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When I Was A Child

In childhood I listened to stories.
I didn't know the stories were real
People were telling of Heaven and hell
So I began to wonder If I died.
" Where would my soul dwell".

At times I would think about Jesus
Had he really died on a cross
Then I thought about satan.
" Thinking was I really lost".

But time began to tell.

" The stories were real "
I found a Bible to read.
I found in God's Holy word
Heaven was very real indeed.

So If you read this,
" Teach your children".
Tell them of Heaven and hell.
Then when they grow older.
You've left a mark"And taught them well.

I never grew up in a Christian home
But I married and made A promise.
Here is where I will be.
Teaching my children of God,
So that through my life they will see.

I also promise this ,
I will be the best parent I can be,
But without God in my life.
How could I teach my children to see .

Written By Adria Roberts


Copyright © June 11 2001