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Those Other Kids

This part of my site gives ya a description of those other kids. *laughs* You know, the other 10 Digidestined. Beside seach kids' paragraph, I put a number. This number represents how they rank as my favs. (For example: 5*** means that kid's my 5th favorite Digidestined and a 8**** means that kid is my eighth favorite, ect.) To keep the theme of this site goin', the descriptions are read from Matt's point-of veiw. Some of these lovely pics were found at: LELOLA, W I S D O M, and The Digimon ScreenShot Archive.

8*****First, there's the goof-ball Tai. Most of the kids know him as the "leader" of us, (but believe me, he's made a lot of mistakes). Okay, okay; I have to admit - he has gotten us out of a few jams.. But how comes he gets so much darn air-time?! Everyone knows I'm more popular than him! It's always Tai and Agumon this, and Tai and Agumon that.. I'm WAY cooler than that doofus! *coughs* Anyway.. Me and Tai used to not get along too well. Mainly because TK looked up to the guy so much. I've saved TK from Seadramon, Leomon, and much more - yet my little bro still thinks Tai is so great?! This made me kinda rebellious towards Tai, but who can blame me? Anyway, me and Tai are over those pointless arguments now, and now we're pratically best friends. *mumbles* (But I still should be the main character...)

10*****Next is Sora. She's a nice girl and real good at soccor; (But now she preffers tennis). She was always trying to act like our mother when we first got sucked into the Digiworld. Sora was definitely the peacemaker of the group, and wanted all of us to get along and work together. Every once and a while, TK would look to Sora for guidence. (I think TK looked to her as a "substitute mom" for while we were away from home.) But Sora also had times when she fell apart, and needed help. From what I know, she had problems communicating with her mother. Her mom was over-protective of Sora, and wouldn't let her do anything. But after both Sora and her mother got to hear Biyomon's thoughts about the subject, her and her mom now get along fine.

5*****Ah yes - Izzy.. (The brainiac of our group.) He may have only been 10-years old four years ago, but he was the smartest kid I knew... and he still is actually. Izzy was adopted by his dad's cousin and his wife after his real parents died in a car crash. (It was a secret, but Izzy later decided to tell us about him being adopted.) Izzy burried his mind into his computer after he heard his parents talking about it, and drifted farther and farther away from them everyday. Izzy now doesn't think it matters that he was adopted, but still carries his laptop with him everywhere. Our strange friend, Gennai, gave the Izz-man a special program for his laptop that helped us get info on our new enemies (the evil Digimon of course). Izzy was more curious about the Digiworld than any of us, and was always searching for new knowledge. That was lucky for us - because if he hadn't learned about the Digital World, we might not have survived our time there. From what I've heard, Izzy gets straight A's, so if you need help on your homework, give him a call. ~_^

6*****Next is TK: my little brother. TK used to be frightened horribly by the Digiworld, and some people might have called him a "cry baby". (But believe me, my little bro had his times when he was even braver than me.) Me and TK were seperated when we were young - like when he was 3 or 4-years old. Our parents got devorced, and each of them didn't want to live without a child in their life; So my dad took me and my mom has TK. When we got to the Digiworld, I felt it was my job to look after him and save him from any little thing that moved. But TK later told me that he thought I was being too protective of him, and he wanted to prove to me that he could look after himself. TK likes to be brave infront of the others, espically Tai. This is one of my least-favorite subjects but... TK used to look up to Tai a lot. Probably because Tai was sorta our leader, and TK wanted to be brave and strong like him. He always wanted to do what Tai was doing, and when TK was with me, all he seemed to talk about was Tai. My brother was the youngest in the group before Kari arrived, so all the other kids felt like they had to help the little-guy in any way possible too. TK got guidence from all of us. We wanted him to be safe on our dangerous journey. And TK definitely proved himself to us in the end.

7*****Good ol' reliable Joe. This kid has big dreams to go to the best college, and is the kind of person who goes to summer school buy choice. I used to think of him as a coward (and so did the other kids), but Joe was always brave when we needed him. Like when he climbed a trecherous mountain, just to make sure it was safe for the rest of us, and almost got himself killed by Unimon. Also, he once he saved TK from Veggiemon's grasp, but then he got squeezed by Veggiemon's long tentacle-like arms. And then there was the time him and TK were drowning, but Joe sacrificied his last ounces of strength to bring TK to saftey. Joe was a kid I looked down to, but that was before I saw him save TK like that. Now Joe has all my respect and is a kid we all can depend on when things get tough.

11*****Above is a pic of Mimi. In our journies, she was pretty annoying; Always whinning about her dress getting riuned, or how she wanted a bubble bath, or wanted to go to the mall. She was sheltered from the "real world" and when we came to the Digiworld, had trouble adapting to the new surroundings. Mimi had the princess-life in the real world - a family that gave "daddy's little girl" anything she wanted. (In my opinion, the girl's kinda spoiled.) She had the worst time adapting to life in the Digiworld, so she would constantly complain or whine. But later she got used to it, and would pull through to help the team for the better. Mimi is sometimes selfish, but now she's much nicer and most people look up to her.

12******growls angrily* This squirts the brother of that monster, Jun. Man I hate that little freak! She's pratically stalking, me!! Oh, I almost forgot; YaVulpes wanted me to talk about Davis... This kid has to have a -4 I.Q. From what I've seen, he's pretty much brainless. Tai, Joe, and some of the others call him the "new leader" of the Digidestined. No way! He's just a Tai-wannabe at the moment. I was with Davis when he got his Digiegg of Friendship. He had trouble getting the Digiegg to come to him, since he wasn't understanding the true meaning of friendship. But his Digimon, Veemon, got it through Davis' thick head. (Raidramon's kinda cool, but he can't compare to Garurumon!) This kid is trying to learn the rules of the Digiworld, but he's got a looong way to go....

4*****I haven't gotten to know this kid very well, but I know he's a very smart 8-year old. Cody wants to learn as much as he can about the Digiworld (like Izzy) and is the most reliable of the new kids. His father died when he was very young, so he lives with his mom in the same apartment building as TK and Yolei. Cody learns kendo from his grandfather (who thinks all the world's problems can be solved with prune juice). Cody likes to hang around his grandfather and learn more and more. But Cody isn't as innocent as he looks. When he has a kendo stick in hand, he's a kid ya definitely don't wanna mess with. Cody hated seeing Digimon get hurt by Ken, and even after Ken changes his ways, he still isn't quick to trust the boy-genuis. When it comes to danger, Cody may be scared, but he wants everybody to be able to rely on him.

9****Yolei is also one of the new Digidestined. It's obvious she's a rebel and a dreamer at heart. Yolei wants a glamorous super-star life (which she thinks Mimi has); And she wants to live a wild-style life with all the craziness that comes with it. Yolei and Davis are always fighting with each-other when they need to concentrate on the more important matters, so that can be a problem sometimes.. TK told me that Yolei's mom owns a small store, so Yolei always brings loads of supplies and food when they go to the Digital World.

3*****Ken used to call himself the "Digimon Emperor". He thought that the Digiworld was his own little world, and that it was his right to rule it. But after the other kids explained to him that the Digiworld was a physical place, and not a computer game to conquer, Ken changed his ways and got the Crest of Kindness. (Surprisingly, his crest looks like our old ones, and was not transfered into a Digiegg like TK and Kari's.) Ken is known all over Japan as a boy-genius. (I hear about him all over the news and radio.) He put his brains to work when he made his Dark Spirals and Control Spiers: items that helped him try to rule the Digiworld. While in the Digiworld, his parents relized he was missing, and they reported it to the police. Soon after it was all over the news. The head-lines said: Boy Genius, Ken Ichijouji, Runs Away! and stuff like that. But everyone was happy when he returned home - (and we were happy he'd never try to rule the Digiworld again). His partner, Wormmon, died soon after Ken got his crest, but a while after Ken returned to the real world, Wormmon was re-born. Now Ken is trying to prove himself worthy to be a Digidestined along the other kids.

