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~Look ~In ~The~ Mirror~

My Jesus walked upon this earth, many years ago. He watched the fleeting changes, he saw man's heart wax cold.

But now he lives in Heaven waiting for a change, and he see's inside the churches when we shout and praise his name.

But he also knows when we go home, how our life is lived,and if we have true salvation, that only he can give.

We may attend a church and set upon the pew, but when we all go home, how is life for you?

Do you have religion or salvation sent from God, our lives are like an open book that sinner friends look upon.

They look through the pages and in our life can see, if we are truly serving God or living fancy free.

Anyone can go to church, and say that they have been saved. But our life viewed by the world, is an open book today.

Jesus see's inside the heart, do you feel you are free.Go look into the mirror, and now what do you see. Do you see a christian, or just a want to be.

You might justify the person that's looking back at you. But Jesus knows this person, so to thy self be true.

~Written~By~Adria Roberts

