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As I walked along the silvery sands and the ocean came into view. A miracle before my eyes beheld the things that God can do.

The ocean seemed to touch the sky as waves came into shore.Oh thank you God for beauty, who could ask for more.

I gazed upon the tiny shells that had drifted into shore.God has given us so much, we know He created earth and more.

When I see a sunset I know He placed It there. Trees so green and mighty, flowers soft with dew. How can you not believe God gave this to you.

He controls the seasons and touches all our days. How can man deny Him and go their wicked ways.

I gave my heart to Jesus many years ago, I shall always love Him , He died to save my soul.

So when you see a sunset or view these things below. They were made by Jesus that gave His life to make us whole.

Written by Adria Roberts

copyright © 2001
