Lady Flora Bonham couldn't help but be tantalized
by Adam Serre's potent sensuality. It made no diff-
erence that she'd only just met the exotic half-
blood or that he was the scandal of polite society.
Flora had never lived according to anybody's rules
and the instant she felt the heat of Adam's savage
passion, the only thing that mattered was that she
wanted him.
Adam Serre couldn't help but be wary. Lady Flora
was quite spectacular, with her daring beauty and
delicious conversation, but the noble daughter of
a famed archaeologist did not fall into the category
of amorous interludes. And after just
extricating himself from a vicious marriage, his
interest in women was purely transitory.Until the
incomparable Flore set out to seduce him with a
temptation that was...PURE SIN.