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Amazon-related Links

~Spirit Amazon
~Wild Women: The Amazons
~The Amazons
~Women Warriors
~Amazons: Greek Mythology Link
~~The Amazons (From the Encyclopedia Mythica)
~Amazons in Greek Mythology
~Daughters of the Warrior Goddess
~Amazons Unite
~Warrior Women of the Web
~100 Celebrated Chinese Women

Xena: Warrior Princess Links

~Xena: Warrior Princess (Official Site)
~Michelle's Xena Library
~ Whoosh: The Journal of the International Association of Xena Studies
~Amphipolis Village

Other Spiritual Links

~Keith's Moon Page: Facts, Phases, Photos & Folklore
~The Shrine of the Forgotten Goddesses
~Spirit Web

Members' Pages

~Spellbound (Antianara's Page)
~Nica's Sanctuary (Nica's Page)
~Sparrow International (Sylarin Ainippe's Page)
~Artemis Vivianne's Page
~Beloved Faeries of the Earth (Beltane Dragon Strom's Page)
~Thunder in the Twilight (Aristomache's Page)
~The Magickal Cauldron (Silver Phoenix's Page)

Site best viewed with "Papyrus".

(c) Antianara. Page set featured on this page created by Antianara for Amazon Dawn.