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Life With Jesus

It's me again Lord. I never fail to ask for prayer, and ----OH this time Lord you were right there. The Dr, was to perform a stress test today but I could not take the nuclear medicine so I died for 2 minutes I had went into cardiac arrest.

The next thing I knew I was in ICU, my children my husband and my preacher were by my side praying, two nurses had kept pushing they didn't give up they continued pushing my rib cage. they told me later that I wasen't alone when they did code blue, that God was In the room with us.

The nurses told me that God was guiding their hands. The DR. started life support and suddenly a miracle took place I started breathing on my own, and the last thing that I remembered was begging the Dr. to stop I could not breathe, so as time passed I was able to breathe on my own.

I am so grateful to Jesus for giving me a second chance at life, I wish I could say that I had seen wonders, (( but I did not see these things )) I am writing this In the hospital, room 304.

It Is with great concern That I pray you are ready to meet Jesus, because I had no warning, and If I had died unsaved I would not have been in Heaven to meet our King, but I had Jesus In my heart. So please give your life to God, as you may not get a second chance . I want to thank God for life a little longer, More time to get our loved ones In.

So I will take advatage of my time here on earth,I thank Him for my family that prayed and waited. And thank Him for my Church family and my Blessed Pastor and give a thanks to all the staff at Bellfonte Hospital. God Seen.---- God heard---,and God delivered.And this Is all true, I was the one In cardiac arrest.

As Christians, we should understand that while we might pull the wool over on man's eyes, even possibly for a lifetime, you can be sure God doesn't miss a thing! In Proverbs 15:3 it says, "The eyes of the LORD [are] in EVERY place, beholding the evil and the good."

Written By Adria Roberts

Angelheart © 2003

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