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~Matt Quotes~

"I wanna see some guts! I wanna see some courage!"~Piximon

"This guy reminds me of a gym teacher I once had."~Matt

"That's terrific Izzy. Great time for a geography lesson."~Matt.

""Pay attention and you might learn something."~Izzy

"Maybe the monster just has growing pains."~Matt.

"Growing pains?"~Izzy.

"Matt! This is not a time to joke!"~Joe

"Well at least my cat's not stuck in a tree!"

"Oh great. Anybody bring a helicopter?"

"We miss our friends that fought alongside of us! Not all of us have ICE running through our veins like YOU do!"~Matt , to Tai. (You tell 'im Matt!)

"If you haven't noticed, some of our friends are gone."~Matt, to Tai.

"You just don't get it do you? I know you hear me, but you're not listening!"~Matt, to Tai of course.

"What's the big deal egghead?"

"What's the matter? You chicken?"~Matt, to Tai

"Hey. All this techno-talk's makin' my head spinny."~T.K.

"Computer guys can never just do something T.K. That'd be too easy. They have to spend all day telling you how they're going to do it."~Matt

"Okay, settle down. There's plenty of room for all of you. Will you please stop squirming!"~Matt, to all the Yokomons.

"Thanks squirt."

"What's a little stinky fur compared to a friend like him?"~Gabumon, (about Matt.)

"You're the awesomest big brother."~T.K., (again - about Matt. Awesomest.. is that a word?)

"Big bro, you're the best."~T.K., mumbles in his sleep about Matt.

"Come on in. So far we haven't found any sharks in the water."~Matt, to Joe.

"No big ones."~Tai, grinning.

"How 'bout salsa?"

"Let's waterski home."

"We're sorry, but the number you have dailed only exists in your imagination. Please hang up, and don't call back."~telephone.

"What planet did I dail?"~Matt

"No doubt about it man. You are the Dude of Doodles."~Matt, (when he sees Tai's map of messes.)

"I'm callin' collect!"

"What? Never seen a talking tree?"~Cherrymon.

"Not many."~Matt

"No offence, but even if I felt like talking, it wouldn't be to a tree."~Matt

"Yell a little louder will ya? There are still a couple people that aren't starin' at us yet."~Matt, to Tsunomon.

"You guys okay?"~Tai - after they got attacked and they're covered in sand.

"Oh yeh. Like a day at the beach."~Matt

"Hey! Watch the hair dude!"~Matt, when Tai splashes into the hot tub.

"Oh - is that what that is? I thought some bird made a nest on your head."~Tai

"Has anyone noticed? We talk a lot about food." (That's true… At least they don't as much as they used to..)

"Ya know, these things pack quite a punch."

"No autographs, please." (That is one of the first things he said in the show. A famous first line..)

"Whatever they are, they're aggravating my hay-fever."~Joe.

"Hey Joe. Is there anything you don't complain about?"~Matt (Gabumon giggles.)

"If we can find a place that delivers, lets order pizza!"

"Isn't she cute?"~T.K.

"Forget it!"~Matt. (They're talking about Mimi.)

"I'm da man!"

"Hey! Where there's a fridge there's grub!"

"Moving right along folks…keep it moving… The next stop on our tour will be the forest of irrevelant road signs. No pictures, please."

"Ya! Let's turn this guy into pudding!"

"Check out the incredible spread!"

"Great. You're a guinius." -talking to Tai. Of course he was being sarcastic ^^

"Sorry for saying this everybody, but this looks like a setup."

"I don't see an exit door."

"Put your fists down when you're talking to me; and stop acting like you can just bully your way into being leader."

"So what's your opinion about this, Joe?"

"Well, it would be inviting if you were a vegtable."

"Did it all of a sudden get sunnier - or is it just Tai's sunny disposition?"

"Unless you're into eating rocks, we don't have much of a choice."

"Beating me, T.K.? Gee, I don't think so. Maybe in your dreams kiddo." -He laughs loud at his own joke.

"I've been dreaming about Sunday, when my mom grilled steaks. Mmm… Makes my mouth water!"

"Boy, that's productive. It puts the pieces together, than takes them off again."

"Call him off now!"~Tai, (referring to MetalGarurumon, who is shooting at Agumon.)

"No Tai. I won't."~Matt. (Doesn't it make your skin crawl to hear such a hotty say that?)

"Stop being difficult."~Joe

"What? You're the most difficult person I know!"~Matt

"I don't like the tone of his voice."

"You know, you have no imagination."

"Do you think Mimi hears the same things we hear? I'm not sure anymore."~Matt

"Maybe she's an alien spy.."~Izzy

"I suppose if you had a big black gear stuck inside you, you'd act a little crazy too."

"I will!"~Tai.

"I'm next!"~Matt

"That's kinda freaky."

"What are you saying?" Have you ever stopped to count how many times he has said that in the first season? A lot!

"Remember, it's an amusement park - so like.. amuse yourselves."

"Phee-yew! What's that yucky smell?"~T.K.

*Matt sniffs and makes a sound of disgust*

"Ugh. Here's a thought. Now you know why they call them sweat socks."~Matt

"Maybe we should knock first."~Joe.

"Joe, nobody knocks on the door at a hotel…"~Matt

"Who ever says it gets dark here?"~Matt.

"That phenomenon would be unnatural."~Izzy.

"You call this natural?"~Joe

"Boy oh boy. Is this great 'er what?"

"I was so sure he'd be in here. Then again, T.K. never did like caves that much…"

"Hey Tai? When's it gonna snow?"~T.K.

"Probably any second now."~Tai.

"Yeah, right on Joe's head!"~Matt


Half of what I cook ends up on the floor, and the other half is on his clothes! This job is giving me a killer headache!

Quote submitted by Jana Burchett [] : I've never let anyone get close to me before...Not since my family split up. Ever since then I've been left alone. I figured if my family didn't want me, then I'd just keep to myself and not tell anyone what I was feeling. I swore I'd never let anyone see me cry...But all I really wanted to do was cry. (Poor Yama. *sniff*)

