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It's Not Over

My panic attacks are real.Whenever someone suggests that I "just relax" or talk myself out of it, I have to say "Well don't you think that I would if I could? Do you think that this is a hobby? I am suffering and if I had the choice, believe me, it would not be to feel like this". I am so tired of people accepting illnesses that are below forehead level but being hush hush about any illness that occurs in the brain. The brain is part of our bodies and when it does not function properly that is a physical illness and no different from any other body part that has illness. If I had someone over for dinner who had diabetes, I would not serve them a pie containing sugar and tell them to just think positive and get through the sugar rush. I would adjust the menu accordingly. For people who have panic, a little consideration would be nice. We are not asking for pity...just a little consideration, panic attacks are not a joke. Help is needed, we are human. I know Doctors, do not have all the answers yet, but we can still have hope. We need support from our families, which is difficult to get at times. If you've never suffered panic, it is hard to console even a spouse. Please think before you pass judgement. It could be you.

Written By Adria Roberts