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Hope At Last

I have experienced  panic attacks and become so overwhelmed with fear, I could hardly  function at all. When the panic overcomes me, I hyperventilate, I get sick to my stomach, my throat gets tight.  It becomes difficult to swallow and to breathe and it can feel like I am choking.  At that moment, all I want to do is flee from what I believe is causing my anxiety. The other physical symptoms I get can also be distressing.   It also affects my bowels too and can cause constant diarrhea and at its worst you loose total control and go to the bathroom on yourself. Always anticipating what was to come, I lived in a constant state of anxiety and fear and have worried constantaly for as long as I can remember. What did I fear you ask? Was something going to happen to my husband or children today? If they were a little late getting home my mind would always go to the worst, I knew the school bus had wrecked or my husband was in an auto accident, but I also realized I needed help, my doctor is working on helping me, but he has been for 41 years,I have been in and out of hospitals,I have came a long way, but without God in my life, I would have been in a mental institution. Thank you God for keeping me sane. There is hope. Try Jesus you won't go back.

Written By Adria Roberts