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SELBY, THOMAS W. to SENEY W. KELTNER on 14 Dec 1865 by Hill at John Kelner's, (min.ret.only).

SELF, WILLIAM to CAROLINE CHILDERS, dau of Royal Childers, on 1 July 1841 by Colgan, (rnin.ret.only).

SETTLE, ABRAHAM to JANE NEET on 20 June 1848 by Pelly, (min.ret.only).

SETTLES, F. T., 26, of Adair, born Green Co., to MARTHA HARDWICK, 21, of Adair, single, on 19 July 1852 by Knifley, (min.rets.only).

SEXTON, JOHN W. to SALLY WILLIAMS on 25 July 1850 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

SEXTON, JAMES W. to SARAH M. KELTNER on 27 Nov 1845 by Noble, (min.rets.only).

SEXTON, PINKNEY to LUCINDA FINTON not dated, recorded with marriages from 1844 and 1845, by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).

SEXTON, SILAS B., of Adair, 47, born Cumberland Co., to SARAH R. MORRISON, of Adair, 32, single, born Washington Co., Ky., on 3 or 5 Oct 1852, (mm. rets.only), by Walbert. SHARP, CEO. W., born Adair, 24, to JURIAH FLOWERS, born Adair, 17, on 24 Dec 1860 by Emmerson, (min.ret.only).

SHARP, GEORGE W. to MARY SQUIRES on 15 Oct 1863 by Wallace at Mt. Pleasant Church, (min.ret.only).

SHARP, JAMES M. to MINNIE H. BUTLER on 24 Sept 1846 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

SHARP, JOB to MARY ANN JUDD on 16 Aug 1849 by Absher, (min.rets.only).

SHAW, COWAN to MILLIE ANN SHAW on 6 Mar 1849 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

SHAW, GEORGE to BARBARA SHAW on 1 Jan 1846 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).

SHAW, JACOB to SUSANA SHAW on 2 Oct 1846 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

SHEARER, M. F. C., of Wayne Co., to MARY L. TRABUE, of Adair, single, on 15 May 1858 by McKee, (min.ret.only).

SHELTON, ESAU M. to MARY F. SHIRLEY on 24 Apr 1864 by Linebaugh, (min.ret.only).

SHELTON, JOHN, of Adair, 23, single, to MARGARET TURNER, of Adair, 25, single, on 24 Dec 1857 by Morrison, surety Martin Turner.

SHELTON, SEATON to ROSENE BROWN on 27 Jan 1867 by W.Blair at H. Shelton's, (min. ret.only).

SHELTON, WM. H., of Adair, 21, to DICY J. PATTERSON, of Adair, 18, single, on 22 Feb 1860 by Morrison, (min.ret.only).

SHEPHERD, DOCTOR G., 21, born Russell Co.,, of Russell Co., to NANCY F. WHITE, of Adair, 18, born Adair, single, her father present, on 28 July 1853 by Absher, surety John White.

SHEPHERD, J. A., of Adair, 20, to ELIZABETH H. COX, of Adair, 15, on 21 Mar 1861 by Absher.

SHEPHERD, MILTON W. to AMANDA SHARP on 13 Dec 1844 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

SHEPHERD, MILTON W., 35, widower, to MARY ANN BUTLER, 30, widow, on 2 Apr 1857 by Absher, surety Junius Caidwell.

SHEPHERD*, PRESTON to RUTHIE JUDD on 11 Mar 1847 by L.Montgomery, (min.rets.only), (*Last name was not in either minister's return found in 1850 census of Adair County and other supporting documents in the courthouse.)

SHEPHERD, WARNER, of Adair, 19, first mar, born Adair, father born Russell Co., mother born Adair, son of Bertha Bryant (?) by note, to MARY JANE POWELL, of Adair, 27, second mar, she and parents born Adair, on 20 Dec 1869 by Absher, surety George A. Bryant.

SHERRILL, ABE T., of Adair, 24, to HENRIETTA HURRELL, of Adair, 19, on 21 July 1863 by Absher, (min.ret.only).

SHERRILL, GRANDERSON T., of Adair, 23, first mar, born Adair, father born Ky., mother born Adair, to LUCY J. BROWNING, of Adair, 19, first mar, born Adair, father born Ky, mother born Adair, dau of Jas. Y? by note, on 3 June 1869 by James, surety James C. Browning.

SHIRLEY, JOHN B., of Adair, 24, born Barren Co., single, to HARRIET W. CRAIG, of Adair, 20, born Adair, single, dau of James B. by note, on 27 Apr 1856 by Dempsy, surety W.W.Yates.

SHIRLEY JOHN B. to MISS ELIZA JANE BAILEY, her father present, bond only, dated 21 Sept 1858, surety Hiram H. Bailey.

SHIVE, ANDREW J. to MILLY CAWTHORN on 29 Oct 1851 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

SHIVES, JAMES to MISS NANCY ANN COTHOUN, dau of Martin B. Cawthorn by note,bond only, dated 22 Nov 1854, surety Joseph Cothran.

SHRIVE, MARTIN, of Cumberland Co., 17, born Cumberland Co., single, to JAILY CAWTHON (min.ret.calls her Cawthorn), of Adair, 30, born Bedford Co., Va., (min.ret.says she was born Tenn.), dau of Martin B. Cawthon by note, on 23 Jan 1855, surety David Cawthron.

SILKEY, JAMES A. to SUSAN KELTNER on 29 May 1845 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

SILKEY, JOSEPH to MARY MILLS on 20 Dec 1847 by Wilson, (min.rets.only). SIMPSON, JAMES A. J. to SARAH E. MORRISON on 9 Mar 1848 by Williams, (min.rets.only).

SIMPSON, E. H. to ARMINTA MURRY on 2 Apr 1866 by Simpson, (min.ret.only).

SIMPSON, H. B., of Marion Co., 24, to MARY H. PELLY, of Adair, 17, single, on 8 Jan 1861 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).

SIMPSON, H. B. to MARY J. HARDWICK on 12 Dec 1867 by Win. Simpson at Win. Hardwick's, (min.ret.only)

SIMPSON, JAMES to MARY ANN COFFEY on 22 Dec 1840 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

SIMPSON, MARION W., of Adair, 19, son of Mary by note, to MARY ELIZABETH McKINSEY, of Adair, single, dau of Eli by note, on 4 Apr 1858 by J.Breeding, surety Jesse McKinsey.

SIMPSON, MILTON to DICEY COFFEY on 20 Dec 1842 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

SIMPSON, WILLIAM, of Adair, 31, first mar, teacher, he and parents born Marion Co., to MARIETTA J. DUNBAR, of Adair, 19, first mar, she and parents born Cumberland Co., father consents, no note, bond dated 11 Dec 1868, min.ret. says married on 22 Dec 1868 at Sidney Dunbar's by Knifley, surety Robert D. Williams.

SIMS, BEVERLY to JANE KING on 12 Mar 1845 by Traylor, (min.rets.only).

SIMS, REUBIN, to FOLLY COWHERD on 26 July 1842 by Colgan, (min.rets.only).

SINCLAIR, D. W. to NANCY S. ROUSE on 8 Dec 1865 by Knifley at Solomon Rouse's, (min. ret. only)

SINCLAIR, GEORGE W., of Glasgow, Ky. 23, to C. F. BARBEE, of Columbia, 21, single, on 5 Jan 1860 by McKee, (min.ret.only).

SINCLAIR, JOEL P. to ELIZABETH BURTON on 21 Aug 1864 at Win. Burton's by Absher, (min.ret.only).

SINCLAIR, WILLIAM, of Adair, 28, widower, to MARGARET LOVEALL, of Adair, 26, single, her father present, on 18 Dec 1856 by Absher, surety James S. Loveall.

SINGLETON, DAVID to LUCY GIBSON on 15 Oct 1860 by Patton, (min.ret.only).

SIREY, JOHN, of Barren Co., 23, born Barren Co., to MISS CAROLINE HURT (one record gives Hart), of Adair, 22, born Adair, single, on 11 Oct 1855, surety Edward Hurt.

SKAGGS, ARCHABALD to LUCY A. DEATON on 2 July 1863 by G.W.Taylor, (min.ret.only)

SCAGGS, WARDEN T. to MARTHA Y. ESTES on 14 Oct 1841 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.onlv).

SKAGGS, WILLIAM C. to JANE W. ESTES on 1 June 1842 by Woodard, (min.rets.onlv).

SLAUGHTER, GRANVILLE, of Marion Co., 18, first mar, born Rockcastle Co., father born Rockcastle Co., mother born Madison Co. "I think", son of William by note, to SUSAN MARY BEARD, of Adair, 21, first mar, she and parents born Marion Co., dau of Robert and sister of Richard by note, on 12 Feb 1868 by Knifley, surety Thos. H. Bohanon.

SMILEY, JOHN H., of Adair, 29, to MARY A. GEORGE, of Adair, 25, single, on 29 Dec 1862 by Absher, (min.ret.only).

SMILEY, JOHN H., of Adair, 34, second mar, born Pulaski Co., father born N.C. "I think", mother born N.C. "I think", to MISS LUCY ANN BAILEY, of Adair, 24, first mar, she and parents born Adair, on 3 Jan 1868 by Vires at Lewis Bailey's, surety Francis McElroy, Jr.

SMITH, BARNETT, P., of Cumberland Co., 19, single, son of James by note, to MARY C. LOY (E.?), of Adair, 18, single, dau of Jeremiah, on 14 Sept 1856 by W. Blair, surety Drury Wilkerson.

SMITH, CHARLES A., 26, to RACHEL C. MURRELL, 19, on 29 Oct 1861 by Reed, (min. ret.only).

SMITH, CHARLES 0. P., of Adair, 42, widower, to MELISSA ANN GIFFORD, of Adair, 18, single, dau of James by note, (she was called Gibbert in one record), bond dated 20 Apr 1858, min.ret.says married 1 Apr 1858 by Morrison, surety Joseph Eubank.

SMITH, ETHAN to MARGARET WINFREY on 16 Jan 1866 by James at Clinton Winfrey' s, (min.ret.only)

SMITH, FRANCIS P. to ELIZABETH E. BANKS on 12 Nov 1846 by Watson, (min.rets.only).

SMITH, GEORGE to FANNIE GIBSON on 18 Apr 1849 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

SMITH, GEORGE, of Adair, 19, his father consents, no note, to ELIZABETH BENNETT, of Adair, 14, her mother consents, no note, on 1 Feb 1856 by Absher, surety Benjamin Y. Bennett.

SMITH, GEORGE W. to ELIZABETH BRYANT, dau of Mary Bennett, bond only, dated 6 May 1854, surety Charles Bryant.

SMITH, GEORGE W., 30, to ELIZABETH DUDLEY, 18, on 24 Feb 1861 by James at Sally Dudley's, (min.ret.only).

SMITH, HARDIN T., of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Casey Co., to MARCELLA THOMAS, of Casey Co., 21, first mar, she and both parents born Casey Co., on 2 Sept 1869 by Wallace, surety J. W. McClain.

SMITH, JACOB to MARTHA TURNER no date on return with marriages from 1858, by Armstrong at John Turner's, (min.ret.only).

SMITH, JM4ES to MARGARET ORR on 29 Nov 1841 by Keen, (min.rets.only).

SMITH, JAMES, of Adair, 23, born Adair, single, to MISS SAMANTHA E. CALHOUN, of Adair, 18, born Adair, single, her father present, on 16 Jan 1855, surety James Calhoun.

SMITH, JOHN, 23, of Adair, born Adair, to ISABELL GRIDER, of Adair, 24, born Cumberland Co., single, on 7 Oct 1852 by Roach, (min.rets.only).

SMITH, JOHN, son of Mell or Nell Smith by note, to MARTHA A. TURNER, dau of John by note, bond dated 9 Dec 1858, min.ret.not dated, surety Martin A. Turner and A. R. Harvey.

SMITH, JOHN F. to NANCY J. HENDRICKSON on 18 Nov 1846 by Watson, (min.rets.only).

SMITH, JOHN F. to MISS MARY L. LANDERS, bond only, dated 6 Sept 1856, surety Wm V. Orr.

SMITH, JOHN F., of Adair, 32, widower, to PATIENCE SMITH, dau of Catharine by note, aged 21, single,of Adair, on 13 Feb 1858 by Morrison, surety Joseph Dudley.

SMITH, JOHN M.(or W.), of Adair, 25, born Adair, to MISS SARAH C. SPARKS (Speek in one record), of Adair, 25,"born at Moss", single, on 22 Nov 1853 by Epperson, surety Francis Montgomery.

SMITH, JOHN W., of Adair, 21, to RACHEL POWELL, of Adair, 17, single, on 24 Aug 1860 by Morrison, (min.ret.only).

SMITH, LEANDER W. to MARGARET J. NEET on 28 Oct 1841 by G.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

SMITH MARION N., of Adair, 20, to ELIZA HARVEY, of Adair, 21, on 8 Sept 1861 by Morrison, (min.ret.oniy).

SMITH, MARION N. to MARGARET FLUTY on 9 Oct 1867 by Absher, (min.ret.only).

SMITH, RUBEN A. to MARY H. TINSLEY on 10 Feb 1842 by Rice, (min.rets.only).

SMITH, SAMUEL to HULDAH PATTERSON, dau of John, on 7 Apr 1840 by Simpson.

SMITH, SAMUEL J., (or S.), of Adair, 22, to MISS ELIZABETH R. BEARD, of Adair, 17, dau of David by note, on 9 Mar 1858 by Monroe, surety John H. Beard.

SMITH, WASHINGTON M. to HANNIE C. CUNDIFF on 12 Feb 1863 by Wallace at Louisa Cundiff's, (min.ret.only).

SMITH, WM. N. to MARGARET M. SHARP on 23 Dec 1865 by Wallace, (min.ret.only).

SMITH, WM. S. to JENNIE ROGERS on 9 July 1846 by Watson, (she was called Jemima in one return), (min.rets.only).

SMITH, WIOTT to MALISSA A. MASSIE, no date in either return book, but it was recorded in one book on 5 Apr 1849 by the minister, Lewis, (min rets.only).

SMITH, WYATT II., of Adair, 43, second mar, born Adair, father born Va., mother born Va. "I think", to SALLIE F. BUTLER, of Adair, 27, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Cumberland Co., on 25 Feb 1869 by Wallace at Amanda Butler's, surety James T. Page.

SNOW, JASPER N., 22, born "near 76 in Clinton County", to MISS ELIZABETH A. DUNBAR, 19, born Clinton Co., on 30 Aug 1853 by B.Taylor, surety Sydney L? Dunbar.

SOLOMON, ALEXANDER to MARY JANE McLARNING on 12 Dec 1843 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

SPARKS, C. W. to NANCY ROYSE on 5 Oct 1865 by Roach at Sarah Royse's, (min.ret. only).

SPARKS, GREENUP to MARY A. ENGLAND on 14 Dec 1865 by Roach, (min.ret.only).

SPARKS, J. to S. DOOLEY on 12 Nov 1860 by Roach, (min.ret.only).

SPARKS, JEREMIAH "JERRY" to FRANKIE JANE JANES on 6 May 1847 by Janes, (min.rets. only).

SPARKS, JOHN R. to PERCILLA REECE on 6 May 1847 by Janes, (min.ret.only).

SPARKS, JOSEPH to ELIZABETH DOOLEY in 1849 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).

SPARKS, JOSEPH to ELIZABETH WILSON on 7 Jan 1847 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).

SPARKS, JOSIAH (return says Joseph), of Adair, 31, to MALINDA SHIRLEY, of Adair, 31, on 25 Dec 1856 by Leftwich, surety Cager Creel.

SPARKS, JOSIAH A. to HARRIET POWELL on 8 Oct 1846,. by Simpson.

SPARKS, MATHEW to MARY A. McNEELEY on 26 Mar 1849 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

SPARKS, MATHEW to ELIZABETH MOSBY on 5 Apr 1849 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

SPARKS, MATHEW, of Adair, aged 34 "on 25th of this month", second mar, born Adair, father born Va., mother born Adair, to JULIET E. AKIN, of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born Cumberland Co., mother born Barren Co., on 21 Jan 1868 by Davis, surety James S. Akin. The following was taken directly from the consent note for Juliet: "J.K.Akin was born in Cumberland Co., age 62 years, Nancy B. Akin his wife was bonr in Barren Co. age 58 years, Juliet E. Akin their daughter was born in Adair Co. age 24 years."

SPARKS, THOS. to MARY ANN JANES by Janes. One return gives the date of marriage as 23 Dec 1841 and the other gives 31 Dec 1841. (returns only).

SPARKS, WM. W. to LUCINDA GIBSON on 22 Aug 1841 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

SPENCER, WILLIAM M., of Adair, 55, to DORINDA T. McBEATh, of Adair, 41, single, bond dated 10 Dec 1857, min.ret.says married on 10 Dec 1858, by Goodson, surety Sinclair Wheat.

SPOON, GEORGE, of Adair, to MARY ANN WILCOX, of Adair, on 13 Aug 1862 by Patton, (min. ret. only)

SPOON, ROBERT E., of Adair, 36, born Cumberland Co., single, to MARY HARRIS, of Adair, 26, born Cumberland Co., single, on 27 Oct 1855 by J.Blair, surety James W. McGlasson.

SPRINGER, STATON P., of Adair, 22, born Jamestown, Ky., to MARTHA J. PELLEY, of Adair, 18, born Adair, single, her father consents, on 10 Mar 1853 by Absher, surety William F. Guy.

SPROWEL, WILLIAM J., of Adair, 41, to SALLY RETHERFORD, of Adair, 35, single, 41 to Sally Retherford dau of Mary by note, bond dated 13 Feb 1858, min.ret.says married on 4 14 Feb 1859, by Goodson, surety William Retherford.

SPURRIER, B. S. to CAROLINE BRADSHAW on 8 Apr 1862 by Neikirk at Asure Bradshaw' s, (min.ret.only).

SQUIRES, JAMES to M. L. SUDDARTH on 30 Mar 1851 by Donelson, (min.rets.only).

SQUIRES, JAMES(?) C. to GEORGE ANN STRANGE on 21 Feb 1865 by Nichols at C. A. Strange's, (min.ret.only).

SQUIRES, WINFIELD to SARAH M. MONTGOMERY on 1 Aug 1841 by Simpson, (min.rets. only).

STAPLES, WILLIAM F., of Adair, 28, first mar, born Adair, father born Tenn., mother born Cumberland Co. "I think", to MARGARET A. ROBERTSON, of Adair, 24, first mar, born Adair, father born Va., mother born Ky., on 19 Feb 1869 by Alexander, surety J. R. Johnson.

STAPP, JEREMIAH P., of Adair, 34, second mar, born Russell Co., parents born Va., to SAMANTHA MEESE, dau of Nancy Shoemake by note, of Adair, 16, first mar, born Casey Co. father born Casey Co., mother born Russell Co. "I suppose bond only, dated 1 May 1868, surety Harrison Womack. From the consent note: mother lived in Casey Co. Note on bond: She has no guardian and her father is absent from this state.

STAPP, WILLIAM to HANNAH J. BLAIR, her father consents, surety John Blair, bond only, dated 14 Mar 1854.

STAPP, WILLIAM, of Russell Co., 24, first mar, he and both parents born Russell Co., to MARY SUSAN MORGAN, of Adair, 20, first mar, born Cumberland Co., father born Cumberland Co., mother born Adair, dau of Nathaniel, bond dated 30 Sept 1869, min.ret.says married on October 30, by W. R. Hadley, surety Nathaniel Morgan.

STAYTON, ELIJAH T. to JENETTA H. MONDAY on 9 Nov 1866 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).

STAYTON, JOHN J. to MIRAY S. HURT on 26 Feb 1846 by Absher, (min.rets.only).

STAYTON, JOHN M., of Adair, 37, widower, to REBECCA J. GOODE, of Adair, 34, widow, on 5 Aug 1857 by Watson, surety D. C. Miller.

STAYTON, JOHN W. to NANCY C. HENDRIXSON on 21 Jan 1867 by Knifley at Win. Hendrixson's, (min.ret.only).

STAYTON, WILLIAM to MALINDA JANE MONDAY on 25 July 1845 by Absher, (min.rets. only).

STAYTON, Z. M. to NANCY E. ROBERTSON on 14 Feb 1867 by Cundiff at F.A.Robertson 's, (min.ret.only).

STEEL, CHRISTIAN to ELIZABETH ROSS on 15 Jan 1847 by J. Blair, (min.rets.only).

STEPHENS, EDWIN, of Adair, 22, to R. A. WATSON, of Adair, 25, single, on 19 Sept 1858 by Keyes, surety Brice Martin.

STEPHENS, JOS., of Adair, 21, to MARTHA JANES, of Adair, 20, single, on 12 Apr 1860 by Roach, (min.ret.only).

STEPHENS, S. H. to MARY J. COWNOVER on 24 Nov 1864 by James at David Cownover 's, (min.ret.only).

STEVENS, CYRUS, 28, to L. A. JANES, 16, on 5 Jan 1860 by M.Williams, (min.ret. only).

STEVENS, JAMES W. (H. in one record), of Casey Co., 28, first mar, born McMinn Co., Tenn., both parents born Casey Co., to SARAH JANE HUDSON, of Adair, 21, first mar, born Wayne Co. "I think", parents born US, on 16 Sept 1869 by Mills, surety Rawza J. Ruberts.

STEWART, M. A., 29, to SUSAN LEWIS, 30, on 29 Nov 1864 by Harvey, (min.ret.only).

STEWART, MILLER A., of Adair, 21, born Cock Co., Tenn., his father consents, no note found, to NANCY ROWE, of Adair, 22, born Adair, on 5 Oct 1855 by Roach, surety John Hill.

STILL, JOSEPH G., of Cumberland Co., 26, first mar, born "Wanger Co., Tenn.", father born S.C., mother born S.C., to BARSHEBA SELF, of Cumberland Co., 25, first mar, born Cumberland Co., father born Madison Co., mother born Cumberland Co., her father present, on 20 Sept 1869 by James, surety G.P.M. Self.

STILLWELL, ELISHA to ELISABETH M. TIMBERLAKE on 20 Aug 1846 by Dewitt, (min.rets. only).

STILTS, JOHN, of Adair, to MARGARET E. GIBSON, of Adair, on 7 Jan 1863 by Patton, (min. ret. only)