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You Can Be Free

The Early Warnings, People who are deeply depressed sometimes reach a point at which living seems intolerable. Often, they will give clues to this feeling by the things they say. If you hear someone say any of the following, take it seriously-there is a possibility of suicide, and a help is recommended, life isn't worth living. My family would be better off without time I'll take enough pills to do the job right, or you'll be sorry when I'm gone. "There's nothing I can do to make it better, or other, similar statements. Do not assume that the situation will correct itself. Express your concern to the person who is saying these things by showing that you are willing to listen and to seek professional help for him or her from a qualified doctor. This is a cry for help, or they would have kept it a secret. There is still time to help a poor depressed soul. Watch for signs of depression, remember the life you save could be your own. Seek help from a friend, family member, or someone you trust. If you know God turn to Him, If you don't know God ask, and you shall receive.

Written By Adria Roberts