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~Things Smarter Than Davis~

This part of my site is one of my favorites. Here you guys can e-mail me, and list the billions of things you know are smarter than Davis. Davis may look an ordinary kid, but his looks don't describe him at all. Inside that head of his there's well... nothing. It's empty! Right now I have a good amount of submitions, but the more the merrier, so please e-mail me. (And please, no flames if you're a Davis fan. It's just my opinion that he's a brainless annoyance. ^^;)

Note:: Yah, I'll admit: I did get this idea from "The Shrine to Dark Koushiro". But don't get mad. I couldn't help myself. >=(

You might remember that I had a section just like this in my old site - but it was called "Things Smarter than Mimi" (like in Koushiro's site). The reason I decided to change it was because, she's not the real problem anymore. She was annoying and spoiled, but she got better. I mean WAY better. Now she's not spoiled, and cares about others more. But Davis.. he's not spoiled - he's just plain mean! The way he treats good 'ol TK makes me sick. And Davis brags too much. And there's nothing I hate more than a dumb bragger! >.<

Ahhh!  It*s the freak himself!!

Things I think are smarter than Davis - My sock, dust, a single cell, math class, my little brother, my neighbor's gold fish, the show Rugrats, Etemon, Ash (well, never mind that one), ants, a pig, the extinct dodo bird, Cinderella, fries, Mississippi, paper plates, the Easter Bunny, Teletubies, Barney, Power Rangers, letuce, a strand of hair, toilet water, toilet paper, Sukamon, a Pokemon mouse-pad, a scab, Rocket the Wonder Dog (some robo-dog thing), a bag of pepper, *N Sync (maybe..), Daffy Duck, my brother's stupid vampire constume, ect. Believe me, I'll think of more later ^^.

Things Ice Babe thinks are smarter than Davis - Mud, Dakota (her dumb dog), his goggles (good one), a soda can tab, a pen, a pencil tip, Palmon, chocolate, headphones, a mop, a bowl, paint, a popcorn kernal, a plate, a floppy disk, dog food, a fish egg, my left eye, artifical flavoring, Odi, a rock (obviously ^^), a glass half full of water, curtains, Numemon, trees, dust, a stamp, Beanie Babbies, the color orange (Tai's color XD), and a candy wrapper. [e-mail her at:]

Things Angel thinks are smarter than Davis - #1. Mayonnaise (this is the smartest amung all!), Mustard (just to go along with it), a rock (already said and done but it lives on), grass, hamster food pelets, cats tail, fake christmas tree, stuffed turkey, dead fish, magnet, billbored, a cardbored valentine, paperclips, a button (any kind at all), the grass stains on pants, a soccer ball, net (any kind), an almost empty bottle of shampoo, hand soap, dish soap, the word "the", the moon, a star, a peanut, a walnut, a coconut, a pea, a chickpea, The stuff inside our noses, and the stuff in our ears and eyes, the history channel, a 30 min. calling card, 01 T.K., a wooden car, glue, a perminent marker, a helecopter, a pennie, a box of cookies, a band aid, tape, and sticky notes. Thats all for now but I've got a million of em'! [e-mail her at: Angel's Site:]

Things Dennis thinks are smarter than Davis -a shoe with holes in it, a dead fish, Meowth, zombies, a piece of plastic, a tire, recycled paper, a lightbulb, June(maybe), the alphabet, a garbage can, the garbage in the can, a telephone book, Mimi 01, a block of wood, dwarfs, dustmites, my mental friends Angie and Katya, his coat, Spider man(scratch that), Mr. Dressup, Fireman Sam, dirt, solid waste, liquid waste, a dump, leprechauns, and a dead tree. [e-mail him at:] (I hope he/she's a boy.. Dennis IS a boy's name after all.. e.e)

e-mial me with your reasons please!

Here are some Davis-hater banners for your site!

