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When I Wake Up

Each morning when I open my eyes,I thank my God that kept me through the night.I feel the agonizing pain In my legs and thank Him that I have legs to feel pain in.

I look outside at His beauty and I give thanks to God that I have eyes to see

.When I hear birds chirping, I thank Him for ears to hear those sweet sounds.

When I look outside and view dark clouds.

He Is sending rain to nuture the trees'flowers,and gardens. And Oh how I praise Him.

Then when the weather seems too hot,

I praise Him for the roof over my head, and the knowlege that He gave man to invent the air conditioner.

He has blessed me for many years and I praise Him. I give thanks for all He has done for me.

And all that He has In store for me. But most of all, I praise Him for the gift of salvation.

Written By Adria Roberts

Angelheart © 1985
