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You're Not Alone

You're depressed (alone)You deny there Is a hell for sinners, alone and lost, and those who fell along the way, my Saviour paid the cost.

A lake of fire there awaits for those that deny my God, there will be screaming, there will be pain, Heaven you've lost and In hell you'll remain.

You'll want to run-to get away-But you're there through eternity,-and now It's too late. You'll cry to my Lord and plead for salvation, you'll think of the one that made all creation.

You've heard that the Kingdom of God Is at hand, but ignored His calling and His words you reprimand. You'll wish you had given your poor soul to Him.

The one that forgives us and saves us from sin.But If you're down there you cannot come In.

Oh***poor sinner before It's too late,call on my Jesus before you've sealed you fate. His arms are open wide as He stands at the gate, please head this warning before Its too late.

Written BY Adria Roberts

January 1 © 2002
