MURRELL, ALBERT A., of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Barren Co., to MARTHA FLORENE LYON, of Adair, 17, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Washington Co., dau of Robert by note, on 28 Jan 1869 by Alexander, surety George L. Callison.
MURRELL, ANDERSON to LOVINA NAYLOR on 9 Feb 1842 by Thompson, (min.rets.only).
MURRAL, CHARLISLE H. (see Carlisle H. Murrah)
MURRELL, HIRAM, of Adair, 22, single, to MISS NANCY S. RICHARDSON (one record gives Nancy J.), 16, single, dau of Daniel by note, on 22 Sept 1858 by Davis, surety Jo. Coffey.
MIJRRELL, JAMES, born in Adair Co. on 13 April 1823, to SARAH M. MONTGOMERY, born in Adair Co. on 17 June 1830, married on 19 Sept 1852 by S.Murrell, (min. rets.only).
MURRELL, JESSE C. to SUSANA NAYLOR-no marriage date given, but recorded in the courthouse by Thompson on 9 Mar 1843 (min.rets.only).
MURRELL, JOHN M. to ANNER F. DAUGHERTY on 14 May 1867 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).
MURRELL, JOHN N. to ELIZABETH WALKER on 8 Feb 1866 by Reed at H.K.Walker's, (min. ret. only )
MURRELL, MILTON J. to ELIZABETH E. MOURNING on 19 Feb 1867 by Cundiff at J.D. Mourning's, (min.ret.only).
MURRELL, SAMUEL H. to JOSEPHINE DOHONEY on 14 July 1850 by G.W.Tavlor, (min.rets.only).
MURRELL, SHERROD A., of Adair, 20, to JERIAH J. DAUGHERTY, of Adair, 19, on 24 Dec 1861 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).
MURRELL, WILLIAM 0. to SARAH F. GARNETT on 29 Jan 1857 by Crenshaw at P. Willist surety Paschal Willis.
NAPIER, JEROME B. to FRANCIS H. FLORO on 9 Mar 1865 by Jones, (min.ret.only).
NAYLOR, JAMES to MARGARET McLEAN (or McClain) on 8 Nov 1850 by W.Blair, (min. rets.only).
NAYLOR, JAMES R. to SARAH F. McCLAIN on 10 Nov 1863 by James at Rob't McClain's, (min.ret.only).
NEAT, W. F., 22, born Adair, to MISS SIRENA L. HARDIN (one record gives Anna), 17, born Adair, dau of Emily by note, on 3 Oct 1858 by Keyes, surety James H. Evans.
NEEL, RANSON C. (see Nell)
NELL, EDWARD M., of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, both parents born US, to MATILDA C. STAPLES, of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, both parents born US, on 13 Feb 1868 by Cundiff at Z.M.Staples, surety Wm. F. Staples.
NELL, GEORGE, born Adair, 23, to MALINDA A. McGINNIS, 24, on 21 Jan 1864 by Harvey at G.B.McGinnis', (min.ret.only).
NELL, GEO. W., of Adair, 21, to RACHEL P. TURNER, of Adair, 17, single, on 24 Nov 1858 by Goodson, (min.ret.only).
NELL, JAMES B. to MARY H. TOWNSEND, no date,circa 1861. by James, (min.ret.only).
NELL, JAMES K. to LUCETTA EDWARDS on 7 Feb 1867 by Cundiff at John M. Edwards', (min.ret.only).
NELL, JOHN to FRANCES STAPLE on 15 Sept 1842 by Milam, (min.rets.only).
NELL, RANSON S. to MARY LOUISA SHERRILL, bond only, dated 13 Apr 1854, surety James M. Sherrill. (Could be Ranson S. Neel).
NELL, WM. to SARAH BLOYD (Liold in one record) on 20 Dec 1842 by J.Blair, (min. ret. only)
NELSON, JAMES E. to EMILY T. MOORE on 28 June 1849 by Burge, (min.rets.only).
NEWCOME, WILLIAM H. (NEWCOMB in one record) to NANCY J. COLLAND (HOLLAN in one record), dau. of Robert, on 2 March 1841 by Woodward, (see Burdette records).
NOBLE, JOHN S. to LUCY T. WHITLOCK (WILLOCK in one record) on 26 Jan 1848 by Frogg, (min.rets.only).
NOEL, WILLIAM H. to MARY JEFFERSON WALKUP on 13 July 1845 by Simpson, (min.rets. only).
NORRIS, JAMES T., of Cumberland Co., 25, to NANCY R. WALKER, of Adair, 29, single, on 9 Mar 1858 by Sexton, surety John W. Sexton.
NUNN, THOMAS W. to NARCISSA ROWE on 16 Nov 1843 by J.Blair, (min.ret.only).
NUNN, WILLIAM C., of Adair, 31, to MARY JANE GARMON, of Adair, 18, single, "her stepfather present", on 14 May 1857 by Janes, surety Miles H. Madison.
OAKS, ISAAC to MELVILLA P. TUTT on 18 July 1867 by Nichols at John Tutt's, (min. ret. only) .
OATHAM, DAVID (Cothem in one record) to EMILY WALBERT on 28 July 1847 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).
ODEWALT, JAMES W., of Taylor Co. 21, to NANCY QUISENBERY, 19, on 23 Feb 1853 by Watson, surety James Quesenbery.
OGDEN, JOHN E., of Adair, 31, first mar, born Cumberland Co., parents born US, to SALLY RUPE, of Adair, 26, first mar, born Adair, father born Tenn., mother born Adair, on 11 Feb 1868 by Patton,
ORR, JOHN J. to MARY M. MOORE on 23 Dec 1847 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).
ORR, WM. V., 25, born Adair, widower, to CATHERINE J. BOTTS, 18, born Adair, single, on 2 Jan 1854 by Sweeney, (min.rets.only).
OVERTON, JAMES to MARY S. WAGONER on 16 Jan 1851 by Donelson, (min.rets.only).
PABLIO, JOSEPH (Pablis?), of Adair, 22, to MISS NANCY ELLEN DUDLEY, of Adair, 13, dau of John and Nancy Dudley by note, on 30 June 1857 by Leftwich, surety James W. Sexton.
PAGE, JAMES R., of Adair, 22, to AMERICA M. DAUGHERTY, of Adair, 14, on 22 Aug 1859 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).