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God Bless America

I sit here writing this after watching In disbelief, the horror that took place Sept,11,2001.

Thinking this cant be happening In America.But It did, now we must help In some way, but the pain will never go away.

So many lives were lost, and we the people are helpless, we cannot feel the real pain those family members are experiencing. We can pray, but their pain will still be there.

To all the people who have lost there lives † All Over The Nation † In this † Attack On †.America.†

We are truly amazed at the help and support of other's and will never really understand fully why these people had to lose their lives.

We would just like to extend our heart felt sympathy to each and every one, who has a family member or has known some one in this tragedy.

May we all open our heart's and keep them safe for they are all victims May we all keep them in our thought's always.

May we have the strength to carry on It will be a hard task and It will effect us always.

Hopefully with time the pain will Ease and we will often ask our self why? We open our arms full of love to embrace. those left behind in the hopes of giving some comfort in their time of great sorrow. The world mourns with you•

We ask, what Is the answer to this tragic, terror, do we go to war, and with whom do we fight. I send my prayers, but they offer little comfort to the family.

Let us pray daily for this tragic event,

Is war the answer? Then more and more will die. our president Is trying, but we will not hear their plans...which is good..we must keep them secret.

I ask God to touch every home, and Bless America.

So I love the USA, and ask God to help us, and lead us In the right direction, the fight has just begun..God Bless The USA

written by Adria Roberts


copyright © 9/15/2001
