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The Light of Friendship

Hi! I'm the webmistress of this funny-little thing, and you can call me YaVulpes. ^^ You, (hopefully a huge Matt/Kari fan), are about to enter the first Karato site I like to call: The Light of Friendship. *sweatdrop* That sounds way too commercial-like didn't it? I'll start to talk like a human now. ^^; This site started because Matt and Kari are my favorite Digidestined (DUH!) and after a while I got to thinkin', Hey, wouldn't they make a cute couple? Of course they would! ^_^ So hopefully you'll enjoy my sad-excuse for a Karato website. Just click the pic below and off you are! That sounded stupid didn't it?.. Oh well.

Enter The Light of Friendship!

I have a couple other "ENTER" pics I've made besides this one. Every Sunday I'll switch it - and I'll also switch the wav you hear as the page loads. This week it's a sound wav from "Trash Day". Do you remember the first time you saw the commercial for that ep? When I saw that commercial, I was sooo happy. ^^ I mean, Yama looked so hot when he said, "No Tai, I won't." I thought Matt was put under a spell by Puppetmon or something. Of course I was wrong.. -_-


MYIS :: My very first affiliate and my FAV Matt site!  Mari-San has the greatest sense of humor.  Visit it, or I*ll hurt you! ^^  Well.. not really ^^;

Sunsweet Darkness :: My second affiliate.  This is a darn good Yakari site.  And it has Karato pics!  How many sites actually have Karato PICS?!  Plus Karly probably explains this couple better than I do..  So if you*re confused by Yakari - go here ^^

Wo An Ni :: One of the only Karato sites I*ve found besides mine.  It has midi files, and fanfics, and stuff like dat.  Go! Now!

~Some great Yama and Hikari sites!!~

Pink Light :: Used to be the best Kari site.  But now.. it's closed. e.e  Why do I have a link to it then, you ask?  I dunno.  I just like the button. ^^;

Project Ishida :: This is a totally funny Yamato site.  Jun-haters will LOVE this place ^^

Kawaii Light :: A real nice Hikari site.  It has real cute layouts, information on Kari and Gatomon, YKYLHTMW, possible couples, and much more fun stuff. Check it out!

House of Takari:: My fave Takari shrine.  It has everything! Proof, humor, screenshots, sounds, and lots more!  Takari fans HAVE to come here!

I wanna glomp || Yamato· Ken· Izzy //Matt and Gabumon\\

Davis |:vs:| me = fight!

my * mon // Gabumon Yamato is :: a fox

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Click on the adorable Yamato to the left to e-mail me.

(c) YaVulpes, November 2000. The Light of Friendship is my property, and the first Karato site. There's no problem if you copy this idea to make a Karato site and spread the Matt/Kari joy, but don't steal my site's name - or I'll personally hunt you down!!! *smiles sweetly* k? Okay, you all know Digimon and all that stuff isn't mine; I just used in the making of this beautiful shrine to Yamato and Hikari. So please don't sue. ^_^; Digimon: Digital Monsters is property of Toei Animation and Saban. K, that's pretty much it..