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My Brothers Son

The car above was bought for my nephew the day he died, he was so happy, he was married 21 years old and a small baby waited at home with Its mother.

He had a friend drop by checking out his car, naturally his friend must test drive It, although he was drinking, and my nephew had to go along.

They were across the railroad track maybe 300 ft, from his home, a train was coming but his friend said he could beat the train, but he didn't.

The friend lived but was so broken up, after months In a hospital he survived. Then was told our Jimmy never made It.but It was too late, all the I'm sorry's didn't help.

My most incredible rage was for the people who made the idiotic comments like--God wanted him more", or "it's not for us to know", or "everything happens for a reason", or "it was God's will.At that time I was very hurt and disturbed

I was told that I would never know the answer---BUT---they were wrong. I DO know the answer. The answer is that there IS a God and I am not him! You see, my higher power doesn't operate like a puppeteer--pulling all the strings.

Some things that happen are God's will, some are man's will and some things happen for no good reason at all. I believe that Jimmie's death falls in the second and third categories.

God didn't have his hands on the steering wheel or his foot on the gas when the car hit the railroad tressle. The driver did that (man) and it was Jimmie's's poor decision to ride with him in the first place. I believe that God was the first one to cry that day the first one.

Written by Adria Roberts


Jan, 5 2001`© copyright