Bulma is in almost every episode and like Chi Chi she is a very cruel woman. At least when she wants to be. So basically she gets angry easily and yells throuhgout the series. At first Bulma has a thing for Yamcha. They even went out once. But things go bad and there relationship ends. In the end Bulma ends up marrying Vegeta and having a kid. Isn't that odd. Bulma doesn't do much fighting. Once though, she showed some really good fighting skills when Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu Force stole her body and used it to attack Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo. Soon enough though Bulma was back in her right body and everything was back to normal. Bulma really isn't one of my favorite characters but she is one of the main characters.
Here are some of the Bulma Pictures I have found!!