After much consideration, the Council of Elders of Spirit Amazon has determined that it is in the Tribe’s best interest to close membership beginning November 1st and continuing through April 15th while we make some much needed adjustments to our Tribal Code and structure. As Amazon Dawn is a part of Spirit Amazon, these changes will affect AD as well.
Concerning enrollment into the Amazon Dawn tribe, some changes you can expect include, but are not limited to:
1) New member enrollment will be altered; the way in which this will change has yet to be specified. This is something the Council will be working on over the winter but we are considering sponsored membership (it means tribe members would sponsor(mentor) new members to join).
2) The Tribal Welcome letter will be revised and will include the Tribal Code, a guide to the website, password for the bio page, an introduction to the Council, who to write to, etc. All the things a new member should know. In addition to that there will be a monthly reminder of this welcome letter (maybe in a shorter but always updated version) sent to all tribe members to keep everybody informed and up to date with tribal goings on.
3) Upon reopening of membership, new members will be STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to introduce themselves upon joining. The same encouragement goes out to participation. We are a cyber community. Communication is the tribe's life line. Spirit Amazon will keep growing and evolving by the grace of the input of it's members. That is quite a task, but a very rewarding one in the end. We do need your creative thoughts and energy though, and we need it from each and every one of you !
Sorry for the inconvenience. We look forward to seeing you come April 15th 2002.
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