jas. L. Johnston's. (min.ret.only).
HUNTER, JOSIAH to NANCY JANE DOHONEY on 28 Nov 1847 by Simpson, (min.rets.only)
HUNTER, ROBERT to DORINDA T. JONES on 10 Jan 1863 by Watson at Richard Jones's, (min.ret.only).
HUNTER, WM. E. to PARNELIA CLAYTON MILLER on 10 May 1864 by Wallace at Clayton Miller's, (min.ret.only).
HURT, BIRD to ELIZABETH DAVIS on 1 Oct 18419 by Colgan.
HURT, BOWEN P. to MALLISSA FRANCES BRIDGEWATER on 15 July 1846 by Simpson, (min.rets.only). HURT, B{RRFTI, F., single, to SARAH A. ALLEN, single, on 17 Dec 1860 by F.N.Taylor, (min.ret.only).
HURT, GURRON 0., of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, to MARTHA ANN RODGERS, of Adair, 17, born Adair, single, on 21 Nov 1852 by Absher, (min.rets. only).
HURT, GEORGE J., of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Pulaski Co. "I think's to ELIZA ANN BRADSHAW, of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born NC, mother born Russell Co. "I think", on 19 Feb 1868 by F.N.Taylor at Albin Bradshaw's, surety Isaac N. Williams.
HURT, JACKSON to JANE ANDERSON on 26 May 1851 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).
HURT, WILLIAM BASSETT to MARY E. BRADSHAW (Mariah in one return) on 31 Jan 1850 by Epperson, (min.rets.only).
HURT, WM. B. to MARTHA A. Smith on 4 Dec 1867 by F.N.Taylor, (min.ret.only).
HURT, WILLIAM W. to NANCY WARE on 22 Apr 1845 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).
HURT, YOUNG E., of Adair, 34, born Adair, widower, to POLLY M. MONTGOMERY, of Adair, 26, born Adair, single, on 28 May 1852 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).
HUTCHERSON, GEORGE W. (Hutchinson in one record), of Adair, 27, born Adair, single, to MISS MARY CUNDIFF, of Adair, 22, born Adair, single, on 18 May 1856 by Absher, surety E. T. Willis.
HUTCHINSON, JOHN to ANN B. FEECE on 12 Jan 1865 by Wallace at Samuel Feece's, (min.ret.only).
HUTCHINSON, WM. to MARY A. SHEPHERD on 20 Aug 1865 by Wallace at Milton W. Shepherd's, (min.ret.only).
HUTCHINSON, WILLIS to FRANCIS M. FEESE on S May 1861 by James at Sam Feese' (min.ret.only).
INGRAM, H. B. to ANN ELIZABETH HUMPHRESS on 13 Feb 1866 by Knifley at John Humphress's, (min.ret.only).
INGRAM, ISAAC G., of Adair, to MISS SARAH E. "SALLIE" MILLER, of Adair, single, on 7 Jan 1858 by McDonald, surety James Garnett.
INGRAM, JAMES to SUSAN M. PAGE on 4 or 14 Feb 1844 by W.H.Thomas, (min.rets.only).
INGRAM, JAMES I., of Adair, 22, first mar, he and both parents born Adair, to REBECCA HUNPURESS, of Adair, 18, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Casey Co., her father present, bond only, dated 29 Mar 1869, surety John Humphress.
INGRAM, SAMUEL to JEMIMA J. MANN, her guardian, Jesse Murrell, consents, on 27 Nov 1841.
JANES, ALEXANDER, of Adair, 20, to MARGARET JANES, of Adair, 23, single, on 17 Feb 1862 by Barnes, (min.ret.only).
JANES, ANSEL, of Barren Co., 34, to SARAH C. COFER, of Adair, 17, (min.ret.calls her Sarah G.), "her father present", on 23 Aug 1855 by Brockman, surety Hiram Cofer.
JANES, BENJAMIN,of Adair, 51, widower, to SALLIE GRISSOM (min.ret.says Gibson), of Adair, 26, single, on 12 Sept 1856 by Roach, surety James W. Forbes, (Surname might be Jones).
JANES, BENJAMIN F. to LOUVINA B. COLEMAN, bond only, dated 11 Feb 1857, surety George W. Wilcox.
JANES, E. E. to MARY B. IVANS on 9 Sept 1841, (min.ret.only), by Mills.
JANES, F. M. to MILLIE E. STOTTS, on 6 Dec 1863 by W.Blair at Widow Stotts (min.ret.only).
JANES, FRANCIS M., "his father consents" no note, to MISS SALLY DUGGER, on 23 Sept 1854 (bond dated only), surety J. B. Wheeler.
JANES, HENRY B., of Adair, 23, born Adair, single, to MISS MARY FRANCES JESSE of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, "her father present", on 25 Oct 1855 surety William Jesse.
JANES, JOSIAH to LOCKEY WHEELER, not dated, recorded with marriages from 1844 and 1845, by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).
JANES, L. M., of Adair, 19, to SARAH M. HOLT, of Adair, 18, single, on 1 Jan 1860 by Breeding, (min.ret.only).
JANES, P. F. to NANCY C. WINFREY on 3 Aug 1841 by Mills, (min.ret.only).
JANES, THOMAS to ANN GALLIHA (or Golliher) on 23 Aug 1849 by W.Blair, (min.rets. only).
JANES, THOS. to DELIA MOSBY on 15 Feb 1851 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
JANES, THOMAS M. to MARY JANE JANES on 18 Oct 1849 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
JEFFEIES, SILAS T. (min.ret.calls him J.T.Jeffries), of Adair, 25, born Green Co. at J. Jeffries, to SARAH ESTES, of Adair, born Green Co. at Y. Estes, on 9 Mar 1856 by Keene, surety Chesley T. Pendleton.
JEFFRIES, WILLIAM G., son of Hetty by note, to MARY CATHERINE ESTES, her guardian,C. T. Pendleton, consents by note, bond only, dated 6 Mar 1858, surety Joseph Estes.
JENKINS, PHILIP A. to JEMIMA J. INGRAM on 20 Aug 1845 by Peebles, (min.rets.only).
JESSE, COLEMAN to MARTHA WISDOM on 30 Mar 1851 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).
JESSE, JAMES, of Adair, 32, to CHARLOTTE GILPIN, of Adair, 18, on 22 Mar 1860 by J. Blair, (min.ret.only).
JESSE, JOSEPH to MARY ANN GILPIN on 19 Aug 1846 by Traylor, (min.rets.only).
JESSE, JOSEPH J. to RODAY B. ENGLAND on 7 Sept 1865 by Roach at Liza England's, (min.ret.only).
JESSE, MORDICA to NANCY ENGLAND on 11 Mar 1841 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
JESSE, PHILIP M. to SUSAN BRISTO on 27 May 1851 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).
JOHNSON, JAMES to BETSEY ANN BAILY on 18 Mar 1846 by Wheat, (min.rets.only).
JOHNSON, JAMES M., of Adair, 25, to SUSAN F. TURNER, of Adair, 16, on 22 Jan 1861 by Morrison, (min.ret.only).
JOHNSON, JAMES W. to MARTHA C. PENICK, consent of her guardian, Joel Smith, bond only, dated 29 Aug 1853, suerty ?. H. Penick.
JOHNSON, JOHN A. to M. R. D. MASSIE on 1 Oct 1851 by Walls, (min.rets.only).
JOHNSON, STEPHEN D. to L. V. L. M. JOHNSON on 17 Apr 1844 by Thomas, (min.rets. only).
JOHNSON, WM. T., of Taylor Co., 24, to MARY WOODBRIDGE, of Cumberland Co., 21, single, on 6 Nov 1859 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
JOHNSTON, JOHN W., JR., to ISABELLA WHITE, bond only, dated 15 Oct 1855, surety Sinc. Wheat.
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM E., of Adair, 27, first mar, born Adair, father born Va, mother born Monroe Co., to SALLIE C. TUTT, dau of Thos. H. by note, of Adair, 18, first mar, born Adair, both parents born Ky., on 6 Feb 1868 by James, surety George W. Nell.
JONES, A. J. to ADALINE GALLIER (or Galaher in one record) on 3 June 1852 by Roach, (min.rets.only).
JONES, BENJAMIN, (see Benjamin Janes).
JONES, CHARLES, of Adair, 70, widower, to IBY HOGLAND, of Adair, 60, on 11 Jan 1860 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
JONES, CHARLES H., 36, of Adair, widower, to ELIZA JANE BLAND, of Adair, widow, on 8 June 1859 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
JONES, CHARLES W., of Adair, 20, born Adair, single, to MARGARET S. WINFREY, of Adair, 22, born Adair, single, on 11 Jan 1853 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
JONES, ELISHA E. to MARY B. EVANS on 9 Aug 1841 by Mills, (min.ret.only).
JONES, JAS. W., of Adair, 24, to SUSAN ADANS, of Adair, 17, single, on 23 Feb 1860 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).
JONES, JAMES W., of Adair, 23, first mar, born Adair, father born Barren Co., mother born Adair, to ELIZABETH JANE McNEELY, of Adair, "about 23", first mar,she and both parents born Adair, on 25 Oct 1868 by England, surety Mathew Sparks.
JONES, JAMES W., of Adair, 27, first mar, he and both parents born Adair to MAHALA V. PELLY,of Adair, 25, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, bond dated 7 Nov 1868, min.ret.says married on 18 Nov 1868 by Mills, surety Reuben K. Jones.
JONES, JOHN to MARY ANN ENGLAND on 9 Aug 1842 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
JONES, JOHN F. to MARY J. EARLES on 15 Sept 1867 by J.Breeding at 0. Earles', (min.ret.only).
JONES, JOHN W., of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Russell Co., to NANCY M. C. THOMAS, of Adair, 16, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, consent given by her guardian, Hickman Pelly,on 18 Nov 1868 by Mills at Nancy Pelly's, surety James W. Jones.
JONES, JONATHAN to SARIA F. PENDLETON on 12 June 1861 by Keene, (min.ret.only).
JONES, PHILIP F. to NANCY C. WINFREY on 3 Aug 1841 by Mills, (min.ret.only).
JONES, PHILLIP S. to AMANDA F. WHITE on 29 Aug 1866 by Knifley at James White's, (min.ret.only).
JONES, ROBERT L. to DIANA ERSKIN on 18 Oct 1849 by G.W.Taylor, (min.rets.only).
JONES, REUBIN K., of Adair, 23, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Russell Co.,to NANCY E. PELLEY, of Adair, 18, first mar, born Adair father born Adair "I think" mother born Adair,dau of Nancy M Pelley by note, on ! Mar 1869 by Mills at widow Nancy Pelley's surety James W Jones.
JONES, ROBERT to MARY FRANCES COMPTON on 7 Oct 1849 by Janes, (min.rets.only).
JONES, STEPHEN H., of Adair, 19, to MARY B. CHRISTIE, of Adair, 22, on 29 Nov 1863 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).
JONES, STEPHEN M. to MARY E. WINFREY bond only, dated 14 Nov 1854, surety Philip F. Jones.
JONES, THOS. J., of Adair, 32, to MALINDA JANE GADBERRY, of Adair, 29, single, on 2 May 1859 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
JONES, THORNTON to POLLY WINFREY on 20 Jan 1844 by Absher, (min.rets.only).
JONES, THORNTON to MRS. MARY BOWYER bond only, dated 2 Mar 1854, surety Philip F. Jones.
JONES, THORNTON T., of Adair, 45, widower, to NAOMA BENNETT, of Adair, 26, on 20 Nov 1859 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
JONES, WM. H. to REBECCA WARE on 25 May 1865 by Absher at James Ware's, (min. ret. only)
JONES, WM. T., of Adair, to MARGRET JANES, of Adair, on 9 Aug 1863 by Patton, (min.ret.only).
JUDD, CYRUS, of Adair, 19, consent note signed by Nancy Judd, to JUDY (or Judia) GRIMES, of Adair, 16, single, "her father present", on 7 Feb 1856 by Absher, surety Jackson W. Harden.
JUDD, JACKSON D. to JUDIA D. BREEDING on 17 Feb 1859 by Absher, (min.ret.only).
JUDD, JACOB, of Tenn., 25, widower, to ELIZABETH JUDD, of Adair, 29, widow, on 15 Jan 1857 by Absher,surety Squire H. Judd.
JUDD, M. C., of Adair, 21, single, to ELIZABETH A. BANKS, of Adair, 17, single, "her guardian present", on 27 Nov 1856 by Absher, surety Manson Cartwright.
JUDD, MILTON to SARAH C. FLOYD on 7 Dec 1865 by Jones, (min.ret.only).
JUDD, SQUIRE H., of Adair, "his guardian, M. Miller, consents", to MARY E. WAMPLER, 20, single, "her father consents" no note, on 6 Aug 1857 by W. Blair, surety A. H. Wampler.
JUDD, WARNER to ELIZABETH TUPMAN on 28 Oct 1847 by Morse, (min.rets.only).
JUDD, WM. to PARTHENA BREEDING on 1 Oct 1843 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).
JUDD, WILLIAM to NANCY PROWELL on 20 Mar 1851 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).
JUDE, JOHN to BETSY M. CAMPBELL on 1 Mar 1867 by Wilson, (min.ret.only).