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Originally, Amazon Dawn's patron goddess was chosen to be the Greek Goddess Artemis, virgin goddess of the Moon, the Wildlife and Hunt. She is "[representitive of] qualities idealized by the women's movement-- achievement and competence, independence from men and male opinions, and concern for victimized, powerless women and the young" (1) and thus, it is understandable why She has been acknowledged by the modern day Amazons. She is said to have been a deity closely associated with the Amazons of the past, however there has been much debate over that certain topic. The Greek goddess herself was not acknowledged, however She has been worshipped under different titles, such as Artemis Tauropolos, Artemis Astrateia, and the Artemis of Ephesus. However, the aspect of the Maiden goddess was not the only aspect acknowledged. There have been other deities honored by the Amazons of the past, notably the Phrygian Mother goddess Cybele, the Thracian huntress Bendis, and the Thracian Crone Hecate (For more information, consult the Tribe Scrolls).

Amazon Dawn is a diverse Tribe, accepting members of both sexes, all races and religions. The members have acknowledged the fact that not all members will feel comfortable acknowledging Artemis, a Greek Goddess, or even a Goddess for that matter. The members' individual beliefs are taken into consideration and are respected. At one point in time, there were many heated arguments concerning Spirit Amazon (and thus Amazon Dawn)'s choice in matron goddess and this conflict within the community caused a lot of strife for its members. Because of these arguments, Antianara, moderator of tribe Amazon Dawn took it upon herself to address the situation within the AD tribe. Wanting to avoid a similar conflict within the AD tribe, Antianara propsed the matron goddess be changed. The Amazons were a matriarchy and did honor a female deity, and so the Tribe would at least acknowledge that. Rather than choose a specific deity to honor, it was thought best to honor the aspect of the Divine that best represents the Amazons, the aspect of the Young Goddess. This was made so for a little while until the issue was addressed again in Tribe Spirit Amazon. What resulted was a proclamation from the Moonbow Council of Spirit Amazon, proclaiming the SA (AD) tribe be once again dedicated to Artemis.

WE, your council, are coming before you this day to reclaim our tribe, as individually our hearts were troubled with a sense of lost direction, dissatisfaction, and feelings that something was wrong. The council met at MoonBow and we discovered there that each of us was feeling the same way. The shared experience was so strong, we knew Artemis was speaking to us, reminding us of our original vision for this tribe. We understood once more what we always knew but had lost somewhere along the way, that this tribe has always been in Artemis' Heart and Eye. Artemis was the one who called this tribe into being in the first place and it is to her we owe what we've become and what yet to be on this journey together.

Therefore we are coming forth to proclaim to one and all that Spirit Amazon is a tribe of Artemis. Spirit Amazon is a tribe of Artemis forever more. No one may dispute, discuss, or offer compromise to our statement as it is inviolate in our eyes. This does not mean we require that you all worship her, it means that all of you respect the fact that Artemis is our matron Goddess and protector of this tribe.

Come now everyone you are invited to join with us in this joyous occasion of rededication to our founding Goddess. Let us rejoice and celebrate with us for for Artemis is pleased that we have once again remembered her, as the one who called Spirit Amazon into existence, for without her call we would not be here.

Your council,


As of October 31st, 2001 at 1:43 PM, Spirit Amazon and Amazon Dawn are once more tribes of Artemis.

Rededication Vow

(Lyssa stepping forward raising her hands to heart level, open palms to the sky in supplication)

You who awakened us to the truth, hear us.
You who guides our path, hear us.
You who speaks to our hearts, hear us.
You who are the creator of the vision and our mission, hear us.

(lifting the Sword to the full moon)

We stand before you ready and willing to
rededicate our swords in your name and to your service,
and ask that you Bless us with peace and joy in our tribe.

(lifting the Bow to the full moon)

We dedicate the strength of our bows in your honor, following the path of your Silver Bow.
May your light ever shine on the path of Spirit Amazon (Amazon Dawn).
May our arrows always fly true
May our hearts and souls always be Amazon
May we always live up to your faith in us.

Bless us Artemis for we are your people, your children
continue to watch over and protect us as we learn our way
for always will we honor your name in this tribe,
we may have other faiths and beliefs among us,
but we all know we are Artemis' Amazons.

In you honor, Artemis, this dedication is said,
may you receive it with an open heart this day,
for your tribe has been returned to your light and wisdom.

January 22nd, 2002:

)0( Spirit Amazon announces new leadership and relocates. Amazon Dawn is proclaimed a separate tribe. Artemis will remain the tribe's patronness. )0(

The Greek Goddess Artemis is a multifaceted virgin Goddess. She was born of Zeus and Leto, and is the twin sister to Apollo. She is most commonly known as a Moon Goddess and Goddess of the Hunt. She is the Patron Goddess of the Amazons and Her day of worship is the 6th day of the New Moon. As a Moon Goddess, they say She rides Her silver chariot pulled by silver stags across the sky and shoots Her arrows of silver moonlight to the Earth below. As the Goddess of the Hunt, She is the protectress of wild places and wild animals. She loves to roam the forests and knows the deep places in Nature where one can relax and regain strength. She is often seen followed by wild beasts and loves singing and dancing with her nymphs. Physically, She is often depicted carrying a silver bow and arrow made by Hephaestus and the Cyclopes and sometimes depicted with a crescent moon above Her forehead. Artemis is one of three Goddesses immune to Aphrodite’s enchantments (the other two being Hestia and Athena). She prides herself on Her chastity and punishes those who attempt to dishonor Her. One myth tells of Actaeon who snuck up on the Goddess and Her nymphs while they were bathing. He did not turn away, instead creeping closer and when he was caught, Artemis turned him into a stag and Her hounds tore him to pieces. Another tells of Orion who attempted to rape Her. In one version, Artemis kills him with Her bow and arrow and in another, She conjures up a scorpion that kills him and his dog, Sirius. They are both turned into constellations. Though a virgin, Artemis is also considered a Goddess of Fertility and Childbirth. She was said to be the protectress of women in labor but it was said that it was Her arrows that brought them sudden death during or immediately after. Artemis and Her brother Apollo are healing deities but She has also brought about diseases such as rabies and leprosy. Callisto is one of Artemis’ titles used to denote Her connections with the bear, one of Her sacred animals. She is also known as the "Hunter of Souls" and a shape-shifter. Artemis is often identified with Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Moon.

Though the Greek goddess herself was not actually acknowledged by the Amazons, she was honored under different titles: Artemis Astrateia, Artemis Tauropolos, and Artemis of Ephesis.

Trees sacred to Artemis: Almond, Bay Laurel, Cedar, Cypress, Fir, Myrtle, Rowan, and Willow.
Herbs sacred to Artemis: Aster, Daisy, Hyacinth, Moonwort, Mugwort, and Wormwood.
Animals sacred to Artemis: Deer/Stags, geese, wild dogs, fish, goats, bees, quail, and bears.

-The Witches’ Web of Moon Deities
-The Encyclopedia Mythica
-Greek Mythology
-Gerina Dunwich /"Wicca Craft"/ Paperback / Carol Publishing Group / May 1991
-D.J. Conway /"Maiden, Mother, Crone"/ Paperback / Llewellyn Publications / July 1994

(1) Bolen, Jean Shinoda; Goddesses in Everywoman; Harper & Row Publications; New York, NY; 1984, pg 50.

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(c) Antianara. Page set featured on this page created by Antianara for Amazon Dawn.