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Name Meanings

This page has some of the characters and what thier names really mean. Hopefully you will find this as funny as I did! Some of these things are very odd! Enjoy!

Character's Name = What name means!

Son Goku = Monkey
Son Gohan = Rice or Time of Meal
Son Goten = Air
Kakarotto = Carrot
Vegeta = Vegetable
Trunks = Boxers
Krillin = Chestnut
Piccolo = Small Flute
Kame = God or Paper
Tenshinhan = Fried Rice
Chaozu = Dumpling
Bulma = Female gym shorts
Chi-Chi = Breasts
Raditzu = Raddish
Nappa = Cabbage
Dodoria = Asian Fruit
Zarbon = Citrus Fruit
Freeza = Freezer
Ginyu = Milk
Guldo = Yogart
Saiya-jin(Sayan) = Vegetable People
Garlic Jr. = Garlic
Dr. Briefs = Male Underwear
Bra = Bra
Videl = Devil
Pan = Bread
Launch = Sneeze
Puar = Dim Sum to Put In Tea
Oolong = Chinese Tea

Chart Written By: Aaron M. Dodd
Meanings found from multiple webpages!

If you have any more names that I have not put down please tell me them becuase I enjoyed these very much!!