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My Sisters Diary

Brian's family had been hit by a drunk driver, one child survived, he was 16 at the time, he had stayed home to do his class assignment for the next day at school.

Now his father, mother and sister were gone, he wandered why he was left alone, now he would need to live with his grandma, and finish school, The driver of the other car was David, his sisters boyfriend

This was a nightmare for him, only It was real and he must face what lies ahead, he began by cleaning out his closet and proceded to keep his mind occupied. But as he walked into his sisters room, he coudn't help but notice his sisters diary lying on her night stand.

He would never invade his sisters privicy, but he had to know the last page that she had written, so he began to read, her fears were her boyfriend had started drinking and driving, his name was David.

Then the pieces started to fit Into his puzzeled mind, David was the driver of the other car,David had been drinking and ended the lives of his family and also the sister that David had planned to marry . Reality had came at last to,the son left alone.

So now his next step was that he must tell the world to be aware that the responsibility to reduce drinking and driving is everyone's. If you don't drink, you may know someone who does. Make an effort to discourage this action.

If a friend who is drunk or has been drinking insists on driving you may want to "lose" his/her keys. The best and simplest advice to follow is, don't drink and drive. If you don't stop a friend from drinking and driving who will?

If he had talked to his sister more or discused drinking and driving with David, Brians family might have been alive today, but only God knows, If he could have helped to prevent this tragic situation.(Please Don't Drink and Drive)

Written By Adria Roberts


January 23 2001 ©