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Barnes & Noble Booksellers
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Llewellyn Publications

Women Warriors: A History by David E. Jones [Paperback - 280 pages (March 2000) Brasseys Inc.]

The Warrior Queens by Antonia Fraser [Paperback - 383 pages Reprint edition (April 1990) Vintage Books]

The Encyclopedia of Amazons by Jessica Amanda Salmonson [Paperback Reprint edition (August 1992) Anchor]

On the Trail of the Women Warriors : The Amazons in Myth and History by Lyn Webster Wilde [Hardcover - 213 pages 1 edition Vol 1 (March 30, 1999) Constable & Co Ltd.]

The Mammoth Book of Heroic & Outrageous Women by Gemma Alexander (Editor) [Paperback - 512 pages 1 Carroll edition (October 1999) Carroll & Graf]

Herodotus: The Histories (Penguin Classics) by Herodotus, John M. Marincola, Aubrey De Selincourt (Introduction)[Paperback - 622 pages Reprint edition (September 1996) Penguin USA (Paper)]

The New Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan [Paperback - 384 pages 3rd edition (November 1997) Llewellyn Publications]

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