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I Need Help

I am a 63 year old woman and have had panic attacks and anxiety for about 42 years. They are usually very well controlled except during some times of extreme stress. I have trained myself in how to handle them when they come on so I can usually short-circuit them before they get too bad. When I first started with them, sleep was an escape. Now, however, my situation is changing. Since I was pregnant with my first child I now have occasional attacks at night which awaken me and I am in a full blown attack. These are harder to control because they are so developed by the time I wake up. I have them about every day, but am fearful about waking up with one all the time. I am most fearful when my husband is gone and I am alone. I am anxious all day long and then am afraid to go to sleep. I am afraid that I will awaken with one of these attacks and won't be able to handle it alone, it will be "The Big One". Also, the way that I use to handle the attacks during the day is to keep very busy and when I lay down to sleep, I am not capable of using that technique to control the attacks. I feel that with God's help I handle my anxiety very well, but this problem is getting worse and I don't know how to handle it. It is common for people with panic to live their lives in fear of the "Big One" I say this as I sit alone with my heart racing. I have read that panic "burns out" with age and that I will have these less as I age. This is not true. I am very fearful of what will happen to me when I get older and perhaps won't have my husband with me. I know I am a christian, but I still have the panic, I ask God== I need help== maybe one day I will be normal=please God help me.

written By Adria Roberts