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~*Gabumon and Gatomon*~



Gabumon does everything in his power to help out Matt when he needs him. He tries to help Matt stay away from fights and arguments with the others. Gabu keeps Matt knowing that the Digidestined are nothing if they aren't a team; But he also knows when to not argue with Matt and let him blow off steam. Gabumon's very cheerful all the time and wants no one to fight. He is probably the most loyal of all the Digimon. He hates taking off his fur coat and refuses to take it off - even in the hottest of deserts. In the show, the only time he took it off was to save Matt during a blizzard.

Punimon jumpin* around

Other Forms

Tsuno battle-ready


Garurumon rules!


A pic of WereGarurumon kicking butt!


MetalG looks so cool ^^




Gatomon is the most complexed of the Digimon. Gennai dropped her Digi-egg on Server while flying away from Piedmon's soldiers; So she grew up alone. After becoming Salamon, she went on a journey to find someone she knew she was waiting for (Kari of course). Gato instead stumbled into Myotismon while wandering around her Rookie Stage, and he made her part of his army. She stayed a good servant to him until she found Kari. But her best friend, Wizardmon, convinced her she wasn't evil. Gatomon later turned against Myotismon and became part of the Digidestined's team. She still has trouble getting over the death of Wizardmon; But Kari trys to help out her pal by being cheerful. Gatomon needed a back-talking attitude to stay alive when she was younger, and that mean attitude has stayed with her. (She's still a little rude and not quick to trust anyone.) The once back-talking/so cool alley cat was tamed by her love for the Digidestined she belonged with.

Looks like a marshmellow...




Salamon*s a cutey ^^


Pics of Angemon and Angewomon




Gatomon*s Mega level!


Sorry, but little is known about Magnadramon and Gatomon's Baby form. If you have the Magnadramon card and can give me some info on her, it'd be really helpful. ^^ I just noticed something - Gato's a cat and Gabu's a dog. Kinda a strange coincidence huh? (Click on the Salamon below to go back to "The Light of Friendship".)

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